High-rank matrix completion for gene prioritisation
Matlab scripts to run the algorithm.
- HRMC.m contains the implementation of our algorithm.
- example_script.m contains an example script of how to run the complete model.
The following data in matlab file-format for using this code can be found at http://www.paccanarolab.org//hrmc-gene/
% DGAM2017: gene-disease association 2017.
% DSIM2017: Caniza et. al. semantic similarity 2017.
% PPI: HPRD protein interaction network.
% genes_names: entrez IDs.
% disease_MIM: IDs.
The usage of the HRMC model is very simple, explained step-by-step below:
gamma = 10^4;
variance = 0.01;
tolX = 1e-2;
maxiter = 100;
It uses the graph regularization on the semantic similarities between diseases.
C = HRMC( DGAM2017, DSIM2017,...
1, 0.5,...
gamma, variance,...
tolX, maxiter);
HRMCc = DGAM2017 * C;
It uses the graph regularization on the human PPI network.
R = HRMC(DGAM2017', PPI,...
0.5, 0.5,...
gamma, variance,...
tolX, maxiter);
HRMCr = (DGAM2017' * R)';
p = 0.7;
Xhat = p*HRMCc + (1-p)*HRMCr;