RoR: Rules of the Road: Predicting Driving Behavior with a Convolutional Model of Semantic Interactions
April 2020
tl;dr: Multi-modal behavior prediction with perception output.
ChauffeurNet, IntentNet and Rules of the Road all uses semantic map that includes static and dynamic information.
For behavior prediction, we need past history of the agent, dynamics of other entities and semantic scene info. The paper does not specifically tackle the problem of motion planning. Rather it still focuses on the prediction of a target entity. This target entity could be ego car or other cars. does not explicitly perform prediction of other agents.
This is to be differed from the planning-centric ChauffeurNet. For motion planning, collision should be explicitly modeled.
The main novelty of this paper seems to be in the semantic map encoding into a 20-channel pseudo-map.
The rest of the paper is not well written. Lots of details are left out and the main body of the paper only have 8 pages for CVPR.
- Input representation:
- Semantic map in RGB image with 3 channels - Entity representation: ego entity has 7 channels CenterNet-like, one heatmap for (x, y), and v, a and covariance matrix norms. Other entities are also encoded in another 7 channels. Only the center of the bboxes have values.
- Dynamic contexts: 3-ch RGB image with all oriented bboxes colored by the class. Also contains traffic light by masking out road connections.
- This representation can be easily augmented with additional information, such as TSR or pedestrian guestures.
- Multi-model output. To address exchangeability and collapse of modes, a latent variable z is introduced. --> Why can latent variable help? This exchaneability issue can be solved by using a fixed set of anchors, as in MultiPath.
- Normalize by 99th percentile to avoid outliers.
- Industry favors decoupled pipelines. This gives better modularity and leads to better engineering management. Academia seems to like end-to-end system. This seems to decouple the publications from Waymo, Zoox or especially from Uber ATG.