Private ID iOS SDK supports user registration with identity proofing, and user face login with FIDO Passkey, using Cryptonets fully homomorphically encrypted (FHE) for privacy and security.
- Biometric face registration and authentication compliant with IEEE 2410-2021 Standard for Biometric Privacy, and exempt from GDPR, CCPA, BIPA, and HIPPA privacy law obligations.
- Face registration and 1:n face login in 200ms constant time
- Biometric age estimation with full privacy, on-device in 20ms
- Unlimited users (unlimited gallery size)
- Fair, accurate and unbiased
- Operates online or offline, using local cache for hyper-scalability
- Verified Identity
- Identity Assurance
- Authentication Assurance
- Federation Assurance
- Face Login
- Face Unlock
- Biometric Access Control
- Account Recovery
- Xcode 14.1 or later
- iOS 14.0 or later
- In Xcode, with your app project open, navigate to File > Add Packages.
- When prompted, add the
SDK repository:
- Link your Target to the SDK.
A value that returns the current SDK version.
var version: String
: value for the current version.
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let version = cryptonet.version
A method that creates the session for SDK work. It saves the session pointer inside the SDK and uses it for other methods. Please, use it before any other calls.
func initializeSession(settings: NSString) -> Bool
settings: NSString
: session initialization settings.
: if the session is created it returns 'true'.
let settings = """
"collections": {
"default": {
"named_urls": {
"base_url": "<base_url>"
"session_token": "<session_token>",
"debug_level": "<debug_level>"
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let result = cryptonet.initializeSession(settings: settings)
A method that deinitializes the session created before. You can call this function when you no longer need SDK in your work, so it frees memory and closes the session.
func deinitializeSession() -> Result<Bool, Error>
Result<Bool, Error>
: if the session is closed it returns 'true'.
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let result = cryptonet.deinitializeSession()
Perform a new enrollment (register a new user) using the enroll function. The function will collect 5 consecutive, valid faces to be able to enroll. Using configuration, we must pass the same mfToken
(Multiframe token) on success. If the mfToken
value changes, we will have an invalid enrollment image and start again from the beginning. Note: 5 consecutive faces are needed. When enrollment is successful after 5 consecutive valid faces, enroll returns the enrollment result.
func enroll(image: UIImage, config: EnrollConfig) -> Result<String, Error>
image: UIImage
: input image for enrolment.config: EnrollConfig
: user's config for changing settings.
The EnrollConfig
has default values:
: the SDK expects the RGBA image format.skipAntispoof
: anti-spoof is not enabled by default.
Result<String, Error>
: string is aJSON
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let config = EnrollConfig(mfToken: <mfToken: String>)
let result = cryptonet.enroll(image: image, config: config)
switch result {
case .success(let json):
// ...
case .failure(_):
// ...
Perform predict (authenticate a user) after enrolling the user. This method returns a GUID/PUID if the prediction is successful; otherwise, face validation status and anti-spoof status code from the JSON response. You can get code descriptions at the end of the documentation. However, if the user is not enrolled in the system, this call will return a status of -1 and the message "User not enrolled."
func predict(image: UIImage, config: PredictConfig) -> Result<String, Error>
image: UIImage
: input image for prediction.config: PredictConfig
: user's config for changing settings.
The PredictConfig
has default values:
: the SDK expects the RGBA image format.skipAntispoof
: anti-spoof is not enabled by default.
Result<String, Error>
: string is aJSON
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let config = PredictConfig()
let result = cryptonet.predict(image: image, config: config)
switch result {
case .success(let json):
// ...
case .failure(_):
// ...
Delete a user from the system.
func userDelete(puid: NSString) -> String?
puid: NSString
: user identifier.
: string is aJSON
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let response = cryptonet.userDelete(puid: <puid: String>)
A function that detects if there is a valid face on the photo or video element.
func validate(image: UIImage, config: ValidConfig) -> Result<String, Error>
image: UIImage
: input image for validation.config: ValidConfig
: user's config for changing settings.
The ValidConfig
has default values:
: the SDK expects the RGBA image format.skipAntispoof
: anti-spoof is not enabled by default.
Result<String, Error>
: string is aJSON
representing the face status.
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let config = ValidConfig()
let result = cryptonet.validate(image: image, config: config)
switch result {
case .success(let json):
// ...
case .failure(let error):
// ...
func compareFaceAndEmbedding(selfieImage: UIImage, embeddings: [UInt8], config: FaceAndEmbeddingConfig) -> Result<String, Error>
selfieImage: UIImage
: user's face image.embeddings: [UInt8]
: user's embeddings.config: FaceAndEmbeddingConfig
: user's config for changing settings.
The FaceAndEmbeddingConfig
has default values:
: the SDK expects the RGBA image format.skipAntispoof
: anti-spoof is not enabled by default.
Result<String, Error>
: string is aJSON
let config = FaceAndEmbeddingConfig()
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let result = cryptonet.compareFaceAndEmbedding(selfieImage: <image: UIImage>, embeddings: <[UInt8]>, config: config)
switch result {
case .success(let json):
// ...
case .failure(_):
// ...
A sample JSON result:
"call_status": {
"return_status": 0,
"operation_tag": "compare_mugshot_and_face",
"return_message": "",
"mf_token": "",
"operation_id": 17,
"operation_type_id": 12
"face_compare": {
"result": 0,
"a_face_validation_status": 0,
"b_face_validation_status": 0,
"distance_min": 0.964277208,
"distance_mean": 0.964277208,
"distance_max": 0.964277208,
"conf_score": 56.8121185,
"face_thresholds": [],
"document_data": {
"document_conf_level": 0,
"cropped_document_image": {
"info": {
"width": 112,
"height": 112,
"channels": 4,
"depths": 0,
"color": 4
"data": ""
"document_validation_status": 0,
"status_message": "",
"mrz_text": []
"cropped_face_image": {
"info": {
"width": 112,
"height": 112,
"channels": 4,
"depths": 0,
"color": 4
"data": ""
func compareDocumentAndFace(documentImage: UIImage, selfieImage: UIImage, config: DocumentAndFaceConfig) -> Result<String, Error>
documentImage: UIImage
: user's document image.selfieImage: UIImage
: user's face image.config: DocumentAndFaceConfig
: user's config for changing settings.
The DocumentAndFaceConfig
has default values:
: the SDK expects the RGBA image format.skipAntispoof
: anti-spoof is not enabled by default.
Result<String, Error>
: string is aJSON
let config = DocumentFrontScanAndSelfieConfig()
let cryptonet = CryptonetPackage()
let result = cryptonet.compareDocumentAndSelfieImages(documentImage: <image: UIImage>, selfieImage: <image: UIImage>, config: config)
switch result {
case .success(let json):
// ...
case .failure(_):
// ...
A sample JSON result:
"call_status": {
"return_status": 0,
"operation_tag": "compare_mugshot_and_face",
"return_message": "",
"mf_token": "",
"operation_id": 17,
"operation_type_id": 12
"face_compare": {
"result": 0,
"a_face_validation_status": 0,
"b_face_validation_status": 0,
"distance_min": 0.964277208,
"distance_mean": 0.964277208,
"distance_max": 0.964277208,
"conf_score": 56.8121185,
"face_thresholds": [],
"document_data": {
"document_conf_level": 0,
"cropped_document_image": {
"info": {
"width": 112,
"height": 112,
"channels": 4,
"depths": 0,
"color": 4
"data": ""
"document_validation_status": 0,
"status_message": "",
"mrz_text": []
"cropped_face_image": {
"info": {
"width": 112,
"height": 112,
"channels": 4,
"depths": 0,
"color": 4
"data": ""
- -100 Internal Error
- -1 No Face Found
- 0 Valid Face
- 1 Image Spoof (Not Used)
- 2 Video Spoof (Not Used)
- 3 Too Close
- 4 Too Close
- 5 Too far to right (Close to right edge of image)
- 6 Too far to left (Close to left edge of image)
- 7 Too far up (Close to top edge of image)
- 8 Too far down (Close to bottom edge of image)
- 9 Too Blurry
- 10 Glasses Detected
- 11 Facemask Detected
- 12 Chin too far left
- 13 Chin too far right
- 14 Chin too far up
- 15 Chin too far down
- 16 Image too dim
- 17 Image too bright
- 18 Face low confidence value
- 19 Invalid face background (Not used)
- 20 Eyes blink
- 21 Mouth Open
- 22 Face tilted right
- 23 Face rotated left
- -100 Invalid Image
- -5 Greyscale Image
- -4 Invalid Face
- -2 Mobile phone detected
- -1 No Face Detected
- 0 Real
- 1 Spoof