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ollef committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent e5538b6 commit 2fb580d
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Showing 9 changed files with 268 additions and 267 deletions.
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions src/Core/Domain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,13 +173,7 @@ instance Semigroup Spine where
instance Monoid Spine where
mempty = Empty

matchSpinePrefix :: Spine -> Spine -> Maybe (Spine, Spine)
matchSpinePrefix (Spine sargs srest) (Spine pargs Seq.Empty)
| Seq.length sargs >= Seq.length pargs = do
let (prefix, suffix) = Seq.splitAt (Seq.length pargs) sargs
Just (Spine prefix Seq.Empty, Spine suffix srest)
matchSpinePrefix (Spine sargs ((sbrs, sargs') Seq.:<| srest)) (Spine pargs ((_, pargs') Seq.:<| prest))
| Seq.length sargs == Seq.length pargs = do
(Spine prefixArgs prefix, suffix) <- matchSpinePrefix (Spine sargs' srest) (Spine pargs' prest)
Just (Spine sargs ((sbrs, prefixArgs) Seq.:<| prefix), suffix)
matchSpinePrefix _ _ = Nothing
matchArgsPrefix :: Args -> Args -> Maybe (Args, Args)
matchArgsPrefix sargs pargs
| Seq.length sargs >= Seq.length pargs = Just $ Seq.splitAt (Seq.length pargs) sargs
| otherwise = Nothing
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Core/Evaluation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ chooseConstructorBranch
chooseConstructorBranch outerEnv qualifiedConstr@(Name.QualifiedConstructor _ constr) outerArgs branches defaultBranch =
case (OrderedHashMap.lookup constr branches, defaultBranch) of
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
panic "chooseBranch no branches"
panic "chooseConstructorBranch no branches"
(Nothing, Just branch) ->
evaluate outerEnv branch
(Just (_, tele), _) -> do
Expand All @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ chooseConstructorBranch outerEnv qualifiedConstr@(Name.QualifiedConstructor _ co
| plicity1 == plicity2 ->
dropTypeArgs tele' args'
_ ->
panic "chooseBranch arg mismatch"
panic "chooseConstructorBranch arg mismatch"

:: Domain.Environment v
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Elaboration.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ elaborateLets context declaredNames undefinedVars definedVars lets body mode = d
defines =
foldr' \(var, value) context' ->
if isJust $ Context.lookupVarIndex var context'
then Context.defineWellOrdered context' (Domain.Var var) Domain.Empty value
then Context.defineWellOrdered context' (Domain.Var var) Seq.Empty value
else context'

forceExpectedTypeHead :: Context v -> Mode result -> M (Mode result)
Expand Down
160 changes: 117 additions & 43 deletions src/Elaboration/Context.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ import Data.EnumSet (EnumSet)
import qualified Data.EnumSet as EnumSet
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.IORef.Lifted
import qualified Data.IntSeq as IntSeq
import qualified Data.OrderedHashMap as OrderedHashMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Tsil as Tsil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,17 +80,17 @@ toEnvironment context =
, values =
$ mapMaybe
( \(head_, spines) ->
( \(head_, argEqualities) ->
case head_ of
Domain.Var var -> do
let emptySpineValues =
( \(spine, value) ->
case spine of
Domain.Empty -> Just (var, value)
( \(args, value) ->
case args of
Seq.Empty -> Just (var, value)
_ -> Nothing
case emptySpineValues of
[value] -> Just value
[] -> Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,45 +151,45 @@ spanned s context =

coveredConstructorsAndLiterals :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> M (HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor, HashSet Literal)
coveredConstructorsAndLiterals context head_ spine =
coveredConstructorsAndLiterals :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> M (HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor, HashSet Literal)
coveredConstructorsAndLiterals context head_ args =
case HashMap.lookup head_ context.equations.notEqual of
Nothing -> pure mempty
Just spines ->
<$> mapM
( \(spine', constructors, literals) -> do
eq <- Unification.equalSpines context spine spine'
( \(args', constructors, literals) -> do
eq <- Unification.equalArgs context args args'
pure if eq then (constructors, literals) else mempty

coveredConstructors :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> M (HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor)
coveredConstructors context head_ spine = fst <$> coveredConstructorsAndLiterals context head_ spine
coveredConstructors :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> M (HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor)
coveredConstructors context head_ args = fst <$> coveredConstructorsAndLiterals context head_ args

coveredLiterals :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> M (HashSet Literal)
coveredLiterals context head_ spine = snd <$> coveredConstructorsAndLiterals context head_ spine
coveredLiterals :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> M (HashSet Literal)
coveredLiterals context head_ args = snd <$> coveredConstructorsAndLiterals context head_ args

withCoveredConstructors :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor -> Context v
withCoveredConstructors context head_ spine constructors =
withCoveredConstructors :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor -> Context v
withCoveredConstructors context head_ args constructors =
{ equations =
{ notEqual =
HashMap.insertWith (<>) head_ [(spine, constructors, mempty)] context.equations.notEqual
HashMap.insertWith (<>) head_ [(args, constructors, mempty)] context.equations.notEqual

withCoveredLiterals :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> HashSet Literal -> Context v
withCoveredLiterals context head_ spine literals =
withCoveredLiterals :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> HashSet Literal -> Context v
withCoveredLiterals context head_ args literals =
{ equations =
{ notEqual =
[(spine, mempty, literals)]
[(args, mempty, literals)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ extendSurfaceDef context surfaceName@(Name.Surface nameText) value type_ = do
, indices = context.indices Index.Map.:> var
, equations =
{ equal = HashMap.insert (Domain.Var var) [(Domain.Empty, value)] context.equations.equal
{ equal = HashMap.insert (Domain.Var var) [(Seq.Empty, value)] context.equations.equal
, types = EnumMap.insert var type_ context.types
Expand All @@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ extendDef context name value type_ = do
, indices = context.indices Index.Map.:> var
, equations =
{ equal = HashMap.insert (Domain.Var var) [(Domain.Empty, value)] context.equations.equal
{ equal = HashMap.insert (Domain.Var var) [(Seq.Empty, value)] context.equations.equal
, types = EnumMap.insert var type_ context.types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,15 +302,15 @@ extendBefore context beforeVar binding type_ = do
, var

defineWellOrdered :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> Domain.Value -> Context v
defineWellOrdered context head_ spine value =
defineWellOrdered :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> Domain.Value -> Context v
defineWellOrdered context head_ args value =
{ equations =
{ equal = HashMap.insertWith (<>) head_ [(spine, value)] context.equations.equal
{ equal = HashMap.insertWith (<>) head_ [(args, value)] context.equations.equal
, boundVars = case (head_, spine) of
(Domain.Var var, Domain.Empty) -> IntSeq.delete var context.boundVars
, boundVars = case (head_, args) of
(Domain.Var var, Seq.Empty) -> IntSeq.delete var context.boundVars
_ -> context.boundVars

Expand All @@ -317,10 +319,10 @@ skip context = do
(context', _) <- extendDef context "skip" Builtin.Type Builtin.Type
pure context'

define :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> Domain.Value -> M (Context v)
define context head_ spine value = do
define :: Context v -> Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> Domain.Value -> M (Context v)
define context head_ args value = do
deps <- evalStateT (freeVars context value) mempty
let context' = defineWellOrdered context head_ spine value
let context' = defineWellOrdered context head_ args value
| EnumSet.null deps = context'
| otherwise =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,19 +645,53 @@ forceHead context value =
forceHead context value'
Meta.EagerUnsolved {} ->
pure value
Domain.Neutral head_ spine
| Just spineValues <- HashMap.lookup head_ context.equations.equal -> do
Domain.Neutral head_ (Domain.Spine args caseSpine)
| Just argEqualities <- HashMap.lookup head_ context.equations.equal -> do
let go [] = pure value
go ((eqSpine, eqValue) : rest)
| Just (spinePrefix, spineSuffix) <- Domain.matchSpinePrefix spine eqSpine = do
eq <- Unification.equalSpines context spinePrefix eqSpine
go ((eqArgs, eqValue) : rest)
| Just (argsPrefix, argsSuffix) <- Domain.matchArgsPrefix args eqArgs = do
eq <- Unification.equalArgs context argsPrefix eqArgs
if eq
then do
value' <- Evaluation.applySpine eqValue spineSuffix
value' <- Evaluation.applySpine eqValue $ Domain.Spine argsSuffix caseSpine
forceHead context value'
else go rest
go (_ : rest) = go rest
go spineValues
go argEqualities
( Domain.Spine
( ( Domain.Branches env' (Syntax.ConstructorBranches typeName cbrs) (Just defaultBranch)
, args2
Seq.:<| caseSpine
) -> do
covered <- coveredConstructors context head_ args1
if all (\c -> HashSet.member (Name.QualifiedConstructor typeName c) covered) $ OrderedHashMap.keys cbrs
then do
branchValue <- Evaluation.evaluate env' defaultBranch
value' <- Evaluation.applySpine branchValue $ Domain.Spine args2 caseSpine
forceHead context value'
else pure value
( Domain.Spine
( ( Domain.Branches env' (Syntax.LiteralBranches lbrs) (Just defaultBranch)
, args2
Seq.:<| caseSpine
) -> do
covered <- coveredLiterals context head_ args1
if all (`HashSet.member` covered) $ OrderedHashMap.keys lbrs
then do
branchValue <- Evaluation.evaluate env' defaultBranch
value' <- Evaluation.applySpine branchValue $ Domain.Spine args2 caseSpine
forceHead context value'
else pure value
Domain.Glued _ _ value' ->
forceHead context value'
Domain.Lazy lazyValue -> do
Expand All @@ -682,19 +718,57 @@ forceHeadGlue context value =
pure $ Domain.Glued (Domain.Meta metaIndex) spine $ Domain.Lazy lazyValue
Meta.EagerUnsolved {} ->
pure value
Domain.Neutral head_ spine
| Just spineValues <- HashMap.lookup head_ context.equations.equal -> do
Domain.Neutral head_ spine@(Domain.Spine args caseSpine)
| Just argEqualities <- HashMap.lookup head_ context.equations.equal -> do
let go [] = pure value
go ((eqSpine, eqValue) : rest)
| Just (spinePrefix, spineSuffix) <- Domain.matchSpinePrefix spine eqSpine = do
eq <- Unification.equalSpines context spinePrefix eqSpine
go ((eqArgs, eqValue) : rest)
| Just (argsPrefix, argsSuffix) <- Domain.matchArgsPrefix args eqArgs = do
eq <- Unification.equalArgs context argsPrefix eqArgs
if eq
then do
lazyValue <- lazy $ Evaluation.applySpine eqValue spineSuffix
lazyValue <- lazy $ Evaluation.applySpine eqValue $ Domain.Spine argsSuffix caseSpine
pure $ Domain.Glued head_ spine $ Domain.Lazy lazyValue
else go rest
go (_ : rest) = go rest
go spineValues
go argEqualities
spine@( Domain.Spine
( ( Domain.Branches env' (Syntax.ConstructorBranches typeName cbrs) (Just defaultBranch)
, args2
Seq.:<| caseSpine
) -> do
covered <- coveredConstructors context head_ args1
if all (\c -> HashSet.member (Name.QualifiedConstructor typeName c) covered) $ OrderedHashMap.keys cbrs
then do
lazyValue <- lazy do
branchValue <- Evaluation.evaluate env' defaultBranch
value' <- Evaluation.applySpine branchValue $ Domain.Spine args2 caseSpine
forceHead context value'
pure $ Domain.Glued head_ spine $ Domain.Lazy lazyValue
else pure value
spine@( Domain.Spine
( ( Domain.Branches env' (Syntax.LiteralBranches lbrs) (Just defaultBranch)
, args2
Seq.:<| caseSpine
) -> do
covered <- coveredLiterals context head_ args1
if all (`HashSet.member` covered) $ OrderedHashMap.keys lbrs
then do
lazyValue <- lazy do
branchValue <- Evaluation.evaluate env' defaultBranch
value' <- Evaluation.applySpine branchValue $ Domain.Spine args2 caseSpine
forceHead context value'
pure $ Domain.Glued head_ spine $ Domain.Lazy lazyValue
else pure value
Domain.Lazy lazyValue -> do
value' <- force lazyValue
forceHeadGlue context value'
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Elaboration/Context/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ data Context (v :: Data.Kind.Type) = Context

data Equations = Equations
{ equal :: HashMap Domain.Head [(Domain.Spine, Domain.Value)]
, notEqual :: HashMap Domain.Head [(Domain.Spine, HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor, HashSet Literal)]
{ equal :: HashMap Domain.Head [(Domain.Args, Domain.Value)]
, notEqual :: HashMap Domain.Head [(Domain.Args, HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor, HashSet Literal)]

type CoveredConstructors = EnumMap Var (HashSet Name.QualifiedConstructor)
Expand Down
31 changes: 16 additions & 15 deletions src/Elaboration/Equation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,42 +89,43 @@ equateM flexibility value1 value2 = do
equateM flexibility target1 target2

-- Neutrals
(Domain.Neutral head1 spine1, Domain.Neutral head2 spine2)
(Domain.Neutral head1 (Domain.Apps args1), Domain.Neutral head2 (Domain.Apps args2))
| Flexibility.Rigid <- max (Domain.headFlexibility head1) flexibility
, Flexibility.Rigid <- max (Domain.headFlexibility head2) flexibility -> do
, Flexibility.Rigid <- max (Domain.headFlexibility head2) flexibility
, (fst <$> args1) == (fst <$> args2) -> do
-- TODO: check both directions?
ordering <- lift $ compareHeadDepths head1 head2
case ordering of
LT -> solve head2 spine2 value1'
GT -> solve head1 spine1 value2'
EQ -> solve head2 spine2 value1'
(Domain.Neutral head1 spine1, _)
LT -> solve head2 args2 value1'
GT -> solve head1 args1 value2'
EQ -> solve head2 args2 value1'
(Domain.Neutral head1 (Domain.Apps args1), _)
| Flexibility.Rigid <- max (Domain.headFlexibility head1) flexibility ->
solve head1 spine1 value2
(_, Domain.Neutral head2 spine2)
solve head1 args1 value2
(_, Domain.Neutral head2 (Domain.Apps args2))
| Flexibility.Rigid <- max (Domain.headFlexibility head2) flexibility ->
solve head2 spine2 value1
solve head2 args2 value1
_ ->
throwIO Dunno

solve :: Domain.Head -> Domain.Spine -> Domain.Value -> Equate v ()
solve head_ spine value = do
solve :: Domain.Head -> Domain.Args -> Domain.Value -> Equate v ()
solve head_ args value = do
context <- get
context' <- lift do
value' <- Context.forceHead context value
case value' of
Domain.Con con _ -> do
covered <- Context.coveredConstructors context head_ spine
covered <- Context.coveredConstructors context head_ args
when (con `HashSet.member` covered) $
throwIO Nope
Domain.Lit lit -> do
covered <- Context.coveredLiterals context head_ spine
covered <- Context.coveredLiterals context head_ args
when (lit `HashSet.member` covered) $
throwIO Nope
_ -> pure ()
occurs context (== head_) Flexibility.Rigid value
occursSpine context isMeta Flexibility.Rigid spine
Context.define context head_ spine value
mapM_ (occurs context isMeta Flexibility.Rigid . snd) args
Context.define context head_ args value
put context'
isMeta (Domain.Meta _) = True
Expand Down

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