Felipe Campelo and Lucas Batista
Operations Research and Complex Systems Laboratory - ORCS Lab
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Claus Aranha
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Japan
R package containing a component-based, modular implementation of the Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Decomposition (MOEA/D) framework.
The MOEA/D framework is seen as a combination of specific design decisions regarding several independent modules:
- Decomposition strategy;
- Aggregation function;
- Objective scaling strategy;
- Neighborhood assignment strategy;
- Variation Stack;
- Update strategy;
- Constraint handling method;
- Termination criteria.
This package provides several options for each module, as explained in the documentation of its main function, MOEADr::moead()
. The input structure of this function is also explained in its documentation.
To install the current release version in your system, simply use:
For the most up-to-date development version, install the github version using:
# install.packages("devtools")
Or, if you are interested in the specific version used to generate the results reported in our paper (Name and journal to be included here as soon as they are decided), use:
and follow the instructions provided in the README section of the Manuscript-Version.
As a simple example, we can reproduce the original MOEA/D (Zhang and Li, 2007) and run it on a 30-variable ZDT1 function:
## 1: prepare test problem
ZDT1 <- make_vectorized_smoof(prob.name = "ZDT1",
dimensions = 30)
## 2: set input parameters
problem <- list(name = "ZDT1",
xmin = rep(0, 30),
xmax = rep(1, 30),
m = 2)
decomp <- list(name = "SLD", H = 99)
neighbors <- list(name = "lambda",
T = 20,
delta.p = 1)
aggfun <- list(name = "wt")
variation <- list(list(name = "sbx",
etax = 20, pc = 1),
list(name = "polymut",
etam = 20, pm = 0.1),
list(name = "truncate"))
update <- list(name = "standard",
UseArchive = FALSE)
scaling <- list(name = "none")
constraint<- list(name = "none")
stopcrit <- list(list(name = "maxiter",
maxiter = 200))
showpars <- list(show.iters = "dots",
showevery = 10)
seed <- NULL
## 3: run MOEA/D
out1 <- moead(problem, decomp, aggfun, neighbors, variation, update,
constraint, scaling, stopcrit, showpars, seed)
# 4: Plot output:
plot(out1$Y[,1], out1$Y[,2], type = "p", pch = 20)
Have fun!