NOTE: This repository was forked to fix a bug. We hope to get the bug upstream and remove the repository.
A collection of cookie helpers for Next.js
- SSR support, for setter, parser and destory
- super light
- perfect for authentication
Setting and destorying cookies also works on server-side.
import { parseCookies, setCookie, destroyCookie } from 'nookies'
export default class Me extends React.Component {
static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
// Parse
// Set
setCookie(ctx, 'token', token, {
maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
path: '/',
// Destory
destroyCookie(ctx, 'token')
render() {
return <div>My profile</div>
import nookies from 'nookies'
export default class Me extends React.Component {
static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
// Parse
// Set
nookies.set(ctx, 'token', token, {
maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
path: '/',
// Destory
nookies.destroy(ctx, 'token')
render() {
return <div>My profile</div>
- ctx:
Next.js context
- options:
- decode:
a custom resolver function (default: decodeURIComponent)
- decode:
- ctx:
(Next.js context)
- name: cookie name
- value: cookie value
- options:
- domain
- encode
- expires
- httpOnly
- maxAge
- path
- sameSite
- secure
- ctx: (Next.js context)
- name: cookie name