Property | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | Field name. |
treatFieldAs | enumeration DataEngineeringTreatFieldAsType | An option for treating a field as another statistic type. |
values | [CIMDataEngineeringStatisticValue] | Statistic values. |
previewChart | CIMDataEngineeringPreviewChart | The preview chart. |
Property | Type | Description |
minimum | any | Minimum/first in the X axis. |
maximum | any | Maximum/last in the X axis. |
values | [[any]] | Preiew chart values. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | None. |
Selection | 1 | Selection. |
Extent | 2 | Extent. |
SelectionAndExtent | 3 | Selection. |
Property | Value | Description |
Mean | 0 | Mean. |
StandardDeviation | 1 | Standard deviation. |
Maximum | 2 | Maximum. |
Minimum | 3 | Minimum. |
Median | 4 | Median. |
Mode | 5 | Mode. |
FirstQuartile | 6 | First Quartile. |
ThirdQuartile | 7 | Third Quartile. |
Sum | 8 | Sum. |
NumberOfNulls | 9 | Number of Nulls. |
Outliers | 10 | Number of Outliers |
NumberUniqueValues | 11 | Number of unique values. |
LeastCommon | 12 | Least Common. |
Kurtosis | 13 | Kurtosis. |
Skewness | 14 | Skewness. |
CoefficientOfVariation | 15 | Coefficient of Variation. |
Range | 16 | Range. |
IQR | 17 | Interquartile range. |
Count | 18 | Count. |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The column name. |
isFrozen | boolean | A value indicating whether the column is frozen. |
isSorted | boolean | A value indicating whether the column is sorted. |
isVisible | boolean | A value indicating whether the column is visible. |
Property | Type | Description |
statisticType | enumeration DataEngineeringStatType | The statistic type. |
value | any | Statistic Value. |
Property | Value | Description |
Numerical | 0 | Numerical. |
Categorical | 1 | Categorical. |
DateTime | 2 | Date time. |
Other | 3 | Other. |
Property | Type | Description |
viewXML | string | The view properties as XML. |
viewableObjectPath | string | The path of the item in the view. |
viewType | string | The view type as a string. |
instanceID | long | The instance identifier of this view. |
Property | Type | Description |
sourceFilter | enumeration DataEngineeringSourceFilterType | The source filter applied for calculating the statistics. |
useFieldAliases | boolean | A value indicating whether to show field aliases in the view. |
rowHeight | long | The row height in pixels. |
zoomPercent | long | The zoom level of the summary statistics table. |
layoutType | enumeration DataEngineeringViewLayoutType | The view layout style. |
columns | [CIMDataEngineeringStatisticColumn] | The properties of statistics to display in the summary statistic view. |
fieldTypeFilter | enumeration ArrayOfFieldType | The list of field type filters. |
fieldStatistics | [CIMDataEngineeringFieldStatistics] | A collection of field statistics. |
displayNumericStatistics | boolean | A value indicating whether to show numeric statistics in the table. |
displayDateTimeStatistics | boolean | A value indicating whether to show date statistics in the table. |
displayTextStatistics | boolean | A value indicating whether to show text statistics in the table. |
Property | Value | Description |
FieldsAndStatistics | 0 | View fields and statistics. |
OnlyStatistics | 1 | View only statistics. |