Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the chart. |
series | [CIMChartSeries] | The series properties of the chart. |
generalProperties | CIMChartGeneralProperties | The general properties of the chart. |
legend | CIMChartLegend | The legend properties of the chart. |
axes | [CIMChartAxis] | The properties of chart axis. |
mapSelectionHandling | enumeration ChartMapSelectionHandling | A setting which indicates whether chart handles selection in the input layer by creating series only from the selected data or highlights selected values on the chart made from entire dataset. |
metaData | string | The client metadata about the chart. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | No aggregation is performed. |
Minimum | 1 | The minimum value is used. |
Maximum | 2 | The maximum value is used. |
Mean | 3 | The mean value is used. |
Median | 4 | The median value is used. |
Sum | 5 | The sum of values is used. |
Majority | 6 | The majority of values is used. |
Minority | 7 | The minority of values is used. |
Property | Type | Description |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart axis is visible. |
isLogarithmic | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart axis has logarithmic scale. |
title | string | The title of an axis. |
showTitle | boolean | A value indicating whether the axis title is visible. |
useAutomaticTitle | boolean | A value indicating whether the axis title is auto generated. |
valueFormat | string | The format string for axis value labels. |
valueNumberFormat | NumberFormat | The number format of the axis labels. ValueNumberFormat takes precedence over ValueFormat when both are specified. |
dateTimeFormat | string | The format string for axis date/time labels. |
calculateAutomaticMinimum | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart axis calculates its minimum. |
calculateAutomaticMaximum | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart axis calculates its maximum. |
minimum | any | The minimum of the axis. |
maximum | any | The maximum of the axis. |
titleText | CIMChartTextProperties | The title symbol properties. |
labelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The label symbol properties. |
axisLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties for axis. |
guides | [CIMChartGuide] | The array of guides. |
labelCharacterLimit | long | The character limit for axis labels. |
navigationScaleFactor | double | The scale factor for zoom/pan navigation. The value should be positive. This property can have a value more than 0 and less or equal to 1. Deprecated at 2.6. |
navigationPosition | double | The relative start position for zoom/pan navigation. The value range is normalized between 0 and 1. This property can have a value between 0 and 1. Deprecated at 2.6. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
multipleBarType | enumeration ChartMultiBarType | The type of multiple bar-series chart. |
barSize | long | The relative width of the bar. |
fillSymbolProperties | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties | The properties of the fill symbol border. |
verticalOrientation | boolean | A value indicating whether this bar chart is vertically oriented. |
sortedCategoryValues | [string] | The array of sorted category values for custom sort. |
showMovingAverage | boolean | A value indicating whether to show a moving average line overlay for the time based bar chart. |
movingAverageLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol for the moving average. |
movingAveragePeriod | long long | A period value for moving average calculation. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
fillSymbolProperties | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties | The properties of the box plot symbol. |
verticalOrientation | boolean | A value indicating whether the box plot is vertically oriented. |
showOutliers | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the box plot outliers. |
showInnerPoints | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the box plot inner points. |
showMean | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the box plot mean marker. |
standardizeValues | boolean | A value indicating whether to calculate standardized values for box plot. |
sortedCategoryValues | [string] | The array of sorted category values for custom sort. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
columnTimeUnits | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The time units for columns. |
rowTimeUnits | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The time units for rows. |
nullPolicy | enumeration ChartNullPolicy | The policy for handling missing data. |
noDataColor | Color | Color properties for empty cells. |
classificationMethod | enumeration ClassificationMethod | The classification method with which breaks are created. |
breaksCount | long | The number of breaks for automatic breaks creation. |
minimumBreak | double | The lower bound of the first range. |
breaks | [double] | The upper bound breaks. |
breakColors | [CIMColor] | The color for each break. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp from which break colors are created. |
includeLeapDay | boolean | A value indicating whether a leap day (February 29) cell is a part of a chart. |
Property | Value | Description |
SingleColor | 0 | Uses a single color from the palette for series. |
ColorMatch | 1 | Matches series colors with the layer. |
CustomColor | 2 | Uses the user-picked color for series. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
wedgeTimeUnits | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The time units for wedges. |
ringTimeUnits | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The time units for rings. |
trimIncompleteTimeInterval | boolean | A value indicating whether incomplete time intervals at the ends of time interval ranges are trimmed in order to avoid bias. |
nullPolicy | enumeration ChartNullPolicy | The policy for handling missing data. |
noDataColor | Color | Color properties for empty cells. |
classificationMethod | enumeration ClassificationMethod | The classification method with which breaks are created. |
breaksCount | long | The number of breaks for automatic breaks creation. |
minimumBreak | double | The lower bound of the first range. |
breaks | [double] | The upper bound breaks. |
breakColors | [CIMColor] | The color for each break. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp from which break colors are created. |
showWedgeLabel | boolean | A value indicating whether the wedge label is visible. |
wedgeLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text symbol properties for the wedge label. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | No data transformations. |
Logarithmic | 1 | Apply logarithmic data transformation. |
SquareRoot | 2 | Apply square root for data transformation. |
Inverse | 3 | Apply inverse data transformation. |
BoxCox | 4 | Apply Box-Cox data transformation. |
Property | Type | Description |
color | Color | The color of the fill. |
opacity | long | The transparency level of histogram bars. |
lineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The properties of the fill symbol border. |
Property | Value | Description |
Lighter | 0 | Defines lighter characters. |
Normal | 1 | Defines normal characters. |
Bold | 2 | Defines bold characters. |
Property | Type | Description |
title | string | The title of the chart. |
showTitle | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart title is visible. |
useAutomaticTitle | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart title is auto generated. |
subTitle | string | The subtitle of the chart. |
showSubTitle | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart subtitle is visible. |
footer | string | The footer of the chart. |
showFooter | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart footer is visible. |
theme | string | The theme of the chart. |
titleText | CIMChartTextProperties | The title symbol properties. |
subTitleText | CIMChartTextProperties | The subtitle symbol properties. |
footerText | CIMChartTextProperties | The footer symbol properties. |
backgroundSymbolProperties | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties | The background fill symbol properties for the chart. |
gridLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties for grid lines. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name / title for the guide. |
label | string | The label for the guide. |
labelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text format for the guide label. |
labelPosition | enumeration ChartPosition | The relative position of the label to the guide. |
valueFrom | double | The numeric coordinate of the from value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to numeric. |
valueTo | double | The numeric coordinate of the to value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to numeric. |
timeFrom | TimeInstant | The temporal coordinate of the from value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to temporal. |
timeTo | TimeInstant | The temporal coordinate of the to value for the guide. This value will be used when guide value type is set to temporal. |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the guide is visible. |
guideType | enumeration ChartGuideType | The type of the guide. |
guideValueType | enumeration ChartValueType | The type of the coordinate value used in the guide. |
fillSymbolProperties | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties | The symbol properties for the guide. |
Property | Value | Description |
ChartGuideType_Line | 0 | Guide is a line |
ChartGuideType_Range | 1 | Guide is a range |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
binCount | long | The number of bins in classifying input values. |
showMean | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the mean line on the histogram. |
showMedian | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the median line on a histogram. |
showStandardDeviation | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the standard deviation band on the histogram. |
fillSymbolProperties | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties | The properties of the fill symbol border. |
meanLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The mean line symbol properties of the line series. |
medianLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The median line symbol properties of the line series. |
standardDeviationLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol for the standard deviation. |
showComparisonDistribution | boolean | A value indicating whether to show a comparison distribution line overlay for the histogram chart. |
dataTransformationType | enumeration ChartDataTransformationType | The type of a data transformation to apply before calculating histogram bins and counts. |
dataTransformationParameters | [double] | Parameters of a data transformation. |
distributionLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol for the comparison distribution. |
countField | string | A raster attribute table count field in order to calculate a histogram and statistics for fields that have to be adjusted for counts. |
Property | Type | Description |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the chart legend is visible. |
title | string | The title of the legend. |
showTitle | boolean | A value indicating whether the legend title is visible. |
alignment | enumeration ChartLegendAlignment | The options in arranging the chart legend. |
valueFormat | string | The format string for series value labels. |
legendText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text symbol properties. |
legendTitle | CIMChartTextProperties | The text symbol properties for legend title. |
Property | Value | Description |
Left | 0 | The legend is arranged along the left side of the chart. |
Right | 1 | The legend is arranged along the right side of the chart. |
Top | 2 | The legend is arranged along the top of the chart |
Bottom | 3 | The legend is arranged along the bottom of the chart. |
Property | Value | Description |
Solid | 0 | Uses solid line to draw the chart line. |
Dot | 1 | Uses dotted line to draw the chart line. |
Dash | 2 | Uses dashed line to draw the chart line. |
DashDot | 3 | Uses dash-dotted line to draw the chart line. |
LongDash | 4 | Uses long dashed line to draw the chart line. |
LongDashDot | 5 | Uses long dash-dotted line to draw the chart line. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
lineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties of the line series. |
markerSymbolProperties | CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties | The marker symbol properties of the line series. |
timeAggregationType | enumeration ChartTimeAggregationType | The time aggregation type. |
timeIntervalUnits | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The units used for the time interval size. |
timeIntervalSize | double | The time interval size. |
calculateAutomaticTimeInterval | boolean | A value indicating whether the time interval is automatically calculated. |
trimIncompleteTimeInterval | boolean | A value indicating whether incomplete time intervals at the ends of time interval ranges are trimmed in order to avoid bias. |
nullPolicy | enumeration ChartNullPolicy | The policy for handling missing data. |
verticalOrientation | boolean | A value indicating whether this is a vertical (true) or horizontal (false) orientation of a line series. |
sortedCategoryValues | [string] | The array of sorted category values for custom sort. |
Property | Type | Description |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the line is visible. |
width | double | The width of the line. |
style | enumeration ChartLineDashStyle | The style of the line. |
color | Color | The color of the line. |
Property | Type | Description |
geometry | Geometry | The geometry. |
symbol | CIMSymbolReference | The symbol. |
label | string | The label. |
enabled | boolean | A value indicating whether this location is enabled or not. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | Do not handle map selection. |
Highlight | 1 | Highlight selection set on a chart. |
BuildFromSelectionSet | 2 | Build a chart exclusively from the selection set. |
Property | Type | Description |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the symbol is visible. |
width | double | The width of the symbol. |
height | double | The height of the symbol. |
style | enumeration ChartMarkerSymbolStyle | The style of the symbol. |
color | Color | The color of the symbol fill. |
lineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The properties of the symbol border. |
Property | Value | Description |
Circle | 0 | Uses circle to draw the marker symbol. |
Square | 1 | Uses square to draw the marker symbol. |
Diamond | 2 | Uses diamond to draw the marker symbol. |
Triangle | 3 | Uses triangle to draw the marker symbol. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
nullPolicy | enumeration ChartNullPolicy | The policy for handling missing data. |
noDataColor | Color | Color properties for empty cells. |
classificationMethod | enumeration ClassificationMethod | The classification method with which breaks are created. |
breaksCount | long | The number of breaks for automatic breaks creation. |
minimumBreak | double | The lower bound of the first range. |
breaks | [double] | The upper bound breaks. |
breakColors | [CIMColor] | The color for each break. |
colorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp from which break colors are created. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | Do no use multiple bar series placement options. |
SideBySide | 1 | Uses side by side multiple bar series placement option. |
Stacked | 2 | Uses stacked bar series placement options. |
Stacked100 | 3 | Uses stacked 100% multiple bar series placement options. |
Property | Value | Description |
Null | 0 | Leave the break in the line. |
Zero | 1 | Substitute nulls with zeros. |
Interpolate | 2 | Substitute nulls with interpolated values |
Property | Value | Description |
ChartPosition_Center | 0 | Content is placed at the center of the target |
ChartPosition_Top | 1 | Content is placed at the top of the target |
ChartPosition_Bottom | 2 | Content is placed at the bottom of the target |
ChartPosition_Left | 3 | Content is placed at the left of the target |
ChartPosition_Right | 4 | Content is placed at the right of the target |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
probabilityPlotType | enumeration ChartProbabilityPlotType | The type of a probability plot. |
dataTransformationType | enumeration ChartDataTransformationType | The type of data transformation to apply before calculating Normal Q-Q Plot. |
dataTransformationParameters | [double] | Parameters of a data transformation. |
showReferenceLine | boolean | A value indicating whether to show a reference line overlay for the probability plot. |
markerSymbolProperties | CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties | The marker symbol properties of the probability plot series. |
referenceLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties of the probability plot series' reference line. |
Property | Value | Description |
NormalQQPlot | 0 | Normal Q-Q plot. |
QQPlot | 1 | General Q-Q plot. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
lineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties of the profile graph series. |
markerSymbolProperties | CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties | The marker symbol properties of the profile graph series. |
horizontalUnit | Unit | The unit of measure to be used for horizontal distance. The default value is layer's spatial reference XY unit. |
verticalUnit | Unit | The the unit of measure to be used for elevation. The default value is the layer's vertical coordinate system's Z unit, if there is one. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | Display nothing in the diagonal. |
Histogram | 1 | Display the histogram in the diagonal. |
FieldName | 2 | Display the field names in the diagonal. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | Display nothing in the other half. |
PreviewPlot | 1 | Display the zoomed-in preview plot in the other half. |
ScatterPlots | 2 | Display the mirrored scatter plots in the other half. |
RSquared | 3 | Display the R squared values in the other half. |
PearsonsR | 4 | Display the Pearson's R values in the other half. |
Property | Value | Description |
RSquared | 0 | Sort by R Squared value. |
PearsonsR | 1 | Sort by Pearson's R value. |
Alphabetical | 2 | Sort by alphabetical value. |
Custom | 3 | Sort by custom order. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
showHistograms | boolean | A value indicating whether to show histograms for all fields. Deprecated at 2.8. Use DiagonalOption instead. |
showTrendLine | boolean | A value indicating whether to show a trend line overlay for all scatter plots. |
showAsRSquared | boolean | A value indicating whether show scatter plots as R squared values. Deprecated at 2.8. Use LowerLeftDisplayOption instead. |
fieldLabels | [string] | The labels for scatter plot and histogram series' axes. |
scatterMarkerSymbolProperties | CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties | The marker symbol properties of scatter plot series. |
trendLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties of the scatter plot series' trend line. |
histogramFillSymbolProperties | CIMChartFillSymbolProperties | The fill symbol properties of histograms. |
selectedMiniPlot | long | The index of the selected mini plot (-1 stands for non selected, -2 for uninitialized). |
RSquareText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text symbol properties for the RSquare. |
selectionLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The line symbol properties of the selection line for the mini plot. |
displayOption | enumeration ChartSPMDisplayOption | The display option for the upper right of the scatter plot matrix. |
lowerLeftDisplayOption | enumeration ChartSPMDisplayOption | The display option for the lower left of the scatter plot matrix. PreviewPlot currently is not supported in lower left. |
lowerLeftColorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp for the lower left when RSquared or Pearson's R is selected. |
lowerLeftBreakColors | [CIMColor] | The color for each break in the lower left. |
upperRightColorRamp | ColorRamp | The color ramp for the upper right when RSquared or Pearson's R is selected. |
upperRightBreakColors | [CIMColor] | The color for each break in the upper right. |
diagonalOption | enumeration ChartSPMDiagonalOption | The display option for the diagonal. |
sortByType | enumeration ChartSPMSortByType | The sort by type. |
sortDirection | enumeration ChartSortDirection | The direction type of sort order. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
markerSymbolProperties | CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties | The marker symbol properties of the point series. |
showTrendLine | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the trend line or not. |
trendLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The symbol properties for the trend line symbol. |
trendLineFitType | enumeration ChartTrendLineFitType | A trend line fit type. |
trendOrder | long | The number of terms in a polynomial or Fourier equation. |
showTrendEquation | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to have a trend equation overlay. |
bubbleMinimumSize | double | Minimum size of the bubbles. |
bubbleMaximumSize | double | Maximum size of the bubbles. |
Property | Value | Description |
Ascending | 0 | Ascending sort. |
Descending | 1 | Descending sort. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
displayMode | enumeration SpectralProfileDisplayMode | How this spectral profile is displayed. |
showOutliers | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the box plot outliers. |
standardizeValues | boolean | A value indicating whether to calculate standardized values for box plot. |
Property | Type | Description |
bandID | long | The band ID. |
symbol | CIMSymbolReference | The symbol. |
label | string | The label. |
locationID | long | The index of the location this definition corresponds to. |
dimension | string | The dimension to be plotted on the y axis. |
dimensionValues | [double] | The dimension values corresponding to the dimension to be plotted on the y axis. |
Property | Type | Description |
variable | string | The variable name for which the bands are to be plotted. |
bands | [CIMChartTemporalProfileBand] | The bands for a variable to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
bands | [CIMChartTemporalProfileBand] | The bands to be used for change detection. |
temporalMaskBandIDs | [long] | The bandIDs for temporal masking. |
updatingFrequency | double | The frequency in years at which to update the time series model with new observations. |
chiSquaredThreshold | double | The chi squared statictic change probablity threshold. |
minimumAnomaly | long | The minimum number of consecutive anomaly observations that must occur before an event is considered a change. |
Property | Type | Description |
value | double | The value. |
symbol | CIMSymbolReference | The symbol. |
label | string | The label. |
locationID | long | The index of the location this definition corresponds to. |
Property | Type | Description |
variable | string | The name of the variable for which the values are to be plotted. |
dimension | string | The name of the dimension for which the values are to be plotted. |
values | [CIMChartTemporalProfileDimensionValue] | Dimension values for a variable to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
band | CIMChartTemporalProfileBand | The the band to use for segmenting the pixel value trajectories over time. |
snappingDate | string | The date in the format MM-DD used to select a slice for each year. |
maximumSegments | long | The maximum number of segments to be fitted to the time series for each pixel. |
vertexCountOvershoot | long | The the number of additional vertices beyond MaximumSegments + 1 that can be used to fit the model during the initial stage of identifying vertices. |
spikeThreshold | double | The threshold to use for dampening spikes or anomalies in the pixel value trajectory. |
recoveryThreshold | double | The recovery threshold value in years. |
preventOneYearRecovery | boolean | A value indicating whether segments that exhibit a one year recovery will be excluded. |
recoveryIncreasingTrend | boolean | A value indicating whether the recovery has an increasing (positive) trend. |
outputOtherBands | boolean | A value indicating whether other bands will be included in the segmentation process. |
minimumObservations | long | The minimum number of valid observations required to perform fitting. |
bestModelProportion | double | The best model proportion value. |
PValueThreshold | double | The p-value threshold for a model to be selected. |
Property | Value | Description |
Variables | 0 | Plot of multiple variables over time at a location. |
Bands | 1 | Plot of multiple bands of a variable over time at a location. |
DimensionValues | 2 | Plot of a variable with specific dimension values over time at multiple locations. |
Variable | 3 | Plot of one variable over time at multiple locations. |
Band | 4 | Plot of one band of a variable over time at multiple locations. |
CCDC | 5 | Plot of the result of CCDC analysis over one or more bands. |
LandTrendR | 6 | Plot of the result of LandTrendR analysis over one band. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the series shown in the legend. |
uniqueName | string | The default and unique name of the series. |
fields | [string] | The data field names in the series. Optional depending on series type. |
orderFields | [string] | The sort field names in the series. |
groupFields | [string] | The group field names in the series. |
whereClause | string | The format string for series value labels. |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the series shows data labels. |
horizontalAxis | long | The index of horizontal axis. |
verticalAxis | long | The index of vertical axis. |
colorType | enumeration ChartColorType | The type of color for the series. |
fieldAggregation | [string] | The aggregate field values if series data has a group field. Allowed values are count, sum, median, mean, and empty string. |
orderFieldsSortTypes | [long] | The array of sort order types for fields in OrderFields property Allowed values 0(Ascending), 1(Descending). |
visible | boolean | A value indicating whether the series is visible or not. |
dataLabelText | CIMChartTextProperties | The text style for the data label. |
multiSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this series is a multi-series. |
locations | [CIMChartLocationDefinition] | The locations for which data is to be plotted. |
Property | Type | Description |
plotType | enumeration ChartTemporalProfilePlotType | The type of plot for this chart. |
variables | [CIMChartTemporalProfileVariable] | The variables to be plotted over time. |
bands | CIMChartTemporalProfileBands | The bands for a variable to be plotted over time. |
dimensionValues | CIMChartTemporalProfileDimensionValues | The dimension values for a variable to be plotted over time. |
standardizeValues | boolean | A value indicating whether to calculate standardized values. |
timeIntervalSize | double | The interval size for the time plotted on the x axis. |
timeIntervalUnits | enumeration esriTimeUnits | The unit of time for the interval size. |
timeAggregationType | enumeration ChartTimeAggregationType | The type of grouping to be applied on the time values plotted on the x axis. |
trimIncompleteTimeInterval | boolean | A value indicating whether incomplete time intervals at the ends of time interval ranges are trimmed in order to avoid bias. |
dateTimeFormat | string | The format of the date plotted on the x axis. |
trendLineSymbolProperties | CIMChartLineSymbolProperties | The symbol properties for the trend line. |
showTrendLine | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the trend line or not. |
trendLineFitType | enumeration ChartTrendLineFitType | A trend line fit type. |
trendOrder | long | The order of the equation when a polynomial or Fourier fit type is used. |
showTrendEquation | boolean | A value indicating whether or not to have a trend equation overlay. |
spatialAggregationType | enumeration ChartAggregationType | The spatial aggregation type to be used to calculate cell values. |
CCDCArguments | CIMChartTemporalProfileCCDCArguments | The CCDC options. |
landTrendRArguments | CIMChartTemporalProfileLandTrendRArguments | The LandTrendR options. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
symbol | CIMSymbolReference | The symbol. |
label | string | The label. |
dimension | string | The dimension to be plotted on the y axis. |
dimensionValues | [double] | The dimension values corresponding to the dimension to be plotted on the y axis. |
dimensionValuesSymbols | [CIMSymbolReference] | The symbols for dimension values. |
Property | Value | Description |
Normal | 0 | No capitalization. |
Uppercase | 1 | Transforms all characters to uppercase. |
Lowercase | 2 | Transforms all characters to lowercase. |
Capitalize | 3 | Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase. |
SmallCaps | 4 | All characters to uppercase but in small caps font. |
Property | Type | Description |
fontFillColor | Color | The fill color for the font. |
fontOutlineColor | Color | The outline color for the font. |
fontFamilyName | string | The font family name. |
fontItalic | boolean | A value indicating whether the font style if it is italic or not. |
fontSize | double | The font size in points. |
fontWeight | enumeration ChartFontWeight | The font weight. |
textCase | enumeration ChartTextCase | The text case. |
textUnderline | boolean | A value indicating whether the text is drawn with an underline. |
textStrikethrough | boolean | A value indicating whether the text is drawn with a strikethrough. |
textOverline | boolean | A value indicating whether the text is drawn with an overline. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | No time aggregation is performed. |
EqualIntervalsFromStartTime | 1 | Time intervals start with the first (earliest) data point. |
EqualIntervalsFromEndTime | 2 | Time intervals start with the last (latest) data point. |
CalendarIntervals | 3 | Time intervals follow calendar breaks. |
Property | Value | Description |
ChartTrendLineFitType_Linear | 0 | A straight line that most closely approximates the data. Y(x) = a * x + b |
ChartTrendLineFitType_Exponential | 1 | Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * exp(b*x) |
ChartTrendLineFitType_Logarithmic | 2 | Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * ln(x) + b |
ChartTrendLineFitType_Power | 3 | Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * pow(x, b) |
ChartTrendLineFitType_Fourier | 4 | Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a + b * cos(x) + c * sin(x) + d * cos(2x) + e * sin(2x) + ... |
ChartTrendLineFitType_Polynomial | 5 | Regression fit to the equation Y(x) = a * x^n + b * x^n-1 + c * x^n-2 + ... + z |
ChartTrendLineFitType_MinX | 6 | The minimum X-value |
ChartTrendLineFitType_MinY | 7 | The minimum Y-value |
ChartTrendLineFitType_MaxX | 8 | The maximum X-value |
ChartTrendLineFitType_MaxY | 9 | The maximum Y-value |
ChartTrendLineFitType_AverageX | 10 | The average X-value |
ChartTrendLineFitType_AverageY | 11 | The average Y-value |
Property | Value | Description |
ChartValueType_Numeric | 0 | Value is numeric |
ChartValueType_Temporal | 1 | Value is temporal |
Property | Value | Description |
MeanLine | 0 | Show spectral profile as line joining mean values of each raster band. |
Boxes | 1 | Show spectral profile as a series of boxes for each raster band. |
BoxesAndMeanLine | 2 | Show spectral profile as both a series of boxes for each raster band and lines joining mean values of each raster band. |
ConsolidatedBoxesAndMeanLine | 3 | Show spectral profile as both consolidated boxes for each raster band and lines joining mean values of each raster band. |