feat: upgrade to undici v7 #1314
10 errors
Run Test:
JSONResponseFormatError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON (data json format: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\r\n<html>\r\n<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n<h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1>\r\n<p>The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI.</p>\r\n<hr/>Powered by Tengine</body>\r\n</html>\r\n")
❯ parseJSON src/utils.ts:38:17
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:654:20
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:12
❯ request src/index.ts:27:10
❯ test/options.dispatcher.test.ts:43:23
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: 301, headers: { server: 'Tengine', date: 'Thu, 28 Nov 2024 04:05:21 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/html', 'content-length': '262', connection: 'keep-alive', location: 'https://registry.npmmirror.com/urllib/latest', via: 'ens-cache7.us18[,0]', 'timing-allow-origin': '*', eagleid: '2ff6189b17327667210543526e' }, res: { status: 301, statusCode: 301, statusText: 'Moved Permanently', statusMessage: 'Moved Permanently', headers: { server: 'Tengine', date: 'Thu, 28 Nov 2024 04:05:21 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/html', 'content-length': '262', connection: 'keep-alive', location: 'https://registry.npmmirror.com/urllib/latest', via: 'ens-cache7.us18[,0]', 'timing-allow-origin': '*', eagleid: '2ff6189b17327667210543526e' }, size: 262, aborted: false, rt: 5.931, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://registry.npmmirror.com/urllib/latest' ], timing: { queuing: 0.288, connected: 3.683, requestHeadersSent: 3.725, requestSent: 3.774, waiting: 5.451, contentDownload: 5.582 }, socket: { id: 4, localAddress: '', localPort: 56081, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: 56078, remoteFamily: 'IPv4', bytesWritten: 268, bytesRead: 658, handledRequests: 1, handledResponses: 1, connectedTime: '2024-11-28T04:05:21.053Z' }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: 4, localAddress: '', localPort: 56081, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: 56078, remoteFamily: 'IPv4', bytesWritten: 268, bytesRead: 658, handledRequests: 1, handledResponses: 1, connectedTime: '2024-11-28T04:05:21.053Z' } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:26:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 1.833, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:42:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.187, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:60:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.091, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:84:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.119, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:504:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:132:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.153, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:191:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.106, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:221:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.171, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:499:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:247:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.207, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }
Run Test:
TypeError: FormData.append: Expected value ("BlobFromStream [Blob] {}") to be an instance of Blob.
❯ Object.webidl.errors.exception node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:27:10
❯ Object.Blob node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js:395:27
❯ FormData.append node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js:37:33
❯ HttpClient.#requestInternal src/HttpClient.ts:504:22
❯ HttpClient.request src/HttpClient.ts:257:23
❯ Object.request src/index.ts:27:39
❯ test/options.files.test.ts:274:35
Serialized Error: { opaque: undefined, status: -1, headers: {}, res: { status: -1, statusCode: -1, statusText: '', statusMessage: '', headers: {}, size: +0, aborted: false, rt: 0.227, keepAliveSocket: true, requestUrls: [ 'http://localhost:55922/multipart' ], timing: { queuing: +0, connected: +0, requestHeadersSent: +0, requestSent: +0, waiting: +0, contentDownload: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 }, retries: +0, socketErrorRetries: +0 }, socket: { id: +0, localAddress: '', localPort: +0, remoteAddress: '', remotePort: +0, remoteFamily: '', bytesWritten: +0, bytesRead: +0, handledRequests: +0, handledResponses: +0 } }