One of my prev projects which I have successfully developed and used in many commercial projects. This repo contains code for library builder website - a special type of webapp in which all library features can be tested manually with all possible options + library tests suite can be executed. After successful testing new version of library can be build(using Grunt) and uploaded into separate public library repo for clients. Repo for clients: Open repo for clients.
/js/init.js (entry point script for index.html) structure:
$(document).ready(function() { // ... // Html-files are loaded dynamically in this project with twig.js library. // Twig is used here because I did not want to add backend for this project // just to load templates through ajax. View.init(); // Main application class -> listens for all main page events and processes them var demoLayoutBuilder = new DemoLayoutBuilder($("#demoLayoutContainer")); });
/js/demoLayoutBuilder/demoLayoutBuilder.js structure:
DemoLayoutBuilder = function($targetEl) { var me = this; // Setting root page view this._$view = View.attach(this._$view, $targetEl, View.ids.DEMO_LAYOUT_BUILDER.DEMO_LAYOUT_BUILDER); // ... Other vars declaration this._construct = function() { // Finding all child views required in this class me._$demoLayoutBuilder = me._$view.parent().find("." + me._css.demoLayoutBuilderClass); // ... // I prefer to split all page UI cmps into objects and then include them using composition. me._gridConfigurator = new DemoLayoutBuilder.Configurator(me._$gridConfiguratorAccordionTab, me); this._bindEvents(); // ... } this._bindEvents = function() { me._bindGridConfiguratorEvents(); // ... } // In most cases communication with composed objects is done using events this._bindGridConfiguratorEvents = function() { $(me._gridConfigurator).on(DemoLayoutBuilder.Configurator.EVENT_CREATE_VERTICAL_GRID, function(event, gridifierSettings) { me._gridLayout = new DemoLayoutBuilder.DemoLayout( // ... ); // ... }); $(me._gridConfigurator).on(DemoLayoutBuilder.Configurator.EVENT_CREATE_HORIZONTAL_GRID, function(event, gridifierSettings) { me._gridLayout = new DemoLayoutBuilder.DemoLayout( // ... ); // ... }); } // ... // Clear on page change this.destruct = function() { me._unbindEvents(); } this._construct(); return this; } DemoLayoutBuilder.EVENT_CREATE_GRID = "demoLayoutBuilder.createGrid"; // ... Declaring other events // Declaring all required fns in prototype DemoLayoutBuilder.prototype._showGridLayoutAccordionTab = function() { // ... } // ...
/js/demoLayoutBuilder/configurator/ structure:
// Contains classes for 'Create new grid' page. // Main page class DemoLayoutBuilder.Configurator(/js/demoLayoutBuilder/configurator/configurator.js) // is created in main app class DemoLayoutBuilder(/js/demoLayoutBuilder/demoLayoutBuilder.js).
/js/demoLayoutBuilder/demoLayout/ structure:
// Contains classes for main page. // Main page class DemoLayoutBuilder.DemoLayout(/js/demoLayoutBuilder/demoLayout/demoLayout.js) // is created in main app class DemoLayoutBuilder(/js/demoLayoutBuilder/demoLayoutBuilder). // By default DemoLayout is created with vertical grid. DemoLayout can be recreated later with // vertical or horizontal grid.
/js/gridifier/loader/ structure:
// Wraps lib in module on build to create local scope (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.Gridifier = factory(); } }(this, function () { var Gridifier = function(sourceGrid, sourceSettings) {
/js/gridifier/gridifier.js (entry point script for library) structure:
// Contains core dom jquery-alike fns: find by id/class/query, css ops/css3 animations, etc... Dom.init(); // Contains core jquery-alike fns to calc item offset/position, outer width/height, uncomputed/computed css + fixes for < ie8 SizesResolver.init(); // ... Create all main library classes var core = new Core();
/js/gridifier/core/core.js structure:
var Core = function() { // Contains all fns which can be used by library clients self(this, { destroy: // ..., toggle: // ..., sort: // ..., // All public API fns, as well as internal events works with 3 main library queues. // (operations queue, reposition queue, render queue) // Queues were created to minimize performance loses, caused by browsers reflow process when you // insert/sort/filter/drag many items simultaneously. filter: function(fn) { reposition.sync(); gridifier.setApi("filter", fn); filtrator.filter(); reposition.all(); return gridifier; }, reposition: // ..., prepend: // ..., append: // ..., silentAppend: // ..., insertBefore: // ..., insertAfter: // ..., }); };
/js/gridifier/core/position.js structure:
// Library stores all item positions using skyline bin-packing algo. // Shortly, each html element has entry in connections array where x/y // coordinate of its position is stored. Algo declares special rules how to // recalculate x/y positions for each html element without creating gaps between // elements. proto(Position, { findCnCoords: function(/* ... */) { }, createCn: function(item, cnCoords, sortedCrs) { var cn = connections.add(item, cnCoords); // ... }, // ... });
/js/gridifier/api/toggle/ structure:
// Library provides different core animation effects(can be extended): // scale, fade, rotate, different types of slides, visibility. RotateToggleFactory = function(settings) { // ... } proto(RotateToggleFactory, { create: function() { var postfixes = ["", "WithFade", "WithFadeOut"]; // ... for(var i = 0; i < postfixes.length; i++) { for(var prop in ROTATE.MATRICES) { var matrix = ROTATE.MATRICES[prop]; this._create("rotate3d" + prop + postfixes[i], "show3d", "hide3d", matrix, fades[i]); } // ... } }, // ...
/js/gridifier/dragifier/ structure:
// Library supports 2 types of drag and drop modes: intersection or discretization. // Intersection -> drag is triggered when dragged item is intersecting any other item center. // Discretization -> draggable area is split into cells of equal size. Drag is triggered when dragged item is // intersecting any cell center. Dragifier = function() { this._items = []; this._isDragging = false; // ... } proto(Dragifier, { _touchStart: // ... _touchEnd: function(event) { var me = this; if(!me._isDragging) return; var touches = event.changedTouches; for(var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { var itemData = me._findDraggableById(touches[i].identifier, true); if(itemData.item == null) continue; itemData.item.rmDragId(touches[i].identifier); if(itemData.item.getDragIdsCount() == 0) { itemData.item.unbind(); me._items.splice(itemData.itemIndex, 1); } } if(me._items.length == 0) me._endDrag(); }, _touchMove: // ... // ... });
/js/gridifier/inserter/, /js/gridifier/reposition/, /js/gridifier/renderer/ (queues) structure:
var InsertQueue = function() { // Array({'op' => 'op', 'items/item' => 'i', 'opSpecificParam1' => 'osp1', ...}, ...., n ) this._queue = []; } proto(InsertQueue, { itemsToBatches: function(items, batchSize, disNative) { // ... return itemBatches; }, // ... _execSchedule: function(items, targetItem, op, opFn) { var me = this; if(repositionQueue.isEmpty()) opFn(items, targetItem, op); else { me._queue.push({ op: op, items: items, targetItem: targetItem }); // ...; } }, _process: function() { var me = this; var wereAllQueueOpsExec = true; for(var i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) { if(!repositionQueue.isEmpty()) { setTimeout(function() {; }, C.INSERT_QUEUE_DELAY); wereAllQueueOpsExec = false; break; } var qe = this._queue[i]; this._exec(qe.items, qe.targetItem, qe.op); this._queue.shift(); i--; } }, }); var RepositionQueue = function() { this._queue = null; // ... } proto(RepositionQueue, { _isSameRepositionProcess: function() { // ... return isSameProcess; }, _repositionNextBatch: function(checkSameProcess) { // ... this._execNextBatchReposition(batchSize); this._processQueue(batchSize); }, _execNextBatchReposition: function(batchSize) { for(var i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { this._repositionItem(this._queue[i].item); // ... } // ... renderer.renderRepositioned(repositionedCns); }, _processQueue: function(batchSize) { // ... this._scheduleNextBatchReposition(); }, _scheduleNextBatchReposition: function() { var me = this; this._nextBatchTimeout = setTimeout(function() {, true); }, settings.get("queueDelay")); }, _repositionItem: function(item) { // ... } }); var RendererQueue = function() { // Array[ // [0] => {cn: cn, op: op, left: left, top: top}, ..., n // ] this._queue = null; // .... } proto(RendererQueue, { schedule: function(op, cn, left, top, delay) { // ... this._queue.push({ op: op, cn: cn, left: left, top: top, delay: delay }); this._queueTimeout = setTimeout(function() {; }, C.RENDER_QUEUE_DELAY); }, _process: function() { for(var i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) { var r = this._queue[i]; // ... // fn = show || hide this["_" + fn](, r.left,, this._getApi(), r.op, r.delay); } grid.scheduleResize(); this._queue = null; }, _show: function(cn, left, top, api) { var getS = bind("get", settings); api.dom.css.set(cn.item, { position: "absolute", left: left, top: top }); settings.getApi("coordsChanger")(/* ... args */); settings.getApi("toggle").show(/* ... args */); }, _hide: function(cn, left, top, api) { // ... }, _render: function(cn, left, top, api, op, delay) { if(op == RENDER_OPS.RENDER) this._execRender(cn.item, left, top, api); else { setTimeout(function() { // ... me._execRender(newCn.item, rendererCns.left(newCn),, api); }, delay); } }, _execRender: function(item, left, top, api) { // ... settings.getApi("coordsChanger")( item, left, top, time, timing, api.dom, api.prefix, getS ); } });
/tests.html (entry point script for tests) structure:
// Connects all scripts + Qunit. Then connect all scripts with tests.
/tests/core/core.js (one of test scripts) structure:
$(document).ready(function() { module("Core"); var tester = { _before: function() {}, _after: function() {}, runTests: function() { var me = this; // Run tests suite test("all", function(assert) { var test = function(tests) {; for(var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) me["_" + tests[i]].call(me, assert);; } var origBind = Core.prototype._bindEvents; Core.prototype._bindEvents = fns.nop(); test([ "repositionFns", "rotate", // ... ]); Core.prototype._bindEvents = origBind;, assert); }); }, _repositionFns: function() { // Mocking data var core = new Core(); var getData = function() { return { setApiName: null, reposed: false, // ... }; }; reposition = {}; reposition.all = function() { data.reposed = true; }; // ... var origGridifier = gridifier; gridifier = {}; core = new Core(); data = getData(); res = gridifier.reposition(); ok(res == gridifier && data.asUpdated && data.reposed, "reposition ok"); gridifier = origGridifier; clearTestData(); }, _eventsWithDelay: function(assert) { var origEvent = null; var cc = 0; var reposed = false; var core = null; var initFn = function() { ev = new EventEmitter(); sourceSettings = {vpResizeDelay: 0}; settings = new Settings(); origEvent = Event; Event = {}; Event.add = function(obj, evName, handler) {}; core = new Core(); gridifier = {}; gridifier.reposition = function() { reposed = true; cc++; }; gridifier.isDragifierOn = fns.f(); core._onResize(); core._onResize(); }; var checkFn = function() { ok(reposed && cc == 1, "resize with delay ok"); Event = origEvent; core._unbindEvents(); }; asyncTests.add(assert, initFn, checkFn, 20, this); } // ... } tester.runTests(); clearTestData(); });