This repository provides an example for the creation of an ESA Datalabs JupyterLab datalab based on a repository with Jupyter notebooks (from an external git repository). This assumes there is no Dockerfile. TBC: Expert users can include their own Dockerfile (e.g. to include specific jupyter extensions). Restrictions to be defined
A typical simple repository example is:
--> jupyter notebook: simple GPU notebook.notebook_02.ipynb
--> jupyter notebook: simple notebook to explore data products (FITS)
--> user provided custom python module (imported in thenotebook_02.ipynb
--> folder that could contain some data included in the datalab image (data can also be mounted on /media/data/ at container runtime)requirements.txt
--> required python modules to be installeddatalab-meta.yml
--> pre-filled metadata key:value pairs (used to create the datalab)
The content of the repository is copied into /media/notebooks/datalab_xxxx/
(see below)
As shown above it is possible to include a requirements.txt
(pip install) file that contains a list of python packages that will be installed.
The requirements.txt
file should list all Python libraries that your notebooks depend on, and they will be installed using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The structure of a metadata yml file is as follows:
# Mandatory fields:
title: Name of your datalab
alternateName: Shorter name or acronym for your datalab
abstract: A short description of your Datalab
distribution.license: Licencse applicable to your datalab, e.g. MIT, Apache 2.0, GPL.
# Recommended fields:
description: A longer more detailed description of your datalab name of the creator of the datalab (can be someone else)
instrument: name of instrument (e.g. SPICAV)
mission: name of mission (e.g. JWST)
thumbnailUrl: link (URL) to a SVG icon used to display your datalab in the catalogue
version: version of your datalab (different from the internal version assigned in ESA Datalabs)
# Optional fields:
email: your-email@your-institute
organisation-name: your-institute
- keyword1 (preferably use keywords from the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (
- keyword2
citation: Reference to your paper
funder: Funding acknowledgemetn
doi.notation: DOI of your datalab (either existing one or assigned by ESA)
The Docker image created by the "Create datalab" functionality is based on the pre-approved base image for jupyter labs sepp/jupyterlab_base:latest
A minmial Dockerfile
would look like this (see example Dockerfile.example
FROM sepp/jupyterlab_base:latest ## use one of the pre-approved base images
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ## --> is this required?
COPY ./requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev \
&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \
&& pip3 install jupyterlab==2.2.9 ## --> required version?? should this be included in requirements.txt
&& pip3 install -r /tmp/requirements.txt
COPY ./ /media/notebooks/ ## --> Copy by default the entire repository to this folder?
RUN rm /media/notebooks/lab-meta.yml ## --> need to remove some files??
To create a new Jupyter Notebook based datalab from this above prepared repository the user shall follow these steps:
Once you're happy with your datalab (see previous section) you're ready to have your datalab validated and published in the the ESA Datalabs datalabs catalogue. Follow these steps: