CLI for the TimeSync API
Climesync is a CLI frontend to submit times to a TimeSync implementation.
To install from git, run the following commands
$ git clone && cd climesync
$ python install
Then, to run the program, type
$ climesync
climesync accepts args like so:
$ climesync --connect <timesync baseurl> --user <username> --password <password>
or with short options:
$ climesync -c <timesync baseurl> -u <username> -p <password>
If all three args are provided, climesync will connect to timesync and authenticate your username and password for you.
Once climesync is running, you can complete the following tasks:
c - connect
dc - disconnect
s - sign in
so - sign out/reset credentials
ct - submit time
ut - update time
gt - get times
st - sum times
dt - delete time
cp - create project
up - update project
gp - get projects
dp - delete project
ca - create activity
ua - update activity
ga - get activities
da - delete activity
cu - create user
uu - update user
gu - get users
du - delete user
q - exit
To set up a development environment, you must install virtualenvwrapper
from PyPI and create
a new virtualenv.
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ mkvirtualenv venv
(venv) $ ...
After creating the virtualenv, several dependencies must be installed
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
To build Climesync documentation, run the following commands:
(venv) $ cd docs
(venv) $ make html
To view the documentation after it has been built, run this command in a virtualenv:
(venv) $ <browser> build/html/index.html
To lint Climesync for PEP8 compliance, run this command in a virtualenv:
(venv) $ flake8 testing
To run Climesync's unit test suite, run this command in a virtualenv:
(venv) $ nosetests