Library for collecting HTTPS-notif protocol messages defined on the IETF draft draft-ietf-netconf-https-notif-08.
The collector allows to read HTTPS-notif protocol messages from a ip/port specified on the parameters. It allows to get directly the buffer and the metadata of the message in a struct.
The api is in unyte_https_collector.h
unyte_https_collector_t *unyte_https_start_collector(unyte_https_options_t *options)
: Initialize the HTTPS-notif messages collector. It accepts a struct with different options: address (the IP address to listen to), port (port to listen to).void *unyte_https_queue_read(unyte_https_queue_t *queue)
: read from a queue a struct with all the message buffer and unyte_https_free_msg(unyte_https_msg_met_t * msg)
: free all struct used on a message received.
Simple example of usage of a client client_sample.c:
/!\ To run the samples, a TLS private key and certificate should be generated first. See TLS layer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// include installed library headers
#include <unyte-https-notif/unyte_https_collector.h>
#include <unyte-https-notif/unyte_https_utils.h>
#define SERVERKEYFILE "private.key"
#define SERVERCERTFILE "certificate.pem"
int main()
// Load cert file and key file for TLS encription
char *key_pem = load_file(SERVERKEYFILE);
char *cert_pem = load_file(SERVERCERTFILE);
if ((key_pem == NULL) || (cert_pem == NULL))
printf("The key/certificate files could not be read.\n");
return 1;
// Initialize collector options
unyte_https_options_t options = {0};
options.address = argv[1];
options.port = atoi(argv[2]);
options.cert_pem = cert_pem;
options.key_pem = key_pem;
options.disable_xml_encoding = false; // enable xml encoding
options.disable_json_encoding = false; // enable json encoding
// Initialize collector
unyte_https_collector_t *collector = unyte_https_start_collector(&options);
// Example with infinite loop, change the break condition to be able to free all struct gracefully
while (1)
void *res = unyte_https_queue_read(collector->queue);
unyte_https_msg_met_t *msg = (unyte_https_msg_met_t *)res;
// TODO: Process the HTTPS-notif message here
printf("unyte_https_get_src: %s\n", unyte_https_get_src(msg)->ss_family == AF_INET ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");
printf("unyte_https_get_payload: %s\n", unyte_https_get_payload(msg));
printf("unyte_https_get_payload_length: %lu\n", unyte_https_get_payload_length(msg));
printf("unyte_https_get_content_type: %s\n", unyte_https_get_content_type(msg));
// Printing HTTPS-notif message on stdout
print_https_notif_msg(msg, stdout);
// Freeing struct
// Stopping the collector and the https server
// Freeing all dynamic mallocs
// Freeing key_pem and cer_pem pointers
return 0;
To process the message data, all the headers, meta-data and payload are found on the struct unyte_https_msg_met_t defined on unyte_https_utils.h:
typedef struct unyte_msg_with_metadata
uint16_t src_port; // source port
uint32_t src_addr; // source address IPv4
char *payload; // payload buffer
size_t payload_length; // payload buffer size
char *content_type; // payload buffer content type (application/json | application/xml)
} unyte_https_msg_met_t;
uint16_t unyte_https_get_src_port(unyte_https_msg_met_t *msg);
: source port of the messageuint32_t unyte_https_get_src_addr(unyte_https_msg_met_t *msg);
: source address of the messagechar *unyte_https_get_payload(unyte_https_msg_met_t *msg);
: payload buffersize_t unyte_https_get_payload_length(unyte_https_msg_met_t *msg);
: payload buffer sizechar *unyte_https_get_content_type(unyte_https_msg_met_t *msg);
: content type of the message (application/json | application/xml)
To use/test TLS layer, you should generate the certificate first :
$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
$ openssl req -days 365 -out certificate.pem -new -x509 -key private.key