As generous gods, we have deigned to throw the jannies a bone
Do you think that God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created?
This is going to ruin the upcoming week
Nobody knows how this code works
Changes to functionality that modifies how effective certain methods are at powergaming
Maintainers haven't replied to your last 30 texts, nor will they reply to this PR
We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
We didn't check but we think these probably don't apply anymore
Code is now easier to copy paste.
Time to bother the headadmins for three months to get your config applied
The dev team didn't think of everything
Doing something stupid on every commit is supposed to be good practice now
Broken code other organisations wrote.
CBT requested at
You must have really upset someone
If you test merge this, MSO is going to wake up
Exposes new bugs in interesting ways
Save data to a database nobody can look at
Rewrites a bug so it appears in different circumstances
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former
Prevent changes to the user's GBP balance from this PR
Reset the user's GBP to the starting amount with this PR
Remember that time they had to get us to send them a copy of the repo
We all can contribute. Here's a good place to start
We all have to start somewhere
Speling and grammar, can be hard sometimes
We know it happens, we just don't know how