The Game Survey project is a survey app composed of a front-end web application written in React/TypeScript, a front-mobile, written in react native, and a Spring Data Java Persistence API (JPA) with Hibernate Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) working as back-end serving data through a PostgreSQL database hosted on Heroku. The front-web app is hosted on Netlify. The survey data collected in the front-mobile is stored in the back-end and can be accessed through the front-web app. The app core was developed during the first edition of the Dev Superior week coding challenge event. Nevertheless, it was entirely refactored after adding several features enhancing its functionality, UI and reliability, notably in the front-mobile version.
- Java
- Maven
- Spring Boot JPA / Hibernate
- HTML / CSS / JS / TypeScript
- ReactJS/React Hooks
- Apex Charts
- HTML / CSS / JS / TypeScript
- React Native/React Hooks
- Expo framework
- Victory Charts
- Back end: Heroku
- Front end web: Netlify
- Database: PostgreSQL
Prerequisites: Java 11
# The first step is to clone the project
git clone
# Enter the project directory
cd backend
# Run
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Prerequisites: npm / yarn
# The first step is to clone the project
git clone
# Enter the project directory
cd front-web
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run
yarn start