To install the project in local execute the next line in terminal:
npm install
To run the project execute the next line:
npm start
To test the project execute the next line:
npm test
Here some additional information for endpoints created:
├── AUTH
|-- POST /auth/local/register : Register user by email/password
|-- POST /auth/local/login : Login user by email/password
|-- GET /api/favs/ : Get all list of favorites
|-- POST /api/favs/ : Creates a new list of favorites
|-- GET /api/favs/:favsId : Get a single list of favorites
|-- DELETE /api/favs/:favsId : Deletes a list of favorites
├── FAV
|-- POST /api/fav/:favsId : Creates a single fav for favorite list
LISTFAVS and FAV endpoinst use isAuthenticated() middleware function to verify user authentication.
Here some additional information for models created:
-- User
-- ListFavs
-- Favs