Prototype Peer2Peer E-commerce Website using Express.js/Node.js/Server-side-rendered React/MongoDB as backend, and JQuery frontend. Features include:
- basic functionality i.e User Account and Permissions, CRUD on ecommerce related entities
- automatic saving for the product upload form.
- arbitrary sub-category definitions
- multi-group substring search (if name corresponds to category, will display both products from that category and products with substring)
- real-time chat using - localization by i18 standards & USD/THB currency conversion.
- product view history and wishlist with no registration required.
- NPM 5.6.0
- MongoDB 3.4.10
- Mocha 4.0.1
To install, simply run
npm install
Initialize MongoDB
Run the site.
npm start
Run Mocha to run unit-tests.
- ./app.js - application initializer, server, server-configurations such as routes, and middleware defined here.
- ./db.js - interface to the mongo database.
- ./config.js - various configurations, contains 'drop_create_mock_db' flag which setting to true will drop and create a new database populated with mock data.
- ./models - business entity definition which provides persistence interface.
- ./controllers - actions on each route.
- ./middleware - various modules used as callback in express when a route is access.
- ./authentication - modules for configuring authentication and permission.
- ./public - files served to client.
- ./views - React classes to be rendered in server-side.
- ./test - unit tests
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Natcha Simsiri - Initial work
This project is used as a showcase, please kindly ask for permission before any kind of usage.