This is a Maven project containing the source and configuration files needed by AT. In order for the application to work, be sure to have installed om2m on your hosts: see the om2m installation procedure for more information.
On Linux, run
git clone
then, from the parent directory, execute
mvn clean compile assembly:single
to produce the final .jar files (see om2m/
for configuration and om2m/ nodes
for usage information), and
mvn clean compile war:war
to do the same for .war files.
After building the project, follow the following instructions
: this sets the om2m environment and launches the .jar files out of Tomcatweb/
: this sets Tomcat services and launches the Web Serverom2m/asn/factory/
: this launches the factory simulation- Contiki simulation
- Android app sources: developed under AndroidStudio
To import this project in your Eclipse workspace
- right click on Package Explorer -> Import -> Maven/Check out Maven Projects from SCM or File -> Import -> Maven/Check out Maven Projects
- put in the SCM URL field the following address
[email protected]:openformatproj/augmented-things.git
(be sure to have the EGit SCM connector installed) - click Finish
Note: on some Eclipse versions, such as Eclipse Oxygen, it may be necessary to set Maven options as follows
it seems that Photon doesn't require this.
To synchronize your local copy with the current version of this repository
- right click on Package Explorer/augmented-things -> Team -> Pull
to push your edit in this repository
- right click on Package Explorer/augmented-things -> Team -> Commit -> Commit and Push