meteor add nourharidy:ssl
After the package installation has finished, you place your SSL key & cert files inside your Meteor private directory.
openssl genrsa -out localhost.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key localhost.key -out localhost.cert -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost
If you want to use a host other than localhost then replace every reference to “localhost” above witb your custom domain.
// somewhere within your server code
The SSL() function is used to launch the SSL functionality from the server, the SSL feature wont be present unless you use it, it must only be used inside the server directory.
The function has two obligatory arguments: The UTF-8 formatted string of the SSL key & the SSL cert files, respectively. The third argument is optional: Define the SSL port (Default: 443).
Returns true if user is using HTTPS connection
warning: Because this is a client function, this does not prevent the server from sending templates over HTTP connection, neither it prevents it from sending data over HTTP unless you prevent it from the client side.
This function refreshes the page after switching the browser to HTTPS. This function takes one optional argument: The SSL port previously specified by the SSL() server function (Default is 443).
Example with the iron:router:
Router.route('/', function(){
} else {
For the above example to work, the HTTP port must be 80, and the HTTPS port must be 443 (default).
Returns true if user is using HTTPS connection
This UI helper can be used in your template as a condition that returns whether or not the user is using HTTPS. This is useful to show content to the user if he is using HTTPS in certain parts of your templates. warning: Because this is a client helper, this does not protect the template views from being sent from the server over HTTP. Using the helper, the templates/views are sent anyway but the user just can't see it unless he uses HTTPS.
{{#if isHTTPS}}
You are using HTTPS
You are not using HTTPS
- If your SSL Certificate has a password, you will be prompted with "Enter PEM passphrase" everytime the server is started.
- In order for Meteor to use port 443 for SSL (the default port), it must be started as root:
sudo meteor
Failing to do this can cause error Error: listen EACCES
being thrown by dependency node-http-proxy
- In order for the force-ssl package to work with this package, please make sure the SSL port is 443 (default).
- You have to add the https:// prefix to the url if you use the port number in the url. For example, assuming you chose 9000 as SSL port, this will NOT work:
It will keep your browser loading forever instead of redirecting you to an HTTPS connection. To make it work, you have to add the https// prefix:
This is why you are encouraged to use the default SSL port 443 so you can open:
To Revert the effects caused by running sudo, run this command:
sudo chown -Rh <username> .meteor/local
- This package does not encrypt communication between Meteor & MongoDB, to workaround this you must put MongoDB on Meteor's localhost or a server inside your secure private network.
Yes, it encrypts both HTTP packets and Websockets (including DDP).
Yes, when you run it in development, just set the --mobile-server argument to the the server location preceded by the https:// prefix & followed by the SSL port, for example if you use it on an Android device:
meteor run android-device --mobile-server=https://localhost:443
When you build the mobile application, use the same syntax with the --server argument, for example:
meteor build --server=https://localhost:443
Yes, just adjust DDP.connect() to the appropriate SSL port.
No it doesn't, unless MongoDB is located on localhost, all communication between Meteor & MongoDB is compromised, be careful!
This is because your SSL certificate is self-signed, to prevent this you need to buy certificate signed from a Certificate Authority.
Set the SSL port to 443 (default) and install the force-ssl smart package:
meteor add force-ssl
If you have a question, a bug, or an idea, feel free to contact me:
- Send me an email: [email protected]
- Send me a tweet: @nourharidy
- Check out my Github