23rd August 2021
- Jimmy Bogard - Domain-Driven Refactoring: Encapsulating Data
- Oren Eini - The cost of queue architecture, and why upfront payment will pay dividends
- AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog - Strategy Is a Winding Road. Mechanisms Keep You on Track
- Aaron Stannard - On Generational Thinking
- AWS Compute Blog - How to run massively multiplayer games with EC2 Spot using Aurora Serverless
- CMU Database Group Videos
- Netflix JavaScript Talks - Performance Signup in React & Transactional Apps with Redux
- Chris Coyer - A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- Chrome DevTools Engineering Blog - CSS Grid tooling in DevTools
- Can I still use it
Operating Systems
- Jeremy D. Miller - Dynamic Code Generation in Marten V4
- NScenario - Dead simple library for annotating steps of test case scenarios
- .NET Interactive Learning - Journey is a learning experience running on .NET Interactive Notebooks where teachers can design a challenge-by-challenge path for students
- Vladimir Khorikov - Specification pattern: C# implementation
- .NET Blog - Performance Improvements in .NET 6
- Jon Gjengset - Crust of Rust
- Jan Pochyla - Psst: Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI
- Nicholas Blumhardt - Understanding the Seq Storage view
- BloomRPC - GUI Client for GRPC Services
- Remark Mermaid - A remark plugin for Markdown that replaces mermaid graphs with rendered SVGs
Coding Life
- James Coplien - Scrum Patterns — Not Just About Sucking a Little Less
- Ela Mościcka - Hiring Managers, you’re doing it wrong!
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Ransomware
- Scott Helme - Here's another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt!
- Bruce Schneier - Apple’s NeuralHash Algorithm Has Been Reverse-Engineered