It is same as Google Assistant which we use in our phones. It works over user's voice commands. You can control your system with your voice command. It can Open and close application of system, perform tasks or. services for an individual based on commands or questions. Desktop voice assistants are able to interpret human. speech and respond via synthesized voices.
- Voice recognition: The assistant listens to your voice commands and converts them into text for processing.
- Natural language understanding: It interprets human speech and understands user intent.
- Command execution: Executes a variety of system commands and tasks based on user input.
- Voice responses: Provides synthesized voice responses to user queries and commands.
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
Install the required Python libraries:
- Set up any additional dependencies or APIs for specific features, such as speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis.
Run the voice assistant script:
- Once the assistant is active, wait for the "Listening..." prompt.
- Speak your voice command clearly and wait for a response.
You can customize and extend the functionality of the voice assistant by modifying the script. Here are some ways to customize it:
Add new commands and actions. Provide additional information or perform tasks. Customize the synthesized voice response.
- SpeechRecognition: Used for voice input recognition.
- gTTS: Used for text-to-speech synthesis.
- pyttsx3: Alternative text-to-speech synthesis library.