The powerful and unique vehicle routing software for small and micro businesses. It is resource-efficient and could be deployed as SaaS application or on-premise.
- Optimization of vehicle routes through the combination of three different heuristics (M3PDP, Delta-M3PDP and Savings++)
- automatic calculation of ETA
- intuitive user interface
- allows subsequent modification of generated tour
- PDF / Print feature for route planning
- Auto-complete of addresses
- extensive validation of user inputs
- Windows support via JRuby
- Searchable orders and customers
- Ruby.2.x - 2.4.x
- ImageMagic 7.0.7-22
- wkhtmltopdf 0.12.4 (for PDF generation)
only for Windows support:
- JRuby v. (instead of regular Ruby)
- JRE (Java Runtime Environment) v.8.144
Get the repository
git clone
cd smar_T
Note: The following steps are ony valid for Linux / Unix systems. See below for instructrions on how to set up smar[T] in an Windows environment.
Update your bundle
bundle install
and setup database (and run migrations)
rake db:setup
Installation on Windows:
git checkout jruby # switch to separate branch
jruby -S gem install bundler
jruby -S bundle install
jruby -S rake db:setup
jruby -S rails server
rails server
rails server -b -p 3000
to make the Rails application accessible to others in the same network.
Based on work of:
[1] Brendel, A. B. (2015) Konzeptionierung eines ressourcen- und kosteneffizienten green Software-as-a-Service Tourenplanungssystems für Kleinst- und Kleinunternehmen, Masterthesis, University of Göttingen
[2] Kindermann, P. Tourenplanung mit Zeitfenstern für mehrere Fahrzeuge, Diploma thesis, University of Würzburg