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16 repositories
Public templatequizzes
Public templateElliptic curve cryptographyhomework11
Public templateBasics on elliptic curves and their discrete log problemhomework10
Public templateThe index calculus for the DLP, quadratic reciprocity, and Tonelli-Shanks.homework9
Public templatehomework8
Public templateA bit about distribution of primes and Pollard's p-1 testhomework7
Public templateRoots mod pq, RSA, and Miller-Rabin witnesses for compositenesshomework6
Public templateThe Chinese remainder theorem and its application in the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm problem.homework5
Public templateDiffie-Hellman key exchange and ElGamal cryptosystem. Plus Shanks' algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm problem.homework4
Public templateIntroduction to the discrete logarithm problem and a comparison of symmetric vs asymmetric ciphershomework3
Public templatehomework1
Public templatehomework2
Public templatehomework0
Public template