Welcome to the Ancient Art Research Assistant project. This project runs an agent which automates one of my major hobbies: Researching historical art on the internet and blogging about it. This agent searches the web for new images of art and ancient artifacts to add to its collection. It then researches any new finds and produces 100 word blurbs based on the source website.
A live demo of the app can be accessed here.
An Apple machine running MacOS the M1/2 chip (not Intel).
Ensure you have Python >=3.10 <=3.13 installed on your system. This project uses Poetry for dependency management and package handling, offering a seamless setup and execution experience.
First, if you haven't already, install Poetry:
pip install poetry
Next, navigate to your project directory and install the dependencies:
- First lock the dependencies and then install them:
poetry lock
poetry install
This project runs on Google Cloud and assumes that you have an existing Google Cloud account and some familiarity with Google Cloud services.
Start by installing the Google Cloud client.
brew install google-cloud-cli
Initialize the Google Cloud CLi tool
gcloud init
Create a new Google Cloud Project
gcloud projects create $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT --name="Ancient Art Researcher"
Ensure that your Project exists
gcloud projects list
Your project should appear in the list
... ... ...
ancient-art-researcher Ancient Art Researcher 566563478993
Set your new project as the default
gcloud config set project $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT
Enable the Could Billing API for your project
gcloud services enable cloudbilling.googleapis.com
Get your billing account and link it with your project
gcloud beta billing accounts list
gcloud beta billing projects link $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT --billing-account=[YOUR_BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]
cd into the finds_viewer
folder. This is a web app where you can view all the latest
research done by our AI researcher
cd finds_viewer
Enable the artifact repository API for your project
gcloud services enable artifactregistry.googleapis.com
Create a .env file and set the following values:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=[path to JSON file with google application credentials]
BUCKET_NAME=[Google Could bucket for storing the images found by the researcher]
FIRESTORE_DATABASE=[Firestore database for saving the research]
FIRESTORE_IMAGE_COLLECTION=[Collection for storing image research findings]
REGION=[Google Cloud region for hosting the web app]
Create the Google storage bucket
gcloud storage buckets create gs//$BUCKET_NAME --location=$REGION
Enable the Firestore API
gcloud services enable firestore.googleapis.com
Create the Firestore database
gcloud firestore databases create --database=$FIRESTORE_DATABASE \
Enable the Google Cloud Run API
gcloud services enable run.googleapis.com
Build and deploy the finds_viewer
web application to Google Cloud
cd ../researcher
Just like we did for the finds_viewer
, create a .env
SERPER_API_KEY=[Your Serper API Key]
FIRECRAWL_API_KEY=[Your Firecrawl API Key]
GROQ_API_KEY=[Your Groq API Key]
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=[JSON file with your Google app credentials]
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=[Your Google cloud project name]
FIRESTORE_DATABASE=[Firestore database for saving the research]
GCLOUD_IMAGE_BUCKET=[Google Cloud Bucket for storing the images found by the researcher]
You should be able to run build.sh
to build the researcher
docker container
To run the researcher
brew install ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install google.cloud
gcloud iam service-accounts create ansible-service-account --display-name="Ansible Service Account"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] --member="serviceAccount:ansible-service-account@[YOUR_PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role="roles/compute.admin"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/path/to/your-key-file.json --iam-account=ansible-service-account@[YOUR_PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com
export GCP_AUTH_KIND=serviceaccount
export GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE=~/path/to/your-key-file.json