🔗 Here is the link for the website: https://quickdone-tasker.web.app/
ℹ️ Now the weather widget only fetches data for Kyiv, which is my current location, but I plan to add location auto-detect in the future.
Device | Optimized for the specified device |
Mobile | ✅ YES |
Tablet | ✅ YES |
Desktop | ✅ YES |
The tech-stack:
- Webpack (bundling)
- Firebase (hosting)
- JavaScript
- AJAX (async/await + fetch)
- API (request to openweathermap.org)
- 3-rd party NPM packages for animations
Feature I am proud of: Dark-mode autodetect. Basically, the website checks if you are using the dark mode and loads the corresponding style ;)
N.B. I developed the design myself, pursuing the pattern for Glassmorhophism