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SHoltzen committed Oct 2, 2023
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Expand Up @@ -26,4 +26,7 @@ reference:
* Lecture 1: Introduction and overview
* Lecture 2: Propositional Probability I: Semantics
* Lecture 3: Propositional Probability II: Reasoning
* Lecture 4: Propositional Probability III: Compiling
* Lecture 4: Propositional Probability III: Compiling
* Lecture 5: Binary Decision Diagrams I
* Lecture 6: Binary Decision Diagrams II
* Lecture 7: Discrete Probabilistic Programs
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Expand Up @@ -172,182 +172,6 @@ \section{Compositional compilation of BDDs}
top-down compilation is faster than bottom-up and vice-versa.

\section{\disc{}: A simple discrete PPL}

\item Syntax:
e ::=
| x $\leftarrow$ e; e
| observe e; e
| flip q // q is a rational value
| if e then e else e
| return e
| true | false
| e $\land$ e | e $\lor$ e | $\neg$ e |
| ( e )
p ::= e

\item \disc{} looks very similar to a standard functional programming language,
but has two some interesting new keywords: \texttt{flip}, \texttt{observe}, and

\item $\texttt{flip}~\theta$ allocates a new random quantity that is $\true$
with probability $\theta$ and $\false$ with probability $1-\theta$

\item \texttt{return e} turns a non-probabilistic quantity into a probabilistic one, i.e.
\texttt{return true} is a \emph{probabilistic quantity} that is $\true$ with probability 1 and
$\false$ with probability 0

\item Example program and its interpretation:

x $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
y $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
return x $\land$ y

This program outputs the probability distribution $[\true \mapsto 0.25, \false
\mapsto 0.75]$.

\item \texttt{observe} is a powerful keyword that lets us \emph{condition} the
program. For instance, suppose I want to model the following scenario: ``flip
two coins and observe that at least one of them is heads. What is the probability
that the first coin was heads?''

We can encode this scenario as a \disc{} program:

x $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
y $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
observe x $\lor$ y;
return x

This program outputs the probability distribution:
[\true \mapsto (0.25 + 0.25) / 0.75, \false
\mapsto 0.25 / 0.75]

\item \textbf{Type system}: terms can either be pure Booleans of type $\bool$
or distributions on Booleans of type $\dist{\bool}$. So, we have the following
type definition:
\tau ::= \bool \mid \dist{\bool}.

\item We define a typing judgment $\Gamma \vdash \te : \tau$ that associates each
term with a type. The typing context $\Gamma$ is a map from identifiers to types.
\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \true{} : \bool} \and
\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \false{} : \bool} \and
\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{flip}~\theta : \dist{\bool}} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te : \bool}{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{return}~\te : \dist{\bool}} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \bool \and \Gamma \vdash \te_2 : \tau}
{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{observe}~\te_1; \te_2 : \tau} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \dist{\bool} \and \Gamma \cup [x \mapsto \bool] \vdash \te_2 : \tau}
{\Gamma \vdash x \leftarrow \te_1; \te_2 : \tau} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \bool \and \Gamma \vdash \te_2 : \tau \and \Gamma \vdash \te_3 : \tau}
{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{if}~\te_1~\texttt{then}~\te_2~\texttt{else}~\te_3 : \tau} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \bool \and \Gamma \vdash \te_2 : \bool}
{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 \land \te_2 : \bool}


\subsection{Denotational semantics of \disc{}}

\item Associates each term with an \emph{unnormalized probability distribution}
(i.e., the total probability mass may be less than 1).
\item Has the type $\dbracket{\te} : \texttt{Bool} \rightarrow [0, 1]$,
and has the following inductive definition:

[\![\texttt{flip}~\theta]\!](v) =
\theta& \quad \text{if }v = T\\
1-\theta& \quad \text{if }v = F\\

[\![\texttt{return}~e]\!](v) =
1\quad& \text{if }v = [\![e]\!]\\
0\quad& \text{otherwise}\\

[\![x \leftarrow e_1; e_2]\!](v) = \sum_{v'} [\![{e_1}]\!](v') \times [\![{e_2[x \mapsto v']}]\!](v)

[\![\texttt{observe}~e_1; e_2]\!](v) =
\sum_{\{v' \mid [\![{e_1}(v') = T\}]\!]} [\![{e_2}]\!](v)

\item The semantics for non-probabilistic terms is standard. The semantic evaluation has type
$[[e]]: \texttt{Bool}$ for closed terms.

\item These semantics give an unnormalized distribution. The main semantic object of interest is
the normalized distribution, which is given by the \defn{normalized semantics}:

[\![e]\!]_D(T) = \frac{[\![e]\!](T)}{[\![e]\!](T) + [\![e]\!](F) },

defined analogously for the false case.

% \subsection{Inference via enumeration}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Define a relation $\te \Downarrow^e $
% \end{itemize}

\subsection{Compiling \disc{} to \prop{}}
\item \textbf{Goal}: give a semantics-preserving compilation
$\rightsquigarrow$ that compiles \disc{} to \prop{}
\item In order to handle observations, we will compile \disc{} programs into
\emph{two} \prop{} programs: one that computes the unnormalized probability of
returning $\true$, and one that computes the probability of evidence (i.e. normalizing constant)
\item Inductive description has the shape $\te \compiles (\texttt{p}_1, \texttt{p}_2)$. We want to
define this relation to satisfy the following \textbf{adequacy condition}:
\dbracket{\te}_D(\true) = \frac{\dbracket{\prog_1}}{\dbracket{\prog_2}}.
We will shorten this description to $\te \compiles
(\varphi, \varphi_A, w)$ and assume that the two formulae share a common
$w$. The adequacy condition then becomes:
\dbracket{\te}_D(\true) = \frac{\dbracket{(\varphi, w)}}{\dbracket{(\varphi_A, w)}}.
\item Compilation relation:
\inferrule{}{\true \compiles (\true, \true, \emptyset)} \and
\inferrule{}{\false \compiles (\false, \true, \emptyset)} \and
\inferrule{}{x \compiles (x, \true, \emptyset)} \and
{\texttt{flip}~\theta \compiles (x, \true, [x \mapsto \theta, \overline{x} \mapsto 1-\theta])} \and
\inferrule{\te_1 \compiles (\varphi, \varphi_A, w) \and \te_2 \compiles (\varphi', \varphi_A', w')}
{x \leftarrow \te_1; \te_2 \compiles (\varphi'[\varphi/x], \varphi_A'[\varphi/x] \land \varphi_A, w_1 \cup w_2)} \and
\inferrule{\te_1 \compiles (\varphi, \varphi_A, w) \and \te_2 \compiles (\varphi', \varphi_A', w')}
{\texttt{observe}~\te_1; \te_2 \compiles (\varphi', \varphi_A' \land \varphi_A, w_1 \cup w_2)}

For well-typed term $\te$,
assume $\te \compiles (\varphi, \varphi_A, w)$. Then,
$\dbracket{\te}_D(\true) = {\dbracket{(\varphi, w)}} / {\dbracket{(\varphi_A, w)}}$.

\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \bddtrue{} \land \alpha \Downarrow \alpha} \and
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@

\title{Discrete Probabilistic Programming Languages\thanks{CS7470 Fall 2023: Foundations of Probabilistic Programming.}}


\author[]{Steven Holtzen\\[email protected]}

%\date{28 March 2010} % without \date command, current date is supplied

%\geometry{showframe} % display margins for debugging page layout

\maketitle% this prints the handout title, author, and date

\section{\disc{}: A simple discrete PPL}

\item Syntax:
e ::=
| x $\leftarrow$ e; e
| observe e; e
| flip q // q is a rational value
| if e then e else e
| return e
| true | false
| e $\land$ e | e $\lor$ e | $\neg$ e |
| ( e )
p ::= e

\item \disc{} looks very similar to a standard functional programming language,
but has two some interesting new keywords: \texttt{flip}, \texttt{observe}, and

\item $\texttt{flip}~\theta$ allocates a new random quantity that is $\true$
with probability $\theta$ and $\false$ with probability $1-\theta$

\item \texttt{return e} turns a non-probabilistic quantity into a probabilistic one, i.e.
\texttt{return true} is a \emph{probabilistic quantity} that is $\true$ with probability 1 and
$\false$ with probability 0

\item Example program and its interpretation:

x $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
y $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
return x $\land$ y

This program outputs the probability distribution $[\true \mapsto 0.25, \false
\mapsto 0.75]$.

\item \texttt{observe} is a powerful keyword that lets us \emph{condition} the
program. For instance, suppose I want to model the following scenario: ``flip
two coins and observe that at least one of them is heads. What is the probability
that the first coin was heads?''

We can encode this scenario as a \disc{} program:

x $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
y $\leftarrow$ flip 0.5;
observe x $\lor$ y;
return x

This program outputs the probability distribution:
[\true \mapsto (0.25 + 0.25) / 0.75, \false
\mapsto 0.25 / 0.75]

\item \textbf{Type system}: terms can either be pure Booleans of type $\bool$
or distributions on Booleans of type $\dist{\bool}$. So, we have the following
type definition:
\tau ::= \bool \mid \dist{\bool}.

\item We define a typing judgment $\Gamma \vdash \te : \tau$ that associates each
term with a type. The typing context $\Gamma$ is a map from identifiers to types.
\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \true{} : \bool} \and
\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \false{} : \bool} \and
\inferrule{}{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{flip}~\theta : \dist{\bool}} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te : \bool}{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{return}~\te : \dist{\bool}} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \bool \and \Gamma \vdash \te_2 : \tau}
{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{observe}~\te_1; \te_2 : \tau} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \dist{\bool} \and \Gamma \cup [x \mapsto \bool] \vdash \te_2 : \tau}
{\Gamma \vdash x \leftarrow \te_1; \te_2 : \tau} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \bool \and \Gamma \vdash \te_2 : \tau \and \Gamma \vdash \te_3 : \tau}
{\Gamma \vdash \texttt{if}~\te_1~\texttt{then}~\te_2~\texttt{else}~\te_3 : \tau} \and
\inferrule{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 : \bool \and \Gamma \vdash \te_2 : \bool}
{\Gamma \vdash \te_1 \land \te_2 : \bool}


\subsection{Denotational semantics of \disc{}}

\item Associates each term with an \emph{unnormalized probability distribution}
(i.e., the total probability mass may be less than 1).
\item Has the type $\dbracket{\te} : \texttt{Bool} \rightarrow [0, 1]$,
and has the following inductive definition:

[\![\texttt{flip}~\theta]\!](v) =
\theta& \quad \text{if }v = T\\
1-\theta& \quad \text{if }v = F\\

[\![\texttt{return}~e]\!](v) =
1\quad& \text{if }v = [\![e]\!]\\
0\quad& \text{otherwise}\\

[\![x \leftarrow e_1; e_2]\!](v) = \sum_{v'} [\![{e_1}]\!](v') \times [\![{e_2[x \mapsto v']}]\!](v)

[\![\texttt{observe}~e_1; e_2]\!](v) =
\sum_{\{v' \mid [\![{e_1}(v') = T\}]\!]} [\![{e_2}]\!](v)

\item The semantics for non-probabilistic terms is standard. The semantic evaluation has type
$[[e]]: \texttt{Bool}$ for closed terms.

\item These semantics give an unnormalized distribution. The main semantic object of interest is
the normalized distribution, which is given by the \defn{normalized semantics}:

[\![e]\!]_D(T) = \frac{[\![e]\!](T)}{[\![e]\!](T) + [\![e]\!](F) },

defined analogously for the false case.

% \subsection{Inference via enumeration}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Define a relation $\te \Downarrow^e $
% \end{itemize}


\section{Compiling \disc{} to \prop{}}
\item \textbf{Goal}: give a semantics-preserving compilation
$\rightsquigarrow$ that compiles \disc{} to \prop{}
\item In order to handle observations, we will compile \disc{} programs into
\emph{two} \prop{} programs: one that computes the unnormalized probability of
returning $\true$, and one that computes the probability of evidence (i.e. normalizing constant)
\item Inductive description has the shape $\te \compiles (\texttt{p}_1, \texttt{p}_2)$. We want to
define this relation to satisfy the following \textbf{adequacy condition}:
\dbracket{\te}_D(\true) = \frac{\dbracket{\prog_1}}{\dbracket{\prog_2}}.
We will shorten this description to $\te \compiles
(\varphi, \varphi_A, w)$ and assume that the two formulae share a common
$w$. The adequacy condition then becomes:
\dbracket{\te}_D(\true) = \frac{\dbracket{(\varphi, w)}}{\dbracket{(\varphi_A, w)}}.
\item Compilation relation:
\inferrule{}{\true \compiles (\true, \true, \emptyset)} \and
\inferrule{}{\false \compiles (\false, \true, \emptyset)} \and
\inferrule{}{x \compiles (x, \true, \emptyset)} \and
{\texttt{flip}~\theta \compiles (x, \true, [x \mapsto \theta, \overline{x} \mapsto 1-\theta])} \and
\inferrule{\te_1 \compiles (\varphi, \varphi_A, w) \and \te_2 \compiles (\varphi', \varphi_A', w')}
{x \leftarrow \te_1; \te_2 \compiles (\varphi'[\varphi/x], \varphi_A'[\varphi/x] \land \varphi_A, w_1 \cup w_2)} \and
\inferrule{\te_1 \compiles (\varphi, \varphi_A, w) \and \te_2 \compiles (\varphi', \varphi_A', w')}
{\texttt{observe}~\te_1; \te_2 \compiles (\varphi', \varphi_A' \land \varphi_A, w_1 \cup w_2)}

For well-typed term $\te$,
assume $\te \compiles (\varphi, \varphi_A, w)$. Then,
$\dbracket{\te}_D(\true) = {\dbracket{(\varphi, w)}} / {\dbracket{(\varphi_A, w)}}$.



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