This repository showcases the implementation of an online conference website, specifically the "Talk4Real Web Conference". The main focus is on demonstrating the utilization of the api+widget target provided by the Now4real API.
Install the Widget with Site Scope: Learn how to integrate the Now4real widget with a site-wide scope in the homepage.
Embed the Widget with Page Scope: Explore the process of embedding the Now4real widget with a page-specific scope, within individual talk pages.
Display Counters from Other Pages: Understand how to showcase counters indicating the number of listeners engaged in ongoing talks, within the homepage.
Display the Ranking of Most Viewed Pages: Discover how to present a realtime ranking of the most viewed talks, within individual talk pages.
Visit the live demo of the conference here.
Feel free to explore the source code to better understand the implementation details. If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out!
Happy coding!