Important Environment Variables
AK_DBNAME - ActionKit Database Name AK_DBUSER - ActionKit Database User AK_DBPASS - ActionKit Database Password AK_DBSERVER - ActionKit Database Host (default to
SF_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Client ID SF_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Client Secret SF_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI - Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI (
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET - S3 Bucket static files AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Public ID with access to static file S3 bucket AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Private ID with access to static file S3 bucket
SMTP_HOST - Hostname of SMTP Server SMTP_PORT - Port of SMTP Server (default to 22) SMTP_USETLS - Use TLS (defaults to true) SMTP_USER - Username of SMTP user SMTP_PASSWORD - Password of SMTP user