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Projects at NTU MAE Robotics Club

  • Part of an NTU MAERC initiative

Advanced Group 1

  • Repository for Advanced Group 1 to build code!

Robotic Arm to sort Cutlery

Robotic Arm Details

  • Robotic arm used is a 4 DOF robotic arm, with a base that is capable of yaw motion and the other 3 DOF's are planar. Robotic Arm

Steps to launch Robotic arm in Rviz and Gazebo

Some required changes

In line 109 and 130 of the file in robotic_arm_description/worlds, change the path of the mesh file to the path of the file on ur machine.

Run the simulation

roslaunch moveit_resources demo_gazebo.launch

Now u can plan and execute from rviz using the moveit plugin and see the arm moving in gazebo.
U can change the position and orientation of the fork in the world, u can move it around using the rotation and translation tools, but this change is not permanent.

To change the fork position permanently,

roslaunch moveit_resources customw.launch

Now change the position or u can even add more forks/spoons using the model editor tool and save the world in robotic_arm_description/worlds/
To change the size of the fork, change the scale parameter in line 110 and line 131 of file.

Steps to run the IK-Solver for the Robotic arm

Working on a fix to an error which does not recognise the move_group

rosrun robotic_arm_kinematics ik_exec


Steps to clone the repository

  • Launch a terminal and run the command
git clone 


Repo for Advanced Group 1






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