A nio component providing functionality to get, clone, modify, remove blocks within a nio-project-blocks structure
- /project/blocks - returns information about the blocks that have been cloned
- /project/refresh?cfg_type=service - refresh service definitions
- /project/refresh?cfg_type=block - refresh block definitions
- /project/refresh?cfg_type=all - refresh service and block definitions
- /project/blocks?(comma separated list of blocks to delete) - deletes the blocks specified
- /project/blocks - clones a block, expected body format is:
"url": "block_url",
"branch": "block_branch",
"tag": "block_tag",
"path": "block_path"
if no url is specified in body, then interpret it as block updates, the following urls can be used:
/project/blocks?twitter&util or
- None
- None