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pak-laura committed Nov 16, 2017
0 parents commit e623232
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Showing 11 changed files with 319 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions DFF.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module DFF(clk, in, out);
parameter n=8; //bits held
input clk;
input [n-1:0] in;
output [n-1:0] out;
reg [n-1:0] out;

always@(posedge clk)
out = in;
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions FAdder.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
//multi-bit adder
module FAdder(first, second, carryIn, carryOut, sum);
parameter n=8;
input [n-1:0] first, second;
input carryIn;
output [n-1:0] sum;
output carryOut;

assign {carryOut, sum} = first + second + carryIn;
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions FSM.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// Finite State Machine Factorization
// Defining states for
`define SWIDTH 2
`define S_off 2'b00
`define S_ready 2'b01
`define S_run 2'b10
`define S_run_error 2'b11

// define time intervals
// load 4 for 5-cycle interval 4 to 0.
// load 3 for 4-cycle interval 3 to 0.
//`define T_WIDTH 3
//`define T_ON 3'd4
//`define T_OFF 3'd3

// defines for pulse counter
// load with 3 for four pulses
`define C_WIDTH 2
`define C_COUNT 3

// Flash module
module Flash(clk, rst, in, out) ;
input clk, rst, in ; // in triggers start of flash sequence
output [1:0] out ; // out drives LED
reg [1:0] out ; // output
wire [`SWIDTH-1:0] state, next ; // current state
reg [`SWIDTH-1:0] next1 ; // next state without reset
reg tload, tsel ; // timer inputs
wire done ; // timer output

// instantiate state register
DFF #(`SWIDTH) state_reg(clk, next, state) ;

// instantiate timer
// Timer1 timer(clk, rst, tload, tsel, done) ;

always @(*) begin
`S_off: {error, next1} =
{outOverflow, on ? `S_ready : `S_off } ;
`S_ready: {error, next1} =
{outOverflow, load ? `S_run : `S_ready } ;
`S_run: {error, next1} =
{outOverflow, outOverflow ? `S_run_error : `S_run } ;
`S_run_error: {error, next1} =
{outOverflow, `S_ready } ;
default: {error, next1} =
{outOverflow, on ? `S_ready : `S_off } ;

assign next = rst ? `S_ready : next1 ;

module DFF(clk,in,out);
// DFF module
parameter n=1;//width
input clk;
input [n-1:0] in;
output [n-1:0] out;
reg [n-1:0] out;

always @(posedge clk)
out = in;

// Timer1 - count down timer
// tload - loads timer
// tsel - selects between `T_ON and `T_OFF for time interval in cycle
// when tload is asserted
// done - signals when selected time interval has completed.
module Timer1(clk, rst, tload, tsel, done) ;
parameter n=`T_WIDTH ;
input clk, rst, tload, tsel ;
output done ;
wire [n-1:0] count ;
reg [n-1:0] next_count ;

// state register
DFF #(n) state(clk, next_count, count) ;

// signal done
assign done = ~(|count) ;

// next count logic
always@(*) begin
casex({rst, tload, tsel, done})
4'b1xxx: next_count = `T_WIDTH'b0 ;
4'b011x: next_count = `T_ON ;
4'b010x: next_count = `T_OFF ;
4'b00x0: next_count = count - 1'b1 ;
4'b00x1: next_count = count ;
default: next_count = count ;
module TestFlash ;
reg clk, rst, in ;
wire out ;

Flash f(clk, rst, in, out) ;

// clock and display
#5 clk = 0 ;
$display("%b %b", in, out) ;
#5 clk = 1 ;

// inputs
initial begin
#5 rst = 1 ; in = 0 ;
#10 rst = 0 ;
#10 in = 1 ;
#10 in = 0 ;
#320 in = 1 ;
#10 in = 0 ;
#320 $stop ;
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions add.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module add(first, second, carryOut, sum);
input[7:0] first, second;
output [7:0] sum;
output carryOut;

assign{carryOut, sum} = first+second;
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions logicGate.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
//write a testbench to test each

module ANDgate (a, b, y);
input [7:0] a, b;
output [7:0] y;

assign y = a & b;


module ORgate (a, b, y);
input [7:0] a, b;
output [7:0] y;

assign y = a | b;


module NOTgate (a, y);
input[7:0] a;
output [7:0] y;

assign y = ~a;


module XORgate (a, b, y);
input [7:0] a, b;
output [7:0] y;

assign y = a ^ b;
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions main.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module main(clk, in_selector, num1, num2, out_selector) //4 different inputs: 2 different numbers,
//and 1 input selecter bit for the input mux, 1 output selecter bit for the output mux

input [2:0] in_selector; //persist, load, reset
input reg[7:0] num1;
input reg[7:0] num2;
input [6:0] out_selector; //and, or, not, xor, add, sub, mult
input clk;
wire [7:0] outputVal;
wire [7:0] outM1;
wire [7:0] outM2;
wire [7:0] outDFF1;
wire [7:0] outDFF2;
wire [7:0] outAnd;
wire [7:0] outOr;
wire [7:0] outNot;
wire [7:0] outXor;
wire [7:0] outMult;
wire outOverflow;
wire carryOutToNowhere;
wire [7:0] sum;
wire [7:0] diff;

output outputVal;

MuxFF #(8) ff_1(outputVal, num1, 8'b00000000, in_selector, outM1);
MuxFF #(8) ff_2(num2, num2, 8'b00000000, in_selector, outM2);

DFF #(8) dff_1(clk, outM1, outDFF1);
DFF #(8) dff_2(clk, outM2, outDFF2);

ANDgate andGate(outDFF1, outDFF2, outAnd);
ORgate andGate(outDFF1, outDFF2, outOr);
NOTgate andGate(outDFF1, outNot);
XORgate andGate(outDFF1, outDFF2, outXor);

Mult multed(outDFF1, outDFF2, outOverflow, outMult);
add myAdd(outDFF1, outDFF2, carryOutToNowhere, sum);
sub mySub(outDFF1, outDFF2, diff);

MuxOut(outAnd, outOr, outXor, outNot, add, sub, outMult, out_selector, outputVal);


13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions main_tb.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module TestBench;

reg [2:0]in_sel;
reg [5:0] out_sel;
reg [7:0] num1, num2;
wire [7:0] out;

main myMain(in_sel, num1, num2, out_sel);

initial begin
in_sel = 3'b010; num1 = 8'b01010111; num2 = 8'b00011010;
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions mult.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Mult(first, second, errorWire, outWire);
input [7:0] first, second;
output [7:0] outWire;
output errorWire;

//partial products
wire [7:0] pp0 = first & {8{second[0]}}; //x1
wire [7:0] pp1 = first & {8{second[1]}}; //x2
wire [7:0] pp2 = first & {8{second[2]}}; //x4
wire [7:0] pp3 = first & {8{second[3]}}; //x8
wire [7:0] pp4 = first & {8{second[4]}}; //x16
wire [7:0] pp5 = first & {8{second[5]}}; //x32
wire [7:0] pp6 = first & {8{second[6]}}; //x64
wire [7:0] pp7 = first & {8{second[7]}}; //x128

//sum up partial products
wire addOut1, addOut2, addOut3, addOut4, addOut5, addOut6, addOut7;
wire [7:0] sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6, sum7;
FAdder #(8) fa1(pp1, {1'b0,pp0[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut1, sum1);
FAdder #(8) fa2(pp2, {addOut1,sum1[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut2, sum2);
FAdder #(8) fa3(pp3, {addOut2,sum2[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut3, sum3);
FAdder #(8) fa2(pp4, {addOut3,sum3[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut4, sum4);
FAdder #(8) fa2(pp5, {addOut4,sum4[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut5, sum5);
FAdder #(8) fa2(pp6, {addOut5,sum5[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut6, sum6);
FAdder #(8) fa2(pp7, {addOut6,sum6[7:1]}, 1'b0, addOut7, sum7);

wire[7:0] outWire = {sum7[0], sum6[0], sum5[0], sum4[0], sum3[0], sum2[0],sum1[0], pp0[0]};
wire errorWire = {addOut7, sum7[7:1]} ? 1:0;
//wire [15:0] outWire = {addOut7, sum7, sum6[0], sum5[0], sum4[0], sum3[0], sum2[0],sum1[0],pp0[0]};
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions muxFF.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module MuxFF(keep_val, load, clear, sel, outWire);
parameter k= 3; //# of inputs, can override in instantiation
input [k-1:0] keep_val, load, clear; //inputs
input [2:0] sel; //1-hot select
output [k-1:0] outWire;
wire [k-1:0] outWire = ({k{s[0]}} & keep_val) |
({k{s[1]}} & load) |
({k{s[2]}} & clear);
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions muxOut.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module MuxOut(logAnd, logOr, logXor, logNot, addSub, mult, sel, outWire);
parameter k =7; //k = # inputs. can override in instantiation
//override when called like MuxOut #(k_override_num) Instance_of_MuxOut(logAdd_thing, logOr_thing,...);
input [k-1:0] logAnd, logOr, logXor, logNot, addSub, mult; //inputs
input [5:0] sel; //1-hot select
output[k-1:0] b;
wire [k-1:0] b = ({k{s[0]}} & logAnd) |
({k{s[1]}} & logOr) |
({k{s[2]}} & logXor) |
({k{s[3]}} & logNot) |
({k{s[4]}} & addSub) |
({k{s[5]}} & mult);

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions sub.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module sub(first, second, diff);
input[7:0] first, second;
output [7:0] diff;

assign{diff} = first-second;

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