This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Backend Contract reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-be_py.
- tblContract > Contract
- tblContractDetails > ContractDetails
- tblContractContributionPlanDetails > ContractContributionPlanDetails
- post_save - Payment: handles service activate_contracted_policies - only when payment is related to the contract/contracts. (it is verified by this post save) Another payments are omitted in processing.
- contract
- contractDetails
- contractContributionPlanDetails
GraphQL Mutations - each mutation emits default signals and return standard error lists (cfr. openimis-be-core_py)
- createContract
- updateContract
- deleteContract
- submitContract
- approveContract
- approveBulkContract (works with Celery)
- counterContract
- amendContract
- renewContract
- createContractDetails
- updateContractDetails
- deleteContractDetails
- createContractDetailsByPhInsuree
- "ObjectMutation" from openimis-be-core_py -
- "object_mutated" method allows the creation of an object to update the xxxMutation easily.
- dedicated for createContract and createContractDetails graphQl mutations
- more info about it and how it was implemented here in Contract module in in class ObjectMutation in docs string
- Contract
- create
- update
- submit
- approve
- amend
- renew
- delete
- get_negative_amount_amendment
- terminate_contract
- ContractDetails
- get_details_from_ph_insuree
- ph_insuree_to_contract_details
- ContractContributionPlanDetails - CRUD services, replace
- create_ccpd (ccpd - acronym of contract contribution plan details)
- contract_valuation
- create_contribution
- PaymentService
- create (with creating payment details for that newly created payment)
- collect_payment_details (collect data from all contributions to assign it to the payment details)
gql_query_contract_perms: required rights to call createContract GraphQL Query (default: ["152101"])
gql_query_contract_admins_perms: required rights to call contribution_plan_bundle_admin GraphQL Query (default: [])
gql_mutation_create_contract_perms: required rights to call createContract, createContractDetails GraphQL Mutations (default: ["152102"])
gql_mutation_update_contract_perms: required rights to call updateContract, updateContractDetails GraphQL Mutations (default: ["152103"])
gql_mutation_delete_contract_perms: required rights to call deleteContract, deleteContractDetails GraphQL Mutations (default: ["152104"])
gql_mutation_renew_contract_perms: required rights to call renewContract GraphQL Mutation (default: ["152106"])
gql_mutation_submit_contract_perms: required rights to call submitContract GraphQL Mutation (default: ["152107"])
gql_mutation_approve_ask_for_change_contract_perms: required rights to call approveContract, approveBulkContract and counterContract GraphQL Mutations (default: ["152108"])
gql_mutation_amend_contract_perms: required rights to call amendContract GraphQL Mutation (default: ["152109"])
- core.models.HistoryModel
- core.models.HistoryBusinessModel
- core.models.ObjectMutation
- policyholder.models.PolicyHolder
- policyholder.models.PolicyHolderInsuree
- contribution_plan.models.ContributionPlan
- contribution_plan.models.ContributionPlanBundleDetails
- insuree.models.Insuree
- insuree.models.InsureePolicy
- contribution.models.Premium
- payment.models.Payment
- payment.models.PaymentDetail
- policy.models.Policy
- calculation module
- for 'bulk approve contract' and 'bulk counter contract' graphQL mutations
- running rabbitmq docker image
- running celery within "{imis_directory}/openimis-be_py/venv/bin/celery":
-A openIMIS worker --loglevel=DEBUG --without-gossip --without-mingle --without-heartbeat -Ofair
- without this required steps you won't be able to bulk counter/approve contract