hyperflux 1.1.3
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @xrfoundation/hyperflux@1.1.3
Install via package.json:
"@xrfoundation/hyperflux": "1.1.3"
About this version
HyperFlux brings together various state management strategies in XREngine, in a way that makes it easy to introspect and test.
In XREngine, we define 3 different stores
The ENGINE store is, meaning actions are dispatched directly on the incoming queue, and run on the Engine timer.
name: 'ENGINE',
getDispatchId: () => 'engine',
getDispatchTime: () => Engine.instance.elapsedTime
// IncomingActionSystem
import { applyIncomingActions } from '@xrengine/hyperflux'
export default async function IncomingActionSystem(world) {
return () => {
In any case, the appropriate store must be provided when dispatching an action:
dispatchAction( WorldNetworkAction.spawnAvatar({ parameters }))
Likewise when adding or removing receptors:
addActionReceptor((a) =>
matches(a).when(WorldNetworkAction.spawnObject.matches, (a) => recepted.push(a))
State objects can also be defined and retrieved from a store:
const PeerState = defineState('peers', () => {
return [] // initial state
// get state
const peerState = getState(Engine.instance.store, PeerState)
All incoming, outoing, and historical actions accessible on the store.actions