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Merge pull request #11 from oraichain/feat/support-ton-osmosis
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haunv3 authored Aug 30, 2024
2 parents f8eb08c + 8877538 commit 21f2ba2
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Showing 6 changed files with 170 additions and 0 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions assets/icons/obridge.tsx
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@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import React, { FC, SVGProps } from "react";

export const ObridgeDarkImg: FC<SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>> = (props) => {
return (
viewBox="0 0 91 32"
d="M2.25977 14.4315H3.6763C3.71257 14.1029 3.76803 13.7765 3.83203 13.4544C3.98137 12.7269 4.20323 12.0059 4.4955 11.3211C4.78137 10.6448 5.13123 9.99625 5.5451 9.38399C5.95257 8.78025 6.4219 8.21279 6.93603 7.69652C7.45017 7.18238 8.01977 6.71305 8.6235 6.30559C9.22937 5.89385 9.88003 5.54185 10.5606 5.25599C11.2454 4.96585 11.9664 4.74399 12.6939 4.59252C13.0139 4.52852 13.3424 4.47732 13.671 4.43679V3.01172C7.6635 3.63039 2.87417 8.41332 2.25977 14.4315ZM26.3195 17.0725C26.2832 17.4011 26.2278 17.7275 26.1638 18.0496C26.0144 18.7771 25.7926 19.4981 25.5003 20.1829C25.2144 20.8592 24.8646 21.5077 24.4507 22.12C24.0432 22.7237 23.5739 23.2912 23.0598 23.8075C22.5456 24.3216 21.976 24.7909 21.3723 25.1984C20.7664 25.6101 20.1158 25.9621 19.4352 26.248C18.7504 26.5381 18.0294 26.76 17.3019 26.9115C16.9819 26.9755 16.6534 27.0267 16.3248 27.0672V28.4837C22.3408 27.8693 27.1302 23.0821 27.7424 17.0661L26.3195 17.0725ZM10.5606 26.2501C9.8843 25.9643 9.23577 25.6144 8.6235 25.2005C8.01977 24.7931 7.4523 24.3237 6.93603 23.8096C6.4219 23.2955 5.95043 22.7237 5.54083 22.12C5.1291 21.5141 4.7771 20.8635 4.49123 20.1829C4.2011 19.4981 3.97923 18.7771 3.82777 18.0496C3.76377 17.7296 3.71257 17.4011 3.67203 17.0725H2.25977C2.87417 23.0885 7.66137 27.8779 13.6774 28.4901V27.0736C13.3488 27.0373 13.0224 26.9819 12.7003 26.9179C11.9686 26.7685 11.2454 26.5424 10.5606 26.2501ZM16.3184 3.01385V4.43039C16.647 4.46665 16.9734 4.52212 17.2955 4.58612C18.023 4.73545 18.744 4.95732 19.4288 5.24959C20.1051 5.53545 20.7536 5.88532 21.3659 6.29919C21.9696 6.70665 22.5371 7.17599 23.0534 7.69012C23.5675 8.20425 24.0368 8.77385 24.4443 9.37759C24.856 9.98345 25.208 10.6341 25.4939 11.3147C25.784 11.9995 26.0059 12.7205 26.1574 13.448C26.2214 13.768 26.2726 14.0965 26.3131 14.4251H27.7318C27.1195 8.41332 22.3366 3.63039 16.3184 3.01385Z"
d="M11.2564 21.186H7.78125V18.1289H14.3114L11.2564 21.186Z"
d="M22.2188 18.1137H14.3105C16.1729 16.2449 17.1457 15.0566 19.8401 15.0566H22.2188V18.1137Z"
d="M18.7444 10.3164H22.2196V13.3735H15.6895L18.7444 10.3164Z"
d="M7.78125 13.3887H15.6874C13.825 15.2575 12.8522 16.4457 10.1578 16.4457H7.78125V13.3887Z"
d="M37.4914 20.9411C36.2628 20.9411 35.2831 20.5861 34.5523 19.8715C33.8193 19.1592 33.4551 18.1196 33.4551 16.7549V14.3991C33.4551 13.0344 33.8216 11.9948 34.5523 11.2825C35.2831 10.5702 36.2651 10.2129 37.4914 10.2129C38.7293 10.2129 39.7136 10.5702 40.4466 11.2825C41.1774 11.9948 41.5439 13.0344 41.5439 14.3991V16.7573C41.5439 18.1219 41.1774 19.1615 40.4466 19.8738C39.7159 20.5861 38.7293 20.9411 37.4914 20.9411ZM37.4914 19.837C38.3858 19.837 39.0774 19.5696 39.5684 19.0348C40.0594 18.5 40.306 17.7554 40.306 16.801V14.3553C40.306 13.4032 40.0594 12.6587 39.5684 12.1216C39.0774 11.5868 38.3835 11.3194 37.4914 11.3194C36.6062 11.3194 35.9193 11.5868 35.4283 12.1216C34.9373 12.6564 34.6906 13.4009 34.6906 14.3553V16.801C34.6906 17.7531 34.935 18.4977 35.4283 19.0348C35.9193 19.5696 36.6085 19.837 37.4914 19.837Z"
d="M43.1191 20.7355V19.6314H44.5645V11.5241H43.1191V10.4199H48.2919C48.8913 10.4199 49.4238 10.5283 49.8917 10.7449C50.3574 10.9616 50.7216 11.2636 50.9821 11.6509C51.2425 12.0381 51.3716 12.4946 51.3716 13.0132V13.1308C51.3716 13.6126 51.2771 14.0068 51.0927 14.318C50.906 14.6268 50.6847 14.8689 50.4288 15.0395C50.1729 15.2124 49.9217 15.3368 49.6773 15.4152V15.6227C49.9217 15.6826 50.1776 15.7979 50.4426 15.9685C50.7077 16.1413 50.9313 16.3834 51.1135 16.6969C51.2956 17.0104 51.3855 17.4092 51.3855 17.891V18.0385C51.3855 18.5986 51.2495 19.0827 50.9797 19.4907C50.71 19.8988 50.3412 20.2076 49.8756 20.4197C49.4099 20.6318 48.8751 20.7355 48.2758 20.7355H43.1191ZM45.8024 14.9726H48.1905C48.7806 14.9726 49.2509 14.8228 49.6059 14.5231C49.9586 14.2234 50.1361 13.8293 50.1361 13.336V13.1884C50.1361 12.6882 49.9609 12.2871 49.6128 11.9874C49.2647 11.6878 48.7898 11.5379 48.1905 11.5379H45.8024V14.9726ZM45.8024 19.6152H48.1467C48.7945 19.6152 49.2901 19.4631 49.6358 19.1588C49.9793 18.8545 50.1522 18.4419 50.1522 17.9209V17.7872C50.1522 17.2663 49.9793 16.8536 49.6358 16.5494C49.2924 16.2451 48.7968 16.0929 48.1467 16.0929H45.8024V19.6152Z"
d="M53.3965 20.7356V13.5296H54.5306V14.4148H54.7381C54.8649 14.1013 55.0631 13.8685 55.3282 13.7232C55.5933 13.5757 55.9414 13.502 56.3748 13.502H57.23V14.5623H56.301C55.78 14.5623 55.3605 14.7076 55.0401 14.998C54.7196 15.2885 54.5606 15.738 54.5606 16.3465V20.7379H53.3965V20.7356Z"
d="M59.5416 12.4092C59.2857 12.4092 59.0713 12.3262 58.9008 12.1579C58.7279 11.992 58.6426 11.7799 58.6426 11.524C58.6426 11.2589 58.7279 11.0422 58.9008 10.8763C59.0736 10.7103 59.2857 10.625 59.5416 10.625C59.7975 10.625 60.0072 10.708 60.1755 10.8763C60.3415 11.0445 60.4268 11.2589 60.4268 11.524C60.4268 11.7799 60.3438 11.9897 60.1755 12.1579C60.0072 12.3239 59.7952 12.4092 59.5416 12.4092ZM58.9515 20.7355V13.5295H60.1156V20.7355H58.9515Z"
d="M65.6137 20.9407C64.9936 20.9407 64.4242 20.7932 63.9033 20.4981C63.3823 20.203 62.9697 19.7766 62.6654 19.2164C62.3611 18.6563 62.209 17.9924 62.209 17.2271V17.0357C62.209 16.2704 62.3611 15.6088 62.6654 15.0533C62.9697 14.4978 63.38 14.0713 63.8964 13.7716C64.4127 13.472 64.9844 13.3221 65.6137 13.3221C66.1139 13.3221 66.5404 13.389 66.8885 13.5204C67.2365 13.6541 67.5201 13.82 67.7368 14.0206C67.9535 14.2211 68.1194 14.4355 68.237 14.6614H68.4422V10.4199H69.6063V20.7355H68.4721V19.5415H68.267C68.071 19.9057 67.7667 20.2284 67.3541 20.5142C66.9392 20.8001 66.3583 20.9407 65.6137 20.9407ZM65.9226 19.9103C66.6695 19.9103 67.2757 19.6729 67.7437 19.1957C68.2093 18.7185 68.4445 18.0546 68.4445 17.1994V17.0657C68.4445 16.2105 68.2116 15.5443 67.7437 15.0694C67.278 14.5923 66.6695 14.3548 65.9226 14.3548C65.185 14.3548 64.5787 14.5923 64.1015 15.0694C63.6244 15.5466 63.3869 16.2105 63.3869 17.0657V17.1994C63.3869 18.0546 63.6244 18.7208 64.1015 19.1957C64.5787 19.6729 65.185 19.9103 65.9226 19.9103Z"
d="M71.6992 17.1692V16.9641C71.6992 16.208 71.8514 15.5602 72.1556 15.0185C72.4599 14.4791 72.8725 14.0596 73.3935 13.7668C73.9145 13.4717 74.4839 13.3242 75.104 13.3242C75.86 13.3242 76.4432 13.4694 76.8513 13.7599C77.2593 14.0503 77.5613 14.3708 77.7572 14.7258H77.9647V13.5317H79.0688V22.4181C79.0688 22.81 78.9605 23.1212 78.7438 23.3471C78.5271 23.573 78.2136 23.6859 77.801 23.6859H72.9071V22.6532H77.4898C77.7849 22.6532 77.9324 22.5057 77.9324 22.2106V19.4675H77.7272C77.6097 19.6842 77.4414 19.8939 77.227 20.1014C77.0103 20.3089 76.7314 20.4771 76.3879 20.6108C76.0445 20.7445 75.6157 20.8091 75.1063 20.8091C74.4862 20.8091 73.9168 20.6616 73.3958 20.3665C72.8749 20.0714 72.4622 19.6519 72.1579 19.1056C71.8514 18.5616 71.6992 17.9161 71.6992 17.1692ZM75.4128 19.7764C76.1597 19.7764 76.766 19.5412 77.2339 19.0687C77.6996 18.5961 77.9347 17.9484 77.9347 17.1231V17.0056C77.9347 16.1711 77.7019 15.5187 77.2339 15.0531C76.7683 14.5874 76.1597 14.3523 75.4128 14.3523C74.6752 14.3523 74.0689 14.5851 73.5918 15.0531C73.1146 15.5187 72.8772 16.1711 72.8772 17.0056V17.1231C72.8772 17.9484 73.1146 18.5961 73.5918 19.0687C74.0689 19.5412 74.6752 19.7764 75.4128 19.7764Z"
d="M84.8119 20.9408C84.0858 20.9408 83.4472 20.7864 82.8963 20.4775C82.3454 20.1686 81.9189 19.7329 81.6146 19.1728C81.3103 18.6126 81.1582 17.9649 81.1582 17.2272V17.0497C81.1582 16.3028 81.3103 15.6505 81.6146 15.0903C81.9189 14.5302 82.3408 14.0945 82.8825 13.7856C83.4219 13.4767 84.042 13.3223 84.7404 13.3223C85.4181 13.3223 86.0175 13.4675 86.5385 13.7579C87.0594 14.0484 87.4674 14.4633 87.7625 15.0027C88.0576 15.5421 88.2051 16.1761 88.2051 16.9045V17.4347H82.3246C82.3546 18.2115 82.6035 18.8178 83.0761 19.2558C83.5487 19.6937 84.1365 19.9127 84.8442 19.9127C85.4643 19.9127 85.9391 19.7698 86.2734 19.4863C86.6076 19.2004 86.8635 18.8616 87.0387 18.4697L88.0414 18.9561C87.8939 19.2604 87.691 19.5647 87.4306 19.8689C87.1701 20.1732 86.8312 20.4291 86.414 20.6342C85.9921 20.8394 85.4596 20.9408 84.8119 20.9408ZM82.3361 16.4757H87.0225C86.9834 15.8072 86.7551 15.2863 86.3379 14.9128C85.9207 14.5394 85.3882 14.3527 84.7381 14.3527C84.0788 14.3527 83.5394 14.5394 83.1176 14.9128C82.6934 15.2886 82.433 15.8072 82.3361 16.4757Z"

export const ObridgeLightImg: FC<SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>> = (props) => {
return (
viewBox="0 0 91 32"
d="M2.25977 14.4315H3.6763C3.71257 14.1029 3.76803 13.7765 3.83203 13.4544C3.98137 12.7269 4.20323 12.0059 4.4955 11.3211C4.78137 10.6448 5.13123 9.99625 5.5451 9.38399C5.95257 8.78025 6.4219 8.21279 6.93603 7.69652C7.45017 7.18238 8.01977 6.71305 8.6235 6.30559C9.22937 5.89385 9.88003 5.54185 10.5606 5.25599C11.2454 4.96585 11.9664 4.74399 12.6939 4.59252C13.0139 4.52852 13.3424 4.47732 13.671 4.43679V3.01172C7.6635 3.63039 2.87417 8.41332 2.25977 14.4315ZM26.3195 17.0725C26.2832 17.4011 26.2278 17.7275 26.1638 18.0496C26.0144 18.7771 25.7926 19.4981 25.5003 20.1829C25.2144 20.8592 24.8646 21.5077 24.4507 22.12C24.0432 22.7237 23.5739 23.2912 23.0598 23.8075C22.5456 24.3216 21.976 24.7909 21.3723 25.1984C20.7664 25.6101 20.1158 25.9621 19.4352 26.248C18.7504 26.5381 18.0294 26.76 17.3019 26.9115C16.9819 26.9755 16.6534 27.0267 16.3248 27.0672V28.4837C22.3408 27.8693 27.1302 23.0821 27.7424 17.0661L26.3195 17.0725ZM10.5606 26.2501C9.8843 25.9643 9.23577 25.6144 8.6235 25.2005C8.01977 24.7931 7.4523 24.3237 6.93603 23.8096C6.4219 23.2955 5.95043 22.7237 5.54083 22.12C5.1291 21.5141 4.7771 20.8635 4.49123 20.1829C4.2011 19.4981 3.97923 18.7771 3.82777 18.0496C3.76377 17.7296 3.71257 17.4011 3.67203 17.0725H2.25977C2.87417 23.0885 7.66137 27.8779 13.6774 28.4901V27.0736C13.3488 27.0373 13.0224 26.9819 12.7003 26.9179C11.9686 26.7685 11.2454 26.5424 10.5606 26.2501ZM16.3184 3.01385V4.43039C16.647 4.46665 16.9734 4.52212 17.2955 4.58612C18.023 4.73545 18.744 4.95732 19.4288 5.24959C20.1051 5.53545 20.7536 5.88532 21.3659 6.29919C21.9696 6.70665 22.5371 7.17599 23.0534 7.69012C23.5675 8.20425 24.0368 8.77385 24.4443 9.37759C24.856 9.98345 25.208 10.6341 25.4939 11.3147C25.784 11.9995 26.0059 12.7205 26.1574 13.448C26.2214 13.768 26.2726 14.0965 26.3131 14.4251H27.7318C27.1195 8.41332 22.3366 3.63039 16.3184 3.01385Z"
d="M11.2545 21.186H7.7793V18.1289H14.3094L11.2545 21.186Z"
d="M22.2169 18.1137H14.3086C16.171 16.2449 17.1438 15.0566 19.8382 15.0566H22.2169V18.1137Z"
d="M18.7424 10.3164H22.2176V13.3735H15.6875L18.7424 10.3164Z"
d="M7.7793 13.3887H15.6854C13.823 15.2575 12.8502 16.4457 10.1558 16.4457H7.7793V13.3887Z"
d="M37.4904 20.9411C36.2618 20.9411 35.2821 20.5861 34.5514 19.8715C33.8183 19.1592 33.4541 18.1196 33.4541 16.7549V14.3991C33.4541 13.0344 33.8206 11.9948 34.5514 11.2825C35.2821 10.5702 36.2641 10.2129 37.4904 10.2129C38.7283 10.2129 39.7126 10.5702 40.4457 11.2825C41.1764 11.9948 41.5429 13.0344 41.5429 14.3991V16.7573C41.5429 18.1219 41.1764 19.1615 40.4457 19.8738C39.7149 20.5861 38.7283 20.9411 37.4904 20.9411ZM37.4904 19.837C38.3848 19.837 39.0764 19.5696 39.5674 19.0348C40.0584 18.5 40.305 17.7554 40.305 16.801V14.3553C40.305 13.4032 40.0584 12.6587 39.5674 12.1216C39.0764 11.5868 38.3825 11.3194 37.4904 11.3194C36.6053 11.3194 35.9183 11.5868 35.4273 12.1216C34.9363 12.6564 34.6897 13.4009 34.6897 14.3553V16.801C34.6897 17.7531 34.934 18.4977 35.4273 19.0348C35.9183 19.5696 36.6076 19.837 37.4904 19.837Z"
d="M43.1182 20.7355V19.6314H44.5635V11.5241H43.1182V10.4199H48.291C48.8903 10.4199 49.4228 10.5283 49.8907 10.7449C50.3564 10.9616 50.7206 11.2636 50.9811 11.6509C51.2416 12.0381 51.3707 12.4946 51.3707 13.0132V13.1308C51.3707 13.6126 51.2761 14.0068 51.0917 14.318C50.905 14.6268 50.6837 14.8689 50.4278 15.0395C50.172 15.2124 49.9207 15.3368 49.6764 15.4152V15.6227C49.9207 15.6826 50.1766 15.7979 50.4417 15.9685C50.7068 16.1413 50.9304 16.3834 51.1125 16.6969C51.2946 17.0104 51.3845 17.4092 51.3845 17.891V18.0385C51.3845 18.5986 51.2485 19.0827 50.9788 19.4907C50.7091 19.8988 50.3402 20.2076 49.8746 20.4197C49.409 20.6318 48.8742 20.7355 48.2748 20.7355H43.1182ZM45.8014 14.9726H48.1895C48.7796 14.9726 49.2499 14.8228 49.6049 14.5231C49.9576 14.2234 50.1351 13.8293 50.1351 13.336V13.1884C50.1351 12.6882 49.9599 12.2871 49.6118 11.9874C49.2637 11.6878 48.7889 11.5379 48.1895 11.5379H45.8014V14.9726ZM45.8014 19.6152H48.1457C48.7935 19.6152 49.2891 19.4631 49.6349 19.1588C49.9783 18.8545 50.1512 18.4419 50.1512 17.9209V17.7872C50.1512 17.2663 49.9783 16.8536 49.6349 16.5494C49.2914 16.2451 48.7958 16.0929 48.1457 16.0929H45.8014V19.6152Z"
d="M53.3945 20.7356V13.5296H54.5287V14.4148H54.7361C54.8629 14.1013 55.0612 13.8685 55.3263 13.7232C55.5914 13.5757 55.9394 13.502 56.3728 13.502H57.228V14.5623H56.299C55.7781 14.5623 55.3585 14.7076 55.0381 14.998C54.7177 15.2885 54.5586 15.738 54.5586 16.3465V20.7379H53.3945V20.7356Z"
d="M59.5406 12.4092C59.2847 12.4092 59.0704 12.3262 58.8998 12.1579C58.7269 11.992 58.6416 11.7799 58.6416 11.524C58.6416 11.2589 58.7269 11.0422 58.8998 10.8763C59.0727 10.7103 59.2847 10.625 59.5406 10.625C59.7965 10.625 60.0063 10.708 60.1745 10.8763C60.3405 11.0445 60.4258 11.2589 60.4258 11.524C60.4258 11.7799 60.3428 11.9897 60.1745 12.1579C60.0063 12.3239 59.7942 12.4092 59.5406 12.4092ZM58.9505 20.7355V13.5295H60.1146V20.7355H58.9505Z"
d="M65.6118 20.9407C64.9917 20.9407 64.4223 20.7932 63.9013 20.4981C63.3804 20.203 62.9677 19.7766 62.6635 19.2164C62.3592 18.6563 62.207 17.9924 62.207 17.2271V17.0357C62.207 16.2704 62.3592 15.6088 62.6635 15.0533C62.9677 14.4978 63.3781 14.0713 63.8944 13.7716C64.4108 13.472 64.9824 13.3221 65.6118 13.3221C66.112 13.3221 66.5384 13.389 66.8865 13.5204C67.2346 13.6541 67.5181 13.82 67.7348 14.0206C67.9515 14.2211 68.1175 14.4355 68.235 14.6614H68.4402V10.4199H69.6043V20.7355H68.4702V19.5415H68.265C68.0691 19.9057 67.7648 20.2284 67.3522 20.5142C66.9372 20.8001 66.3563 20.9407 65.6118 20.9407ZM65.9207 19.9103C66.6675 19.9103 67.2738 19.6729 67.7417 19.1957C68.2074 18.7185 68.4425 18.0546 68.4425 17.1994V17.0657C68.4425 16.2105 68.2097 15.5443 67.7417 15.0694C67.2761 14.5923 66.6675 14.3548 65.9207 14.3548C65.183 14.3548 64.5767 14.5923 64.0996 15.0694C63.6224 15.5466 63.385 16.2105 63.385 17.0657V17.1994C63.385 18.0546 63.6224 18.7208 64.0996 19.1957C64.5767 19.6729 65.183 19.9103 65.9207 19.9103Z"
d="M71.6973 17.1692V16.9641C71.6973 16.208 71.8494 15.5602 72.1537 15.0185C72.458 14.4791 72.8706 14.0596 73.3916 13.7668C73.9125 13.4717 74.4819 13.3242 75.102 13.3242C75.8581 13.3242 76.4413 13.4694 76.8493 13.7599C77.2573 14.0503 77.5593 14.3708 77.7552 14.7258H77.9627V13.5317H79.0669V22.4181C79.0669 22.81 78.9585 23.1212 78.7418 23.3471C78.5252 23.573 78.2117 23.6859 77.799 23.6859H72.9052V22.6532H77.4878C77.7829 22.6532 77.9304 22.5057 77.9304 22.2106V19.4675H77.7253C77.6077 19.6842 77.4394 19.8939 77.225 20.1014C77.0084 20.3089 76.7294 20.4771 76.386 20.6108C76.0425 20.7445 75.6137 20.8091 75.1043 20.8091C74.4842 20.8091 73.9148 20.6616 73.3939 20.3665C72.8729 20.0714 72.4603 19.6519 72.156 19.1056C71.8494 18.5616 71.6973 17.9161 71.6973 17.1692ZM75.4109 19.7764C76.1578 19.7764 76.764 19.5412 77.232 19.0687C77.6976 18.5961 77.9327 17.9484 77.9327 17.1231V17.0056C77.9327 16.1711 77.6999 15.5187 77.232 15.0531C76.7663 14.5874 76.1578 14.3523 75.4109 14.3523C74.6732 14.3523 74.067 14.5851 73.5898 15.0531C73.1126 15.5187 72.8752 16.1711 72.8752 17.0056V17.1231C72.8752 17.9484 73.1126 18.5961 73.5898 19.0687C74.067 19.5412 74.6732 19.7764 75.4109 19.7764Z"
d="M84.8119 20.9408C84.0858 20.9408 83.4472 20.7864 82.8963 20.4775C82.3454 20.1686 81.9189 19.7329 81.6146 19.1728C81.3103 18.6126 81.1582 17.9649 81.1582 17.2272V17.0497C81.1582 16.3028 81.3103 15.6505 81.6146 15.0903C81.9189 14.5302 82.3408 14.0945 82.8825 13.7856C83.4219 13.4767 84.042 13.3223 84.7404 13.3223C85.4181 13.3223 86.0175 13.4675 86.5385 13.7579C87.0594 14.0484 87.4674 14.4633 87.7625 15.0027C88.0576 15.5421 88.2051 16.1761 88.2051 16.9045V17.4347H82.3246C82.3546 18.2115 82.6035 18.8178 83.0761 19.2558C83.5487 19.6937 84.1365 19.9127 84.8442 19.9127C85.4643 19.9127 85.9391 19.7698 86.2734 19.4863C86.6076 19.2004 86.8635 18.8616 87.0387 18.4697L88.0414 18.9561C87.8939 19.2604 87.691 19.5647 87.4306 19.8689C87.1701 20.1732 86.8312 20.4291 86.414 20.6342C85.9921 20.8394 85.4596 20.9408 84.8119 20.9408ZM82.3361 16.4757H87.0225C86.9834 15.8072 86.7551 15.2863 86.3379 14.9128C85.9207 14.5394 85.3882 14.3527 84.7381 14.3527C84.0788 14.3527 83.5394 14.5394 83.1176 14.9128C82.6934 15.2886 82.433 15.8072 82.3361 16.4757Z"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions components/commons/select/index.module.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@import "@/styles/mixins";

.selectCommon {
.listSelect {
width: 100%;
Expand All @@ -6,6 +8,10 @@

width: 500px;
padding: 24px;

@include mobile {
padding: 60px;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
gap: 8px;
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions components/page/bridge/components/PowerByOBridge/index.module.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
.powered {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding-top: 10px;
gap: 10px;
font-size: 14px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
color: #979995;
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions components/page/bridge/components/PowerByOBridge/index.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import cn from "classnames/bind";
import React, { CSSProperties } from "react";
import styles from "./index.module.scss";
import { ObridgeDarkImg, ObridgeLightImg } from "@/assets/icons/obridge";

const PowerByOBridge: React.FC<{ theme: string }> = ({ theme }) => {
return (
<div className={styles.powered}>
<div>Powered by</div>
{theme === "light" ? <ObridgeDarkImg /> : <ObridgeLightImg />}

export default PowerByOBridge;
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions components/page/bridge/index.module.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@import "@/styles/mixins";

.container {
display: flex;
// align-items: center;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +51,10 @@
max-width: 500px;
padding: 24px;

@include mobile {
padding: 60px;

border-radius: var(--Dimension-Corner-Radius-modal, 12px);
border: 1px solid var(--Colors-Neutral-Border-border-default, #232521);
background: var(--Colors-Neutral-Surface-bg-swap, #1b1d19);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,4 +308,9 @@

.powerObridge {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions components/page/bridge/index.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import { getCosmWasmClient } from "@/libs/cosmjs";
import { GasPrice } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
import { getAddressCosmos } from "./helper";
import { ArrowDownIcon } from "@/assets/icons/arrow";
import PowerByOBridge from "./components/PowerByOBridge";

const Bridge = () => {
const oraiAddress = useAuthOraiAddress();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1037,6 +1038,9 @@ const Bridge = () => {
<div className={styles.powerObridge}>
<PowerByOBridge theme={"dark"} />
Expand Down

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