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Mateo Torres edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 7 revisions


This step-by-step guide is intended to get you started with S2F in a couple of minutes. We will go through installing S2F, and making your first prediction.

Install the requirements

S2F depends on some standard Python libraries, you can install all of them by running

pip install -r requirements.txt

Before proceeding, make sure thar you have all the external requirements installed in your computer.


S2F comes with an interactive command line installer, simply run

python install

and follow the installer instructions.

Running your first prediction

Required downloads

You will need to download the Gene Ontology go.obo file.

For this guide, let's assumed that you have downloaded a FASTA file (If you don't know where to get one, you can download the Suppplementary Data from our website). Let the name of the FASTA file be target.fasta

Making your first prediction

The simplest way to make a prediciton is to run the following command

python predict --alias myTarget --fasta target.fasta --obo go.obo

The process will then begin, and you will be able to find the results on S2F's installation directory.