Releases: neuroergoISAE/POMDP-BCI
v3.0 - Online experiment
There are not major updates to this version, just some refactoring in order to ensure compatibility with the online implementation.
As explained in its own repository, the online implementation is a separate project from this one, but uses the code presented here as a dependency, so this repo needs to be installed in order for the online experiment to work.
Ver. 2 - Time-dependent POMDP model
This release corresponds to the analysis comparing the static POMDP model (previous release) with the time-dependent extension, where the observation matrix contains different observation models for each POMDP time-step in a given trial. This allows the model to leverage more brain data as the trial advances, similar to other dynamic classification approaches used in reactive-BCI.
Ver 1 - Simple POMDP model
First version of the POMDP-BCI that implements a POMDP as an Active Sensing problem to function as the decision step of the BCI process. The same POMDP problem works for three types of BCI: SSVEP, CVEP, MI.
The results are (or will be) published in "POMDP-BCI: A Benchmark of Active BCI Using POMDP to Issue Commands", by J. J. Torre, C. P. C. Chanel and F. Dehais (in press).