MESS (Moshiri Exam Similarity Score; pun on "MOSS") is a scalable Python tool for detecting exam similarity from student responses. For information about the mathematical methods behind the tool, see the Methods section of the MESS Wiki as well as the published paper.
MESS is written in Python 3 and depends on NumPy, SciPy, and seaborn, which can be installed using pip3
pip3 install numpy scipy seaborn
You can simply download to your machine and make it executable:
wget ""
chmod a+x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ # optional step to install globally
A comprehensive list of MESS arguments can be found below, but we highly recommend following the Tutorial section of the MESS Wiki.
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -ot OUTPUT_TSV -op OUTPUT_PDF
[--ignore_case] [-c CORRECTION]
[-rm REG_MIN] [-rM REG_MAX] [-rd REG_XDELTA]
[-t TITLE] [-xl XLABEL] [-xm XMIN] [-xM XMAX] [-yl YLABEL] [-ym YMIN] [-yM YMAX] [--no_ylog]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT Input Exam Responses (TSV) (default: None)
-ot OUTPUT_TSV, --output_tsv OUTPUT_TSV Output MESS Spreadsheet (TSV) (default: None)
-op OUTPUT_PDF, --output_pdf OUTPUT_PDF Output MESS Distribution (PDF) (default: None)
--ignore_case Ignore Case in Student Responses (default: False)
-nt NUM_TESTS, --num_tests NUM_TESTS Number of Significance Tests to Perform (default: None)
-c CORRECTION, --correction CORRECTION Multiple Hypothesis Test Correction (options: benjamini_hochberg, bonferroni, none) (default: benjamini_hochberg)
-rm REG_MIN, --reg_min REG_MIN Minimum MESS for Regression (default: None)
-rM REG_MAX, --reg_max REG_MAX Maximum MESS for Regression (default: None)
-rd REG_XDELTA, --reg_xdelta REG_XDELTA X Delta for Regression (default: 0.0001)
-kc KDE_COLOR, --kde_color KDE_COLOR KDE Color (default: black)
-kl KDE_LINESTYLE, --kde_linestyle KDE_LINESTYLE KDE Linestyle (default: --)
-kw KDE_LINEWIDTH, --kde_linewidth KDE_LINEWIDTH KDE Line Width (default: 0.75)
-rc REG_COLOR, --reg_color REG_COLOR Regression Color (default: black)
-rl REG_LINESTYLE, --reg_linestyle REG_LINESTYLE Regression Linestyle (default: -)
-rw REG_LINEWIDTH, --reg_linewidth REG_LINEWIDTH Regression Line Width (default: None)
-sh, --show_hist Show Histogram (default: False)
-t TITLE, --title TITLE Figure Title (default: MESS Distribution)
-xl XLABEL, --xlabel XLABEL Figure X-Axis Label (default: MESS Score)
-xm XMIN, --xmin XMIN Figure Minimum X (default: 0)
-xM XMAX, --xmax XMAX Figure Maximum X (default: None)
-yl YLABEL, --ylabel YLABEL Figure Y-Axis Label (default: Frequency)
-ym YMIN, --ymin YMIN Figure Minimum Y (default: None)
-yM YMAX, --ymax YMAX Figure Maximum Y (default: None)
--no_ylog Don't Plot Y-Axis in Log-Scale (default: False)
If you use MESS in your work, please cite:
Moshiri N (2022). "A scalable approach for detecting exam similarity in CS courses." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 37(10):8–16. doi:10.5555/3533760.3533761