Releases: omeka/theme-thedaily
Releases · omeka/theme-thedaily
- Move away from scaling text size.
- Fix thumbnail size on item show.
- Use lightgallery provided by Omeka Classic in v3.1.
- Improve a11y on search form.
- Fix heading levels in exhibit summary.
- Update normalize.
- Fix access to skipnav link.
- Allow user to close search and navigation using escape key.
- Support video and webvtt tracks.
- Track and video files must all share the same base file name (ex: "video.mp4", "video.vtt")
- Theme now supports the following values for track metadata:
- Dublin Core: Type ("subtitles", "captions", etc)
- Dublin Core: Language (the language code for the track)
- Dublin Core: Title (the label for the track)
- Multiple language tracks are supported. They still must share the same base file name as the video: the user differentiates between them using their Dublin Core metadata.
- Theme now supports the following values for track metadata:
- Track and video files must all share the same base file name (ex: "video.mp4", "video.vtt")
- Update npm dependencies.