In this assignment we got the task to implement the TCP connection handling for a predefined chat application.
The assignment consists of two parts:
- Warmup
- Server/client-chat appliction
Unfortunatley I ran a rebase of the develop branch, without knowing what it really did, so I lost all the merge-commits for the git-flow function branches. Luckly no other changes were lost! I have now learned the hard way to really read up on what the different commands do.
The completed assignment with the mandatory steps have been tagged with v1.0.0.
- Connection setup
- Logic to transmit commands & public message
- Logon with username & parser to read incoming commands
- Connection handling (disconnect) & notifying logic to listeners
- Parse list of online users & notify listeners
- Transmit private messages
- Receive incoming messages
- Parse & show supported server commands
- Final bugfixes & testing before release
- Release v1.0.0 to production
- The client now supports the UTF-8 charset (incl nordic chars)
- The /joke command will now work with servers that support this feature.
- Small fixes for performance & readability in code
- Added support for simple emojis parsing & emojicode flags
Shows a private meassage exchange
The terminal shows responsible method, socket id, timestamp and debug info