Added better bukkit task wrapper for manager classes.
Added improved bukkit sound wrapper class.
Added customizable number shortcuts. Now you can add your own aliases.
Added support for compact number strings to parse them into double or int including Math#abs apply.
Added command argument types that supports compact number inputs as well as regular numbers.
Added dedicated 'colors.yml' config file to add custom colors or override default ones.
Added better versions of all database related classes. Old versions are deprecated now.
Added better ConfigValue methods to read and load Map objects.
Added WeightedItem class.
Added explicit implementations for the RankMap class.
New PlaceholderList class to handle object related placeholders.
New Replacer class to handle placeholder replacement in any string.
Improved server version tests and notifications about possible issues/incompatibilities.
Improved LangMessage placeholders replacement by using new Replacer class instead of applying direct string replacement.
Improved ItemReplacer placeholders replacement by using new Replacer class instead.
Merged nightcore commands into single class.
Usage of Pair class is discouraged now and should be replaced with specific implementations.
Getting players by their display name is discouraged now and should not be used anymore.
Fixed minor issue with seconds formation.
Fixed possible error when hide item attributes.
Fixed userdata stuck in cache forver if player cancel connection when joining.
Fixed GUI flicker caused by GUI title update.
Removed useless and buggy options from the config file.
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