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A client wrapper for the morris game server.

	Java 8 Installed

	Requires: morris-game-common
To compile and install into your local maven repo run:
	mvn clean install
This will create the following jar:
You can copy this jar file to a more convenient location. 
The Client Wrapper can run in two modes:
	Mode 1 runs as a web-server and needs to have an IP accessible from the internet.
	Mode 2 runs as a client and calls the server.  Mode 2 is probably the easier to use.
Client Wrapper Running in Mode 1

Description: The client wrapper runs as a stand-alone web server and listens for inbound move requests from the Game Server.
Move requests from the Game Server come in as API end-point calls to "api/clientWrapper".
The wrapper creates a Move Input File, runs the command you specified for your algorithm, and returns your
move to the Game Server. When starting the Client Wrapper you can specify the port number for it to listen on.

	An IP address & Port that's reachable from the internet that you can run the client wrapper from.
	(ex.) java -jar morris-game-client-wrapper-1.1-final.jar mode1 PORT_NUM OPENING_COMMAND MID_END_GAME_COMMAND

Argument Details:
	PORT_NUM: What port between 1025 & 65535 for the client wrapper to listen on.

Client Wrapper Running in Mode 2

Description: The client wrapper runs as a web client and makes calls to the server, creating & playing games like
you would if you were playing through the browser.

	(ex.) java -jar morris-game-client-wrapper-1.1-final.jar mode2 USERNAME PASSWORD "GAME_SERVER_URL" OPENING_COMMAND MID_END_GAME_COMMAND

Common Argument Details:

	OPENING_COMMAND & MID_END_GAME_COMMAND: Text files that say what command line command to run to get a move.

	(ex.) OPENING_COMMAND: java -cp my-project.jar ABOpening MOVE_INPUT_FILE* MOVE_OUTPUT_FILE* 6

	MID_END_GAME_COMMAND follows the same basic format as the OPENING_COMMAND
	You would need to replace the contents of the OPENING_COMMAND & MID_END_GAME_COMMAND with the appropriate
	commands to run your algorithm.
	*Note: Leave "MOVE_INPUT_FILE" & "MOVE_OUTPUT_FILE" as the name of the input/output files.
	The Client Wrapper replaces these with a MOVE_INPUT_FILE_(current timestamp).txt when executing your command.


A client wrapper for the morris game server






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