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Google API bindings for use with the Haste compiler

This is very much a work in progress, and there may be API changes while I try to design an API that's not horrible to use. I am in no way affiliated by Google.

What is this?

This is a library to make use of the Google API Client Library for JavasScript in a Haskell environment!

The library works by wrapping login and giving you a fancy type to perform your requests in. This will ease chained requests that would give large amounts of clutter in JavaScript, while giving you a better ability to handle errors. If you only want to do a single or few requests and feel that RequestM is quite heavy, you can also perform Request with Promises!

Your HTML doesn't even need to load the GAPI library itself, Haste-GAPI handles that for you!


First off, set up an account at the Google Developer Console if you haven't already done so.

While Haste-GAPI doesn't necessary needs it to work, I recommend you to compile your Haste-GAPI applications with the --onexec flag, as in haste --onexec CoolSite.hs. If you don't, you may notice slightly longer load time on sites with lots of resources as the Google API hooks download first after the DOM is loaded.

To load your haste-gapi, just call this function:

withGAPI :: Config -> (OAuth2Token -> IO ()) -> IO ()

This will load the Google API JavaScript library, and perform the given function with a OAuth2Token as an argument. The token is needed to perform requests within the Google API.

If you want to login, you'll also have to have some login credentials, which you ought to find at your Google Developer Console permissions page.

This configuration takes a single API key along with your clientID and scopes.

data Config = Config {clientID  :: String,
                      apiKey    :: String,
                      scopes    :: String,
                      immediate :: Bool}

To perform a successfull authentication, we apply the configuration and a continuation to the withGapi function. We will then recieve an OAuth2Token in which we can see if the authorization was successful.

import Haste.GAPI

-- | Retrieving a token (config is defined elsewhere)
main = withGAPI Auth.config $ \token -> do
  success <- oa2Success token 
  if success
    then putStrLn $ "We're in!"
   	else do 
      error <- errorMsg token 
      putStrLn $ "There was an error: " ++ error

Making a request with RequestM (rexec)!

Let's use what we know and perform a request! The code below will access the Google+ APIs and ask who you are!

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Haste.GAPI
import Data.Default

config = ... -- defined elsewhere

-- | A login example with haste-gapi (config is defined elsewhere)
main = withGAPI config $ \token -> runR token you

you :: RequestM ()
you = do
  response <- request' "plus/v1/people/me"
  Just name <- findVal response "result.displayName"
  liftIO . putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!"


Google API bindings for use with the Haste compiler







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