My name is Nick and I am interested in most topics Computer and Technology related. Most of my work deals with Information Technology, Asset Management, Web Development, and Application Security. Currently working on Capture The Flag events and Certifications. I am interested in creating curriculum for K-12 learning, CTF training, Application and Server Pentesting, Cloud, Bug Bounty, and Red/Blue/Purple team concepts like Adversary Emulation.
- 🎺 Musician
- 🏂 Snowboarder
- 💻 Techie
- 🎧 Audiophile
- 🔊 Sound Design
- 👾 Graphics and Pattern Matching
- 🕹️ Gamer
- Certifications: AZ-500, PCCET, CCNA, Cisco CyberOps, CompTia A+, Net+, Sec+, Cloud+
- Portfolio Updates
- Capture The Flag events and home lab
- OWASP Top 10
- Bug Hunters Methodology
- Red, Blue, and Purple Team Exercises
- Comptia, Cisco, and Cloud technologies
- nmap, john, hashcat, Metasploit, Docker, Kali, Parrot, AppSec and Pentesting tool kits
- Python
- C/C++
- WireShark
- Packet Tracer
- Youtube-dl
- httrack
Open Source Projects
- K-12 and college level curriculum for learning Computer Science and Information Security topics
- Capture The Flag training and tool development
- Bug Bounty, Adversary Emulation, and Application Pentesting