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Revised code for last steps of the core run.
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RaqManzano committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 23df386 commit 2a9a696
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Showing 17 changed files with 503 additions and 629 deletions.
93 changes: 54 additions & 39 deletions bin/run_consensus.R
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Date: Sun 20 Sep 2020
# Author: Raquel Manzano - CRUK CI Caldas lab
# Author: Raquel Manzano - @RaqManzano
# Script: Find overlaps between vcf
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Libraries
Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(plyr))


# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ if("--help" %in% script_args) {
cat("The consensusR script:
--id=sampleID - character, sample id to put in the plots
--input=input_file.maf - character, VCf/MAF file, can be specfied more than once for several inputs
--caller=caller_name - character, caller that was used to generate input file - has to be in the SAME order as input
--out_prefix=output_prefix - character, preffix for outputs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,9 +68,11 @@ vcfs <- strsplit(argsL[["input"]], split=",")[[1]]
callers <- strsplit(argsL[["caller"]], split=",")[[1]]
names(vcfs) <- callers

is.vcf <- grepl(x = vcfs[1], pattern = ".vcf$|.vcf.gz$", perl = T)

# output files
pdf.out <- paste0(argsL$out_prefix, ".pdf")
if (grepl(x = vcfs[1], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
if (is.vcf){
vcf.out <- paste0(argsL$out_prefix, ".vcf")
} else{
vcf.out <- paste0(argsL$out_prefix, ".maf")
Expand All @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ contigs_meta <- paste0(contigs_meta$V1, collapse = "\n")
callers_meta <- list()
for ( c in callers){
vcf_meta <- fread(paste0("zgrep -E '##|#version' ", vcfs[c]), sep = NULL, header = F)
if (grepl(pattern = ".vcf", x = vcfs[c] )){
if (is.vcf){
vcf_header <- fread(paste0("zgrep '#CHROM' ", vcfs[c]), sep = NULL, header = F)
callers_meta[[c]] <- list(meta=paste0(vcf_meta$V1, collapse = "\n"),
header=strsplit(vcf_header$V1, "\t")[[1]])
Expand All @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ muts <- list()
for(c in callers[1:length(callers)]){
v <- vcfs[c]
tmp <- fread(paste0("zgrep -v '##' ", v))
if (!grepl(x = vcfs[1], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
if (!is.vcf){
tmp$`#CHROM` <- tmp$Chromosome
tmp$POS <- tmp$Start_Position
tmp$REF <- tmp$Reference_Allele
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,54 +136,65 @@ for(c in callers[1:length(callers)]){

message("- Finding overlaps")
# Third, we find overlaps
overlaps <- list()
overlapping.vars <- data.frame(DNAchange=character(), caller=character(), FILTER=character())
for (c1 in callers){
for (c2 in callers){
if (c1!=c2){
group_name <- paste0(c1, "vs", c2)
# The gap between 2 adjacent ranges is 0.
hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = mutsGR[[c1]], subject = mutsGR[[c2]], maxgap = 0)
overlaps[[group_name]] <- hits
m.hits <- muts[[c1]][queryHits(hits)]$DNAchange
filt <- muts[[c1]][queryHits(hits)]$FILTER
dnachange.hits <- muts[[c1]][queryHits(hits)]$DNAchange
filt.hits <- muts[[c1]][queryHits(hits)]$FILTER
# due to normalization we might find the same variant with different filters - these come from homopolymer regions
overlapping.vars <- rbind(overlapping.vars, data.frame(DNAchange=m.hits, caller=c1, FILTER=filt))
overlapping.vars <- rbind(overlapping.vars, unique(data.frame(DNAchange=dnachange.hits, caller=c1, FILTER=filt.hits)))

# Finally, extract the set of variants that will be the consensus set
overlapping.vars <- overlapping.vars[!duplicated(overlapping.vars),]
overlapping.vars <- aggregate( FILTER ~ DNAchange + caller, overlapping.vars, paste, collapse=";" )
overlapping.vars <-[, .(caller = paste(caller, collapse = "|"), FILTER = paste(FILTER, collapse = "|")), by = DNAchange]
overlapping.vars <-

# Set of variants that are called in at least 2 callers
con.vars <- overlapping.vars$DNAchange
con.vars.ths <- names(table(con.vars)[table(con.vars)>=2])
# Overlaps that are adjacent, and only SNVs are removed if not DNP
overlapping.variants.count <- stringr::str_count(string = overlapping.vars$caller, pattern = stringr::fixed("|")) + 1
names(overlapping.variants.count) <- overlapping.vars$DNAchange
overlapping.variants.count.snvs <- overlapping.variants.count[ grepl(pattern = "[0-9](A|C|G|T)>(A|C|G|T)$", x = names(overlapping.variants.count))]
overlapping.variants.count.indels <- overlapping.variants.count[!grepl(pattern = "[0-9](A|C|G|T)>(A|C|G|T)$", x = names(overlapping.variants.count))]

message("- There are ", prettyNum(length(con.vars.ths), big.mark = ','), " variants that are consensus")
# only snvs with exact match will be in the consensus list
con.vars.ths.snv <- names(overlapping.variants.count.snvs[overlapping.variants.count.snvs >= argsL$thr])
# we let all indels pass as they have shown overlap
con.vars.ths.indel <- names(overlapping.variants.count.indels)

message("- There are ", prettyNum(length(con.vars.ths.snv), big.mark = ','), " SNVs that are consensus")
message("- There are ", prettyNum(length(con.vars.ths.indel), big.mark = ','), " indels that are consensus")

con.vars.ths <- c(con.vars.ths.snv, con.vars.ths.indel)

# The next steps are for the output
# To keep the information from the consensus we extract the callers that called each mutation and its correspondent filters.
what.caller.called <- function(row, consensus, variants){
variant <- row["DNAchange"]
var.callers <- variants[variants$DNAchange==variant,]$caller
var.callers <- paste(var.callers, collapse = "|")
filters <- variants[variants$DNAchange==variant,]$FILTER
filters <- paste(sub(pattern = ";",
replacement = ",",
x =filters),
collapse = "|")
if (var.callers == ""){
var.callers <- row["Caller"]
filters <- row["FILTER"]
if (variant %in% consensus){
var.callers <- variants[variants$DNAchange==variant,]$caller
var.callers <- paste(var.callers, collapse = "|")
filters <- variants[variants$DNAchange==variant,]$FILTER
filters <- paste(sub(pattern = ";",
replacement = ",",
x =filters),
collapse = "|")
if (var.callers == ""){
var.callers <- row["Caller"]
filters <- row["FILTER"]
list(callers=var.callers, filters=filters)
} else {
list(callers=row["Caller"], filters=row['FILTER'])
list(callers=var.callers, filters=filters)

for (c in callers){
for (c in callers){
message("- Annotating calls from ", c)
values <- apply(X = muts[[c]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = what.caller.called, consensus=con.vars.ths, variants=overlapping.vars)
muts[[c]] <- cbind( muts[[c]],, values)))
Expand All @@ -201,10 +213,10 @@ simplified.filter <- sapply(all.muts$filters, FUN = function(x){
simplified.filter <- ifelse(, "PASS", simplified.filter)
all.muts$FILTER_consensus <- simplified.filter
all.muts$INFO_consensus <- paste0("callers=", all.muts$callers, ";filters=", all.muts$filters, ";consensus_filter=", all.muts$FILTER_consensus)
all.muts$INFO_consensus <- paste0("callers=", all.muts$callers, ";filters=", all.muts$filters, ";consensus_filter=", all.muts$FILTER_consensus)

## write consensus
# I want to keep the ingo without duplicating the mutations
# I want to keep the info without duplicating the mutations
all.muts$isconsensus <- grepl(pattern = "|", x = all.muts$callers, fixed = T)

Expand All @@ -214,7 +226,7 @@ meta_consensus <- paste0('##INFO=<ID=callers,Number=1,Type=String,Description="V
'##INFO=<ID=consensus_filter,Number=1,Type=String,Description="PASS if 50% or more of the callers give the mutation, otherwise FAIL.">')
extra.cols <- c()
for ( c in callers){
if (grepl(x = vcfs[c], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
if (is.vcf){
updated_meta <- paste(callers_meta[[c]]$meta,
Expand All @@ -231,8 +243,10 @@ for ( c in callers){
write(x = updated_meta, file = vcf.out.caller, ncolumns = 1, append = F)
extra_cols <- c()
if (grepl(x = vcfs[c], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
fwrite(x = all.muts[all.muts$Caller==c,][,callers_meta[[c]]$header],
if (is.vcf){
fields_to_write <- all.muts[all.muts$Caller==c,][,callers_meta[[c]]$header]
fields_to_write$INFO <- paste(fields_to_write$INFO, all.muts[all.muts$Caller==c,]$INFO_consensus, sep=";")
fwrite(x = fields_to_write,
file = vcf.out.caller,
append = T,
sep = "\t",
Expand All @@ -250,7 +264,7 @@ for ( c in callers){

# Final VCF consensus
if (grepl(x = vcfs[1], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
if (is.vcf){
meta <- paste0("##fileformat=VCFv4.2\n##source=Consensus", length(callers), "Callers (", paste0(callers, collapse = ","), ")\n", contigs_meta,
'##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">\n##FILTER=<ID=FAIL,Description="More than half the callers did not give a PASS">\n')
# we need the meta contigs and the INFO
Expand All @@ -260,18 +274,19 @@ if (grepl(x = vcfs[1], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
meta <- "#version 2.4"

# to.vcf <- all.muts[all.muts$isconsensus==T,]
if (grepl(x = vcfs[1], pattern = ".vcf", fixed = T)){
to.vcf <- all.muts[all.muts$isconsensus==T,]
if (is.vcf){
col.out <- c("#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT")
to.vcf$ID <- to.vcf$DNAchange
to.vcf$QUAL <- "."
to.vcf$INFO <- to.vcf$INFO_consensus
to.vcf$INFO <- to.vcf$INFO_consensus
to.vcf$FORMAT <- "."
to.vcf$FILTER <- to.vcf$FILTER_consensus
} else{
col.out <- callers_meta[[c]]$header
to.vcf <- all.muts[,col.out]

to.vcf <- to.vcf[,col.out][!duplicated(to.vcf),]
message("- Total variants ", prettyNum(nrow(to.vcf), big.mark = ","))
message("- Variants in consensus ", prettyNum(nrow(all.muts[(!duplicated(all.muts$DNAchange) & all.muts$isconsensus==T),]), big.mark = ","))

Expand Down

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