just testing elasticsearch with a simple phone directory
This is a test using elasticsearch and showing it is real-time indexing strength
First install elasticsearch https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch
edit your elasticsearch.yml file and rename your cluster and node to something that is suitiable for you. ex:xxx-dev-cluster
Get this PHP Client https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-php
navigate to localhost or and setup your index
be sure to install marvel also, documentation is here : https://www.elastic.co/downloads/marvel
Below is the way I set mine up.
PUT employee/
{ "mappings" : { "user" : { "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string", "search_analyzer" : "str_search_analyzer", "index_analyzer" : "str_index_analyzer" }, "employee_number" : { "type" : "string", "search_analyzer" : "str_search_analyzer", "index_analyzer" : "str_index_analyzer" }, "date_of_hire" : { "type" : "string", "search_analyzer" : "str_search_analyzer", "index_analyzer" : "str_index_analyzer" } } } }, "settings" : { "analysis" : { "analyzer" : { "str_search_analyzer" : { "tokenizer" : "keyword", "filter" : ["lowercase"] }, "str_index_analyzer" : { "tokenizer" : "keyword", "filter" : ["lowercase", "substring"] } }, "filter" : { "substring" : { "type" : "nGram", "min_gram" : 1, "max_gram" : 20 } } } } }
this allows you to search all fields.
Using the add.php file you can instantly add documents into the index.
Read more here:
Video Tutorial here and Credit to Elastic Youtube Channel and Codecouse:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCHYo0CsZrk --- Elastic Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xb1dHLg-Lk --- Codecourse Channel