Releases: omgimanerd/create-advanced-industries
Releases · omgimanerd/create-advanced-industries
New Mods / Major Changes
- Update JEI to v15.20.0.104 to fix incompatibility with AppleSkin.
- Update Xaero's Minimap to 24.5.0.
Tweaks and Adjustments
- Added recipes and items for crafting Creative Storage components from Refined
Storage/ExtraStorage. - Add textures and recipes for Tri-Steel Plating, a prerequisite item for
Creative Mechanisms. - Add a mechanic to allow anima essence to spawn mobs when right clicked on the
relevant block. - Add some alternative recipes for blue ice, snow, and powdered snow.
- Turn ghast tear recipe into an energized beacon craft instead of a resonance
craft. - Remove levitation potion ingredient from quantum mechanisms.
- Add invar spring dependency to vibrational mechanisms.
- Disable Quark's food tooltip to avoid doubled tooltips with AppleSkin.
- Add a breaking sound when a diamond saw blade breaks.
- Overhaul vibrating table recipe and remove all small springs from
JEI/crafting. - Code health fixes and minor tweaks to make ponders higher quality. Increased
text delay time for readability, improved fade in animations. - Add a Ponder explaining the vanilla sculk mechanic.
- Refactor and get rid of all calls to Utils.server.runCommandSilent for sound
playing code in favor of level.playSound. - Add a pressure chamber alternative to gem upgrade crafting.
- Add a concrete dependency to logistics mechanisms and update pneumatic
assembly platform recipes to require it. - Remove TFMG Cement and overhaul concrete mixture recipe to make minecraft
concrete. - Add a custom Creative Upgrade Smithing Template.
- Improve note block resonance crafting to have the final craft use different
particles and play a the Ars Nouveau enchanting completion noise. - Remove control chip and pneumaticcraft drill bits from JEI.
- Add Dimension Card recipe with quantum mechanism.
- Add lathing recipe for hollow logs and sawdust recipe from planks. Tweak
hollow log recipe to yield 3 sawdust. - Remove the regular void steel crafting recipe.
- Disable spammy chapter completion toasts, add fluid buckets as optional tasks
in fluid related quests. - Implement Tom's Storage Paint Kit right clicking logic for sheep and blocks.
- Update Remy the Epicure to also drop his crafting components on death.
- Minor adjustments to aluminum dust, iron oxide, and dust textures.
- Add initial scripts and items for Pembi the Artist and painting crafting.
- Update textures for ender inhibitor, unstable singularity, and magnetic
confinement unit. - Remove Vintage Improvement's steel rod recipe.
- Make singularity crafting more energy intensive and add a tooltip to unstable
singularities. - Add an implement a new item, the Chromatic Bop-Stick, to drain chromatic fluid
from colored sheep for Chromatic Compound Crafting.
- Fix a bug in parseTextFormat() that caused the first style to be applied onto
all subsequent text. - Update recipe catalyst registrations for all custom JEI categories to work
with updated JEI version. - Fix a bug in energized beacon crafting that made violet corundum crafting
impossible. - Fix quest titles that use a smart filter as a task prerequisite.
- Fix some enormously stupid typos that broke void conversion recipes. Fix a bug
in void conversion that made stacks of items not convert correctly. Add a
particle effect to void conversion. - Disable Create's shadow steel in favor of custom void conversion.
- Disable Create's refined radiance recipe in favor of energizing recipe.
- Fix liquid bucket quest names.
- Fix bug in nbt data tooltip for paint kit.
- Fix typos in all ItemEvents.entityInteracted calls.
- Fix sound type and hitbox for ender inhibitor.
- Fix a bug with dragon's breath bottling that resulted in the right click
action instantly bottling the dragon's breath. - Add a custom honey droplet and edible brownie item to replace the broken one
in Create: Sweets and Treats.
New Mods / Major Changes
- Update PonderJS to v1.4.0 to include new custom entity render code to for
beacon ponder. - Updated Create Encased to v1.6.1-fix1 to fix the pipe ponder crash, removed
tooltip warning. - Added Chapter 7: Quantum Mechanisms. Added recipes for machines used by
Quantum Mechanisms.
Tweaks and Adjustments
- Remove XP Condenser intermediate item in favor of pressurizing recipe.
- Add a centrifuging recipe to revert thermite powder.
- Make arcane portal unbreakable. Adjust arcane portal to have no drops, fix
quest to only require an observation instead of the block. - Adjust fluid vessel recipe to match the regular create fluid tank recipe.
- Add logic for corundum clusters to be grown with crystal spouting. Add
tooltips for corundum blocks. - Add manual dyeing recipes for corundum blocks.
- Slightly adjust apotheosis material recipes.
- Add a pressure chamber recipe for echo shards.
- Add a burnable fluid recipe for TFMG Creosote oil
- Remove all optional quests to prevent chapter completion toast from appearing
over and over. Disable toasts for - non-progression based chapters. - Add quest for hardened glass and adjust chapter 6 quests with intermediate
rewards. - Minor adjustments to ingot cast models, allow for cardinal placement.
- Change Time Pouch recipe to a shaped craft instead of a sequenced assembly.
- Add the Codex Indestructia item to make items unbreakable.
- Exempt everlasting beef from nutrient infusion and add apotheosis enchanting
- Fix iron oxide smelting recipe.
- Remove homo file.
- Move model declarations to automatic model path for arcane portal.
- Increase world seed script priority, add an error message of beacon crafting
recipes fail to parse. - Fix a bug with worldSeed.js. ServerEvents.loaded only fires once during the
initial world load. - Add corundum cluster automation pathways and corundum block beacon crafting.
- Fix energized beacon crafting recipe to display multiple outputs correctly in
JEI. - Remove the unbreakable screwdriver and diamond saw blade items in favor of using an item crafted with the Codex - Indestructia
New Mods / Major Changes
- Added a placeholder and WIP Chapter 7.
- Add Xaero's World Map mod.
- Add Xaero's Minimap mod.
- Removed Create: Teleporters.
- Remove Chapter 5c and vastly simplify Redstone Mechanisms. Move complex
signalum recipe to chapter 7. - Add Integrated Dungeons and Structure v1.10.1
- Update JEI to latest version
- Migrated all mod to curseforge.
Tweaks and Changes
- Overhaul Void items from Create Utilities.
- Make etching acid quest require a bucket of etching acid.
- Add a graphic for ESM and note block resonance crafting.
- Move thermite recipe overhauls and adjust TFMG grenade recipes.
- Add items for iron oxide dust and aluminum dust and recipes for aluminum
processing. - Add qol recipe for cloud in a bottle artifact.
- Add overhaul for Graviton tubes.
- Adjust XP crystal recipe to use rosin instead.
- Add an energized beacon crafting recipe alternative for energized glowstone.
- Change loot and light level requirement of warden tendril seeds.
- Adjust hardened planks recipe to consume far more creosote oil.
- Add a pyrolyzer recipe for coal coking.
- Add alternative pathway via lightning strike to get magnetite blocks.
- Show Create Central Kitchen Dragon's breath in JEI.
- Adjust reinforced deepslate recipe to reward automation more.
- Make the Tom's Simple Storage connectors rotatable via the Create wrench.
- Make Tom's Simple Storage blocks wrenchable.
- Overhaul void steel and void steel sheet recipes.
- Fix scaling of automated salvaging recipes. Add back manual salvaging recipes.
- Tweak coke oven recipe to yield 9 ovens.
- Implement custom JEI category for Void Steel gravity crushing.
- Adjust sourceberry recipe to yield slightly more source.
- Fix multiple bugs with the custom experience crystal where it wouldn't
correctly level the player and allowed a filled crystal to dupe XP. - Disable ash drops from mobs.
- Remove faulty blaze milk drinking code and add teleportation juice fluid.
- Fix typo in toms storage tooltip.
- Fix error in invocation of parseTextFormat
- Add note block quest reward to chapter 6
- Add intermediate item for gem slates to fix conflicting sequenced assembly
recipes. - Fix electrical connector recipe conflicts by adding an intermediate item for
spool crafting and removing common end sequence step from electrical
connectors. - Fix Chapter 5A's oil bucket quest requirement.
- Change green dye recipe to kelp crushing since blasting recipes don't work.
- Remove broken recipes for raw dough compacting.
- Disable mixin.perf.dynamic_resources modern fix setting since it breaks
Refined Storage's cable covers.
New Mods / Major Updates
- Add Bonemeal Config mod v1.0.0.
- Update Apotheosis to v7.4.0.
- Change Apotheosis overhauls to match the new sigils added in v7.4.0.
- Update Create: Vintage Improvements to v0.1.6.0.
- Update Create: Connected to v0.8.2.
- Update Artifacts to v9.5.11.
- Update Curios API to v5.9.1+.
- Update Create: Copycats to v1.3.8+.
- Disable item optimization from APTweaks: Items.
- Add ponders explaining the Ars Nouveau blocks.
- Fully implement energized beacon crafting with energy carrier items and
recipe processing. - Change all references of andesite mechanism to kinetic mechanism.
Tweaks and Changes
- Add recipes for unobtainable sculk blocks.
- Add a recipe alternative for yeast culture and fermented spider eye.
- Add an energizing recipe for hearthstones.
- Add recipes for reinforced deepslate and make it mineable and accessible with diamond tools.
- Add a recipe for Thermal's hardened glass.
- Integrate new laser machine from Create: Vintage Improvements.
- Adjust coke oven recipe output yield.
- Adjust Create: Slice and Dice bonemealing cost.
- Adjust looped crystal growth recipes to use a single step instead.
- Adjust obsidian overhaul to make obsidian dust easier to obtain. Add more
pathways to get obsidian. - Adjust dough recipes to yield more and be more forgiving.
- Adjust SequencedAssembly filling recipe to single filling recipe for amethyst
buds. - Adjust wooden hand replacement overhaul.
- Create a custom graphic to add to the metallurgy chapter.
- Prevent the Ender Dragon, Wither, and Warden from being captured by the Ritual
of Containment. - Remove the code to screw the player.
- Re-enable TFMG aluminum recipes, remove flarestack from JEI.
- Change source relay warper to require quantum mechanisms.
- Add Unbreakable tag to unbreakable items so they don't get consumed by crafts.
- Add IDs to thermal crystallizer recipes and fixed a recipe typo in lapis
crystallization. - Fix broken infused dragon's breath recipe.
- Hide all colored Refined Storage blocks from JEI, minor recipe tweak.
- Add a copy of the Refined Storage config to defaultconfigs/
- Fix a typo in Refined Storage's recipe overhauls.
New Mods / Major Updates
- Add the Crafting Station mod.
- Add the Eccentric Tome mod.
- Overhauled copper circuit quest branch in Chapter 5a and moved it into its own
dedicated chapter. It is now Chapter 5c: Redstone Mechanisms. - Implemented void conversion mechanic from Create for Void Steel and other
crafts. - Implemented a block crushing mechanic with the Gravity spell from Ars Nouveau.
Tweaks and Changes
- Add a crushing recipe for basalt to cobblestone.
- Add convenience recipes for vertical gearbox conversion.
- Add an Ars enchanting recipe to make Nutrient Infusion obtainable.
- Allow for trapdoors and drawers to be picked up with the Create wrench.
- Adjust the belt grinder speed thresholds. <64 RPM is low speed, <128 RPM is
medium speed and any higher is high speed. - Adjust fluid drawers to require the Create fluid tank.
- Remove worldgen for Thorium Ore from Create: New Age
- Adjust blaze powder and blaze rod conversion recipes.
- Adjust steel plate recipe to no longer require the helve hammer.
- Adjust steel screw recipe and add a lathe recipe with better yield.
- Removed uses of Thermal's Centrifugal Separator.
- Adjust some of the custom sequenced assembly recipes to require less custom
steps and not clog JEI. - Adjust the quests in Chapter 3 for clarity.
- Adjust the recipes for the Ars fruits to be easier to automate.
- Re-enable Create: Casing's custom mixers.
- Remove the regular crafting recipe for Create: Connected's sequenced pulse
generator. - Rename chapter 6a to chapter 7, and 6b to 6, clarifying the progression flow.
- Adjust Dragon's Breath bottling mechanic to require a Potion of Regeneration
II. - Remove TFMG's slag in favor of Thermal's slag item.
- Remove TFMG's turbine blade.
- Finish Thermal's machine overhaul. Only the chiller, refinery, pyrolyzer,
crystallizer, and crafter are enabled. - Minor fixes to overhauled tooltips.
- Fixed a bug where quartz blocks melt into 810 molten quartz instead of 360,
allowing it to be duped. - Fixed a bug where dough could not be cycled from haunting into eggs.
- Removed duplicated recipes for time pouch crafting.
- Fixed a bug where destabilized redstone, energized glowstone, and resonant
ender were included in the total fluid output of their molten alloy. - Fixed broken pressurizing recipes in Create Vintage Improvements after mod
update. - Fixed impossible alloying recipes that had 3 fluid inputs by changing them
to pressurizing recipes. - Fixed a typo in the cobweb crafting recipe.
- Fixed a duplicated recipe for Create's crushing wheels.
New Mods / Major Updates
- Added Embeddium, APTweaks, FerriteCore, ModernFix and several other
performance enhancing mods. - Add Create: Molten Vents mod for ore processing line.
- Add Create: Encased mod for aesthetic casings, overhauled to fit within
mechanism recipes. - Implement 3 tiers of ore processing and a metallurgy chapter.
- Standardize all ore processing and melting recipes and organize hierarchy of
ores and materials.
Tweaks and Changes
- Added custom textures for dirty metal dusts, steel dust, and zinc dust.
- Add a recipe for rubberwood to be centrifuged.
- Update quest text for tuff from playtester feedback, move around sleeping bag
rewards for QoL quests. - Added a script to allow some vanilla blocks to be rotated with the Create
wrench. - Added a custom ponder for note block resonance crafting.
- Grouped all ponders into custom modpack index category.
- Integrated new lathe machine from Create Vintage Improvements and overhaul
some recipes to use it (gears, rods, etc). - Overhaul recipes for Create Armory to work with chapter progression.
- Reorganized JEI category sort order for all Create mods.
- Implemented a new crafting mechanic using Ars Nouveau's gravity spell to
crush blocks. - Buff the output of the clay processing recipe in Chapter 3.
- Add a deployer recipe for unfired clay ingot casts.
- Separate out redstone module quest to chapter 5c.
- Fix a bug where steel plates were inaccessible due to requiring steel to make
the helve hammer. - Fix a typo in recipe overhauls that broke the recipes for steam engines and
smart chutes. - Fix Create Vintage Improvement's curving press recipes being broken when they
share a common starting ingredient.
Changes since v0.0.7
- Fleshed out and wrote out quest content for Chapter 6b, and all its custom mechanics.
- Updated Forge to 47.3.0
- Fix missing ingot tags, fix broken quests
- Move around quest rewards and requirements from playtesting feedback
- Add Packer Fixer mod
- Added custom commissioned textures for most of the custom items across all chapters
- Added new JEI categories and ponders for custom mechanics
- Nerf Apotheosis garden module for max plant heights
Integrated Create Vintage Improvements. Added more custom JEI recipes and categories for all custom mechanics. Major refactor to native RecipeSchema.
Further QOL improvements, more custom JEI categories for custom mechanics.
Overhauled metallurgy with custom metal casting molds.
Added some WIP Chapter 6 behavior.