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File metadata and controls

1241 lines (840 loc) · 63 KB


Provides access to members that control chart properties.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the chart.
series [CIMChartSeries] The series properties of the chart.
generalProperties CIMChartGeneralProperties The general properties of the chart.
legend CIMChartLegend The legend properties of the chart.
axes [CIMChartAxis] The properties of chart axis.
mapSelectionHandling enumeration ChartMapSelectionHandling A setting which indicates whether chart handles selection in the input layer by creating series only from the selected data or highlights selected values on the chart made from entire dataset.
metaData string The client metadata about the chart.

Enumeration: ChartAggregationType

Options for choosing what aggregation type is to be used while calculating values.

Property Value Description
None 0 No aggregation is performed.
Minimum 1 The minimum value is used.
Maximum 2 The maximum value is used.
Mean 3 The mean value is used.
Median 4 The median value is used.
Sum 5 The sum of values is used.
Majority 6 The majority of values is used.
Minority 7 The minority of values is used.


Provides access to members that control chart axis properties.


Property Type Description
visible boolean A value indicating whether the chart axis is visible.
isLogarithmic boolean A value indicating whether the chart axis has logarithmic scale.
title string The title of an axis.
showTitle boolean A value indicating whether the axis title is visible.
useAutomaticTitle boolean A value indicating whether the axis title is auto generated.
valueFormat string The format string for axis value labels.
valueNumberFormat NumberFormat The number format of the axis labels. ValueNumberFormat takes precedence over ValueFormat when both are specified.
dateTimeFormat string The format string for axis date/time labels.
calculateAutomaticMinimum boolean A value indicating whether the chart axis calculates its minimum.
calculateAutomaticMaximum boolean A value indicating whether the chart axis calculates its maximum.
minimum any The minimum of the axis.
maximum any The maximum of the axis.
titleText CIMChartTextProperties The title symbol properties.
labelText CIMChartTextProperties The label symbol properties.
axisLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties for axis.
guides [CIMChartGuide] The array of guides.
labelCharacterLimit long The character limit for axis labels.
navigationScaleFactor double The scale factor for zoom/pan navigation. The value should be positive. This property can have a value more than 0 and less or equal to 1. Deprecated at 2.6.
navigationPosition double The relative start position for zoom/pan navigation. The value range is normalized between 0 and 1. This property can have a value between 0 and 1. Deprecated at 2.6.


Provides access to members that control bar chart series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
multipleBarType enumeration ChartMultiBarType The type of multiple bar-series chart.
barSize long The relative width of the bar.
fillSymbolProperties CIMChartFillSymbolProperties The properties of the fill symbol border.
verticalOrientation boolean A value indicating whether this bar chart is vertically oriented.
sortedCategoryValues [string] The array of sorted category values for custom sort.
showMovingAverage boolean A value indicating whether to show a moving average line overlay for the time based bar chart.
movingAverageLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol for the moving average.
movingAveragePeriod long long A period value for moving average calculation.


Provides access to members that control bar chart box plot series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
fillSymbolProperties CIMChartFillSymbolProperties The properties of the box plot symbol.
verticalOrientation boolean A value indicating whether the box plot is vertically oriented.
showOutliers boolean A value indicating whether to show the box plot outliers.
showInnerPoints boolean A value indicating whether to show the box plot inner points.
showMean boolean A value indicating whether to show the box plot mean marker.
standardizeValues boolean A value indicating whether to calculate standardized values for box plot.
sortedCategoryValues [string] The array of sorted category values for custom sort.


Provides access to members that control CalendarHeat series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
columnTimeUnits enumeration esriTimeUnits The time units for columns.
rowTimeUnits enumeration esriTimeUnits The time units for rows.
nullPolicy enumeration ChartNullPolicy The policy for handling missing data.
noDataColor Color Color properties for empty cells.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method with which breaks are created.
breaksCount long The number of breaks for automatic breaks creation.
minimumBreak double The lower bound of the first range.
breaks [double] The upper bound breaks.
breakColors [CIMColor] The color for each break.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp from which break colors are created.
includeLeapDay boolean A value indicating whether a leap day (February 29) cell is a part of a chart.

Enumeration: ChartColorType

Provides a type of coloring that chart series uses.

Property Value Description
SingleColor 0 Uses a single color from the palette for series.
ColorMatch 1 Matches series colors with the layer.
CustomColor 2 Uses the user-picked color for series.


Provides access to members that control DataClock series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
wedgeTimeUnits enumeration esriTimeUnits The time units for wedges.
ringTimeUnits enumeration esriTimeUnits The time units for rings.
trimIncompleteTimeInterval boolean A value indicating whether incomplete time intervals at the ends of time interval ranges are trimmed in order to avoid bias.
nullPolicy enumeration ChartNullPolicy The policy for handling missing data.
noDataColor Color Color properties for empty cells.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method with which breaks are created.
breaksCount long The number of breaks for automatic breaks creation.
minimumBreak double The lower bound of the first range.
breaks [double] The upper bound breaks.
breakColors [CIMColor] The color for each break.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp from which break colors are created.
showWedgeLabel boolean A value indicating whether the wedge label is visible.
wedgeLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text symbol properties for the wedge label.

Enumeration: ChartDataTransformationType

Types of a data transformation to apply before calculating histogram bins and counts.

Property Value Description
None 0 No data transformations.
Logarithmic 1 Apply logarithmic data transformation.
SquareRoot 2 Apply square root for data transformation.
Inverse 3 Apply inverse data transformation.
BoxCox 4 Apply Box-Cox data transformation.


Provides access to members that control properties of the fill symbol.


Property Type Description
color Color The color of the fill.
opacity long The transparency level of histogram bars.
lineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The properties of the fill symbol border.

Enumeration: ChartFontWeight

Chart font weight types.

Property Value Description
Lighter 0 Defines lighter characters.
Normal 1 Defines normal characters.
Bold 2 Defines bold characters.


Provides access to members that control general chart properties.


Property Type Description
title string The title of the chart.
showTitle boolean A value indicating whether the chart title is visible.
useAutomaticTitle boolean A value indicating whether the chart title is auto generated.
subTitle string The subtitle of the chart.
showSubTitle boolean A value indicating whether the chart subtitle is visible.
footer string The footer of the chart.
showFooter boolean A value indicating whether the chart footer is visible.
theme string The theme of the chart.
titleText CIMChartTextProperties The title symbol properties.
subTitleText CIMChartTextProperties The subtitle symbol properties.
footerText CIMChartTextProperties The footer symbol properties.
backgroundSymbolProperties CIMChartFillSymbolProperties The background fill symbol properties for the chart.
gridLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties for grid lines.


Define the properties to define a chart guide.


Property Type Description
name string The name / title for the guide.
label string The label for the guide.
labelText CIMChartTextProperties The text format for the guide label.
labelPosition enumeration ChartPosition The relative position of the label to the guide.
valueFrom double The numeric coordinate of the from value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to numeric.
valueTo double The numeric coordinate of the to value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to numeric.
timeFrom TimeInstant The temporal coordinate of the from value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to temporal.
timeTo TimeInstant The temporal coordinate of the to value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to temporal.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the guide is visible.
guideType enumeration ChartGuideType The type of the guide.
guideValueType enumeration ChartValueType The type of the coordinate value used in the guide.
fillSymbolProperties CIMChartFillSymbolProperties The symbol properties for the guide.

Enumeration: ChartGuideType

Specifies the type of guide.

Property Value Description
ChartGuideType_Line 0 Guide is a line
ChartGuideType_Range 1 Guide is a range


Provides access to members that control histogram series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
binCount long The number of bins in classifying input values.
showMean boolean A value indicating whether to show the mean line on the histogram.
showMedian boolean A value indicating whether to show the median line on a histogram.
showStandardDeviation boolean A value indicating whether to show the standard deviation band on the histogram.
fillSymbolProperties CIMChartFillSymbolProperties The properties of the fill symbol border.
meanLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The mean line symbol properties of the line series.
medianLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The median line symbol properties of the line series.
standardDeviationLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol for the standard deviation.
showComparisonDistribution boolean A value indicating whether to show a comparison distribution line overlay for the histogram chart.
dataTransformationType enumeration ChartDataTransformationType The type of a data transformation to apply before calculating histogram bins and counts.
dataTransformationParameters [double] Parameters of a data transformation.
distributionLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol for the comparison distribution.
countField string A raster attribute table count field in order to calculate a histogram and statistics for fields that have to be adjusted for counts.


Provides access to members that control chart legend properties.


Property Type Description
visible boolean A value indicating whether the chart legend is visible.
title string The title of the legend.
showTitle boolean A value indicating whether the legend title is visible.
alignment enumeration ChartLegendAlignment The options in arranging the chart legend.
valueFormat string The format string for series value labels.
legendText CIMChartTextProperties The text symbol properties.
legendTitle CIMChartTextProperties The text symbol properties for legend title.

Enumeration: ChartLegendAlignment

Chart legend alignment options.

Property Value Description
Left 0 The legend is arranged along the left side of the chart.
Right 1 The legend is arranged along the right side of the chart.
Top 2 The legend is arranged along the top of the chart
Bottom 3 The legend is arranged along the bottom of the chart.

Enumeration: ChartLineDashStyle

Chart line dash style.

Property Value Description
Solid 0 Uses solid line to draw the chart line.
Dot 1 Uses dotted line to draw the chart line.
Dash 2 Uses dashed line to draw the chart line.
DashDot 3 Uses dash-dotted line to draw the chart line.
LongDash 4 Uses long dashed line to draw the chart line.
LongDashDot 5 Uses long dash-dotted line to draw the chart line.


Provides access to members that control line series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
lineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties of the line series.
markerSymbolProperties CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties The marker symbol properties of the line series.
timeAggregationType enumeration ChartTimeAggregationType The time aggregation type.
timeIntervalUnits enumeration esriTimeUnits The units used for the time interval size.
timeIntervalSize double The time interval size.
calculateAutomaticTimeInterval boolean A value indicating whether the time interval is automatically calculated.
trimIncompleteTimeInterval boolean A value indicating whether incomplete time intervals at the ends of time interval ranges are trimmed in order to avoid bias.
nullPolicy enumeration ChartNullPolicy The policy for handling missing data.
verticalOrientation boolean A value indicating whether this is a vertical (true) or horizontal (false) orientation of a line series.
sortedCategoryValues [string] The array of sorted category values for custom sort.


Provides access to members that control properties of the line symbol.


Property Type Description
visible boolean A value indicating whether the line is visible.
width double The width of the line.
style enumeration ChartLineDashStyle The style of the line.
color Color The color of the line.


Represents the definition of a location for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
geometry Geometry The geometry.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
label string The label.
enabled boolean A value indicating whether this location is enabled or not.

Enumeration: ChartMapSelectionHandling

Provides a choice of how map selection is processed in the chart.

Property Value Description
None 0 Do not handle map selection.
Highlight 1 Highlight selection set on a chart.
BuildFromSelectionSet 2 Build a chart exclusively from the selection set.


Provides access to members that control properties of the marker symbol.


Property Type Description
visible boolean A value indicating whether the symbol is visible.
width double The width of the symbol.
height double The height of the symbol.
style enumeration ChartMarkerSymbolStyle The style of the symbol.
color Color The color of the symbol fill.
lineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The properties of the symbol border.

Enumeration: ChartMarkerSymbolStyle

Chart marker symbol style.

Property Value Description
Circle 0 Uses circle to draw the marker symbol.
Square 1 Uses square to draw the marker symbol.
Diamond 2 Uses diamond to draw the marker symbol.
Triangle 3 Uses triangle to draw the marker symbol.


Provides access to members that control MatrixHeat series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
nullPolicy enumeration ChartNullPolicy The policy for handling missing data.
noDataColor Color Color properties for empty cells.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method with which breaks are created.
breaksCount long The number of breaks for automatic breaks creation.
minimumBreak double The lower bound of the first range.
breaks [double] The upper bound breaks.
breakColors [CIMColor] The color for each break.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp from which break colors are created.

Enumeration: ChartMultiBarType

Standard multiple bar series placement options.

Property Value Description
None 0 Do no use multiple bar series placement options.
SideBySide 1 Uses side by side multiple bar series placement option.
Stacked 2 Uses stacked bar series placement options.
Stacked100 3 Uses stacked 100% multiple bar series placement options.

Enumeration: ChartNullPolicy

Options to handle null values.

Property Value Description
Null 0 Leave the break in the line.
Zero 1 Substitute nulls with zeros.
Interpolate 2 Substitute nulls with interpolated values

Enumeration: ChartPosition

Specifies the position of the content for a target.

Property Value Description
ChartPosition_Center 0 Content is placed at the center of the target
ChartPosition_Top 1 Content is placed at the top of the target
ChartPosition_Bottom 2 Content is placed at the bottom of the target
ChartPosition_Left 3 Content is placed at the left of the target
ChartPosition_Right 4 Content is placed at the right of the target


Provides access to members that control probability plot series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
probabilityPlotType enumeration ChartProbabilityPlotType The type of a probability plot.
dataTransformationType enumeration ChartDataTransformationType The type of data transformation to apply before calculating Normal Q-Q Plot.
dataTransformationParameters [double] Parameters of a data transformation.
showReferenceLine boolean A value indicating whether to show a reference line overlay for the probability plot.
markerSymbolProperties CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties The marker symbol properties of the probability plot series.
referenceLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties of the probability plot series' reference line.

Enumeration: ChartProbabilityPlotType

Chart probability plot types.

Property Value Description
NormalQQPlot 0 Normal Q-Q plot.
QQPlot 1 General Q-Q plot.


Provides access to members that control profile graph series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
lineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties of the profile graph series.
markerSymbolProperties CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties The marker symbol properties of the profile graph series.
horizontalUnit Unit The unit of measure to be used for horizontal distance. The default value is layer's spatial reference XY unit.
verticalUnit Unit The the unit of measure to be used for elevation. The default value is the layer's vertical coordinate system's Z unit, if there is one.

Enumeration: ChartSPMDiagonalOption

Scatter plot matrix diagonal display options.

Property Value Description
None 0 Display nothing in the diagonal.
Histogram 1 Display the histogram in the diagonal.
FieldName 2 Display the field names in the diagonal.

Enumeration: ChartSPMDisplayOption

Scatter plot matrix display options.

Property Value Description
None 0 Display nothing in the other half.
PreviewPlot 1 Display the zoomed-in preview plot in the other half.
ScatterPlots 2 Display the mirrored scatter plots in the other half.
RSquared 3 Display the R squared values in the other half.
PearsonsR 4 Display the Pearson's R values in the other half.

Enumeration: ChartSPMSortByType

Scatter plot matrix sort-by type.

Property Value Description
RSquared 0 Sort by R Squared value.
PearsonsR 1 Sort by Pearson's R value.
Alphabetical 2 Sort by alphabetical value.
Custom 3 Sort by custom order.


Provides access to members that control scatter plot matrix series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
showHistograms boolean A value indicating whether to show histograms for all fields. Deprecated at 2.8. Use DiagonalOption instead.
showTrendLine boolean A value indicating whether to show a trend line overlay for all scatter plots.
showAsRSquared boolean A value indicating whether show scatter plots as R squared values. Deprecated at 2.8. Use LowerLeftDisplayOption instead.
fieldLabels [string] The labels for scatter plot and histogram series' axes.
scatterMarkerSymbolProperties CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties The marker symbol properties of scatter plot series.
trendLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties of the scatter plot series' trend line.
histogramFillSymbolProperties CIMChartFillSymbolProperties The fill symbol properties of histograms.
selectedMiniPlot long The index of the selected mini plot (-1 stands for non selected, -2 for uninitialized).
RSquareText CIMChartTextProperties The text symbol properties for the RSquare.
selectionLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The line symbol properties of the selection line for the mini plot.
displayOption enumeration ChartSPMDisplayOption The display option for the upper right of the scatter plot matrix.
lowerLeftDisplayOption enumeration ChartSPMDisplayOption The display option for the lower left of the scatter plot matrix. PreviewPlot currently is not supported in lower left.
lowerLeftColorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp for the lower left when RSquared or Pearson's R is selected.
lowerLeftBreakColors [CIMColor] The color for each break in the lower left.
upperRightColorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp for the upper right when RSquared or Pearson's R is selected.
upperRightBreakColors [CIMColor] The color for each break in the upper right.
diagonalOption enumeration ChartSPMDiagonalOption The display option for the diagonal.
sortByType enumeration ChartSPMSortByType The sort by type.
sortDirection enumeration ChartSortDirection The direction type of sort order.


Provides access to members that control point chart series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
markerSymbolProperties CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties The marker symbol properties of the point series.
showTrendLine boolean A value indicating whether to show the trend line or not.
trendLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The symbol properties for the trend line symbol.
trendLineFitType enumeration ChartTrendLineFitType A trend line fit type.
trendOrder long The number of terms in a polynomial or Fourier equation.
showTrendEquation boolean A value indicating whether or not to have a trend equation overlay.
bubbleMinimumSize double Minimum size of the bubbles.
bubbleMaximumSize double Maximum size of the bubbles.

Enumeration: ChartSortDirection

Chart sort direction.

Property Value Description
Ascending 0 Ascending sort.
Descending 1 Descending sort.


Represents a chart spectral profile series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
displayMode enumeration SpectralProfileDisplayMode How this spectral profile is displayed.
showOutliers boolean A value indicating whether to show the box plot outliers.
standardizeValues boolean A value indicating whether to calculate standardized values for box plot.


Represents a band for a variable to be plotted over time.


Property Type Description
bandID long The band ID.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
label string The label.
locationID long The index of the location this definition corresponds to.
dimension string The dimension to be plotted on the y axis.
dimensionValues [double] The dimension values corresponding to the dimension to be plotted on the y axis.


Represents the bands for a variable to be plotted over time.


Property Type Description
variable string The variable name for which the bands are to be plotted.
bands [CIMChartTemporalProfileBand] The bands for a variable to be plotted.


Represents arguments to be used to plot change detection over time.


Property Type Description
bands [CIMChartTemporalProfileBand] The bands to be used for change detection.
temporalMaskBandIDs [long] The bandIDs for temporal masking.
updatingFrequency double The frequency in years at which to update the time series model with new observations.
chiSquaredThreshold double The chi squared statictic change probablity threshold.
minimumAnomaly long The minimum number of consecutive anomaly observations that must occur before an event is considered a change.


Represents a dimension value for a given variable to be plotted over time.


Property Type Description
value double The value.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
label string The label.
locationID long The index of the location this definition corresponds to.


Represents dimension values for a given variable to be plotted over time.


Property Type Description
variable string The name of the variable for which the values are to be plotted.
dimension string The name of the dimension for which the values are to be plotted.
values [CIMChartTemporalProfileDimensionValue] Dimension values for a variable to be plotted.


Represents arguments to be used to plot change detection over time.


Property Type Description
band CIMChartTemporalProfileBand The the band to use for segmenting the pixel value trajectories over time.
snappingDate string The date in the format MM-DD used to select a slice for each year.
maximumSegments long The maximum number of segments to be fitted to the time series for each pixel.
vertexCountOvershoot long The the number of additional vertices beyond MaximumSegments + 1 that can be used to fit the model during the initial stage of identifying vertices.
spikeThreshold double The threshold to use for dampening spikes or anomalies in the pixel value trajectory.
recoveryThreshold double The recovery threshold value in years.
preventOneYearRecovery boolean A value indicating whether segments that exhibit a one year recovery will be excluded.
recoveryIncreasingTrend boolean A value indicating whether the recovery has an increasing (positive) trend.
outputOtherBands boolean A value indicating whether other bands will be included in the segmentation process.
minimumObservations long The minimum number of valid observations required to perform fitting.
bestModelProportion double The best model proportion value.
PValueThreshold double The p-value threshold for a model to be selected.

Enumeration: ChartTemporalProfilePlotType

Represents the temporal profile plot type.

Property Value Description
Variables 0 Plot of multiple variables over time at a location.
Bands 1 Plot of multiple bands of a variable over time at a location.
DimensionValues 2 Plot of a variable with specific dimension values over time at multiple locations.
Variable 3 Plot of one variable over time at multiple locations.
Band 4 Plot of one band of a variable over time at multiple locations.
CCDC 5 Plot of the result of CCDC analysis over one or more bands.
LandTrendR 6 Plot of the result of LandTrendR analysis over one band.


Represents a temporal profile chart series.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the series shown in the legend.
uniqueName string The default and unique name of the series.
fields [string] The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type.
orderFields [string] The sort field names in the series.
groupFields [string] The group field names in the series.
whereClause string The format string for series value labels.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the series shows data labels.
horizontalAxis long The index of horizontal axis.
verticalAxis long The index of vertical axis.
colorType enumeration ChartColorType The type of color for the series.
fieldAggregation [string] The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string.
orderFieldsSortTypes [long] The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending).
visible boolean A value indicating whether the series is visible or not.
dataLabelText CIMChartTextProperties The text style for the data label.
multiSeries boolean A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series.
locations [CIMChartLocationDefinition] The locations for which data is to be plotted.


Property Type Description
plotType enumeration ChartTemporalProfilePlotType The type of plot for this chart.
variables [CIMChartTemporalProfileVariable] The variables to be plotted over time.
bands CIMChartTemporalProfileBands The bands for a variable to be plotted over time.
dimensionValues CIMChartTemporalProfileDimensionValues The dimension values for a variable to be plotted over time.
standardizeValues boolean A value indicating whether to calculate standardized values.
timeIntervalSize double The interval size for the time plotted on the x axis.
timeIntervalUnits enumeration esriTimeUnits The unit of time for the interval size.
timeAggregationType enumeration ChartTimeAggregationType The type of grouping to be applied on the time values plotted on the x axis.
trimIncompleteTimeInterval boolean A value indicating whether incomplete time intervals at the ends of time interval ranges are trimmed in order to avoid bias.
dateTimeFormat string The format of the date plotted on the x axis.
trendLineSymbolProperties CIMChartLineSymbolProperties The symbol properties for the trend line.
showTrendLine boolean A value indicating whether to show the trend line or not.
trendLineFitType enumeration ChartTrendLineFitType A trend line fit type.
trendOrder long The order of the equation when a polynomial or Fourier fit type is used.
showTrendEquation boolean A value indicating whether or not to have a trend equation overlay.
spatialAggregationType enumeration ChartAggregationType The spatial aggregation type to be used to calculate cell values.
CCDCArguments CIMChartTemporalProfileCCDCArguments The CCDC options.
landTrendRArguments CIMChartTemporalProfileLandTrendRArguments The LandTrendR options.


Represents a variable to be plotted over time.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
label string The label.
dimension string The dimension to be plotted on the y axis.
dimensionValues [double] The dimension values corresponding to the dimension to be plotted on the y axis.
dimensionValuesSymbols [CIMSymbolReference] The symbols for dimension values.

Enumeration: ChartTextCase

Options for choosing text cases for charts.

Property Value Description
Normal 0 No capitalization.
Uppercase 1 Transforms all characters to uppercase.
Lowercase 2 Transforms all characters to lowercase.
Capitalize 3 Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase.
SmallCaps 4 All characters to uppercase but in small caps font.


Represents chart text properties.


Property Type Description
fontFillColor Color The fill color for the font.
fontOutlineColor Color The outline color for the font.
fontFamilyName string The font family name.
fontItalic boolean A value indicating whether the font style if it is italic or not.
fontSize double The font size in points.
fontWeight enumeration ChartFontWeight The font weight.
textCase enumeration ChartTextCase The text case.
textUnderline boolean A value indicating whether the text is drawn with an underline.
textStrikethrough boolean A value indicating whether the text is drawn with a strikethrough.
textOverline boolean A value indicating whether the text is drawn with an overline.

Enumeration: ChartTimeAggregationType

Options for choosing how time intervals are built for the aggregation of a time based X-axis field.

Property Value Description
None 0 No time aggregation is performed.
EqualIntervalsFromStartTime 1 Time intervals start with the first (earliest) data point.
EqualIntervalsFromEndTime 2 Time intervals start with the last (latest) data point.
CalendarIntervals 3 Time intervals follow calendar breaks.

Enumeration: ChartTrendLineFitType

A fit type for a trend line.

Property Value Description
ChartTrendLineFitType_Linear 0 A straight line that most closely approximates the data. Y(x) = a * x + b
ChartTrendLineFitType_Exponential 1 Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * exp(b*x)
ChartTrendLineFitType_Logarithmic 2 Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * ln(x) + b
ChartTrendLineFitType_Power 3 Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * pow(x, b)
ChartTrendLineFitType_Fourier 4 Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a + b * cos(x) + c * sin(x) + d * cos(2x) + e * sin(2x) + ...
ChartTrendLineFitType_Polynomial 5 Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * x^n + b * x^n-1 + c * x^n-2 + ... + z
ChartTrendLineFitType_MinX 6 The minimum X-value
ChartTrendLineFitType_MinY 7 The minimum Y-value
ChartTrendLineFitType_MaxX 8 The maximum X-value
ChartTrendLineFitType_MaxY 9 The maximum Y-value
ChartTrendLineFitType_AverageX 10 The average X-value
ChartTrendLineFitType_AverageY 11 The average Y-value

Enumeration: ChartValueType

Specifies the type of value.

Property Value Description
ChartValueType_Numeric 0 Value is numeric
ChartValueType_Temporal 1 Value is temporal

Enumeration: SpectralProfileDisplayMode

Spectral profile display modes.

Property Value Description
MeanLine 0 Show spectral profile as line joining mean values of each raster band.
Boxes 1 Show spectral profile as a series of boxes for each raster band.
BoxesAndMeanLine 2 Show spectral profile as both a series of boxes for each raster band and lines joining mean values of each raster band.
ConsolidatedBoxesAndMeanLine 3 Show spectral profile as both consolidated boxes for each raster band and lines joining mean values of each raster band.