py_f2recom is the toolbox for the evaluation of FESOM2-REcoM2 outputs.
RECOM2's documentation:
FESOM2's documentation:
py_f2recom repository:
py_f2recom is based on the pyfesom2 [python3] structure:
WARNING: If you are working on the previous FESOM1.4, this toolbox IS NOT for you.
You can refer to the ancestor called py_recom working with the soon obsolete python2:
py_recom2 works like py_fesom2, but adds some custom dependencies which are included (i.e. improved version of pyfesom2, skillmetrics, cmocean). All you need is to copy the directory ('git clone'), adapt your own paths, and a python3 distribution (e.g. anaconda3) that already contains the required mainstream librairies (e.g. numpy, xarray, matplotlib >= 3.3, pandas, cartopy, netcdf) and NOT an conda environment. For example, on the machine Ollie just type 'module load python', on HLRN machine 'module load anaconda3' (although you might need on HLRN to install/update locally some missing modules using 'pip install module_name --user').
Note1: Using Robinson projection needs more time than the standard Plate Carree projection (default).
Note2: in order to avoid memory issue and restart kernels, most functions do not output variables.
However, they could output the variables by assiggning an object (e.g., output = PHC3tempcomp()).
Note3: Use the MASTER script in the GlobalAssessment folder, to get a complete overview.
FESOM2 documentation.
REcoM2 documentation:
py_recom allows in some analysis the masking/comparison of oceans, for example:
Available regions:
Ocean Basins:
"Global Ocean"
"Global Ocean 65N to 65S"
"Global Ocean 15S to 15N"
MOC Basins:
Nino Regions:
"Nino 3.4"
"Nino 3"
"Nino 4"
Arctic Ocean regions:
"Amerasian basin"
"Eurasian basin"
The user can refer to the 'get_mask' funstion in '/modules/pyseom2/'
(c) REcoM development team (MarESys Judith Hauck's group). No warranty. contact: [email protected]