Spark 2.4.x
Hadoop 3.x.x
Java 8
Scala 2.1x.x
Sbt version 2.1x.x
I installed hadoop and spark on windows and thus, did not need cloudera or hortonworks for executing my jars.
The algorithm is modified from the implementation at
1)Get the dblp.xml and dblp.dtd file from https://dblp.uni-trier.de/. Place both in same folder.
2)Go to the project folder and run the following:
sbt clean compile
3)Method 1: Without jar
1) `sbt run <input-file-location> <output-file-location>` in terminal(cmd or in Intellij).
Use absolute paths and '\\' instead of '\'(Windows).
If running using Intellij, add the argument -Xmx6000m in Run-> Edit Configuration-> VM Options
This increases memory allocation to the VM.
Method 2: Using jar
1) Create the fat jar using
~sbt assembly
2) use
`spark-submit --class prtest pagerank.jar <input-file-location> <output-file-location>`
- The output folder will have files called part-xxxxx. Open as a text file. This is the required result.
Tests can be run using sbt clean compile test
The output generated will be of the form
(University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France,0.8154981739701659)
(John Bell,1.4621033282930214)
(University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France,0.5678480111313514)
(Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France,0.8154981739701659)
(Elena Zheleva,1.3690036520596678)
(Acta Inf.,0.9850243302878131)