This repository is a python framework for making camera data available via TCP. Currently it only runs on Python 2.7, due to some old print statements.
Either opencv (python)
pykinect2 and so the Windows SDK for Kinect
Server was only tested on Windows.
Clients run on Windows and Linux.
Do not call the ThreadedServer script in Spyder. Use python shell.
Do not call any Client script in Spyder. Use python shell
The ThreadedServer does not stop properly. To stop it close the popped up window (yes it will crash...)
Close clients with str+c in the command line
AssertionError -80: This is a bug coming from the pykinect framework. To resolve this simply replace the files installed from pip by the ones from the offical repository, which can be found here:
- Bug fixes
- Sending multiple images from directory
- Sending video
The first connections are done. Several bugs fixed Single image can be send Arguments can now be parsed
All clients ending with a letter like A,B,C... are depricated. Use the instead.
Determines the Service one whiches to connect to. Currently there are the following options available:
- SimpleImage (Just one image that gets alternated)
- RGBWebcam (Conneting to a simple WebCam)
- KinectWebcam (Connecting to Kinect RGB)
- KinectSkeleton (Not working)
- KinectDepth (Connecting to Kinect Depth Sensors)
Sets the IP-Adress, default will be the local machine IP-Adress.
Sets the PORT to connect to, default is 8080.
Enables or disables showing the image after recieving it. Default is enabled.
Enables or disables writing the recieved image to file. Note: The file will be overwritten at any frame. Default is disabled.
The ThreadedServer is a threaded TCP Server, which is capable of distributing the data to several clients.
Disables / Enables the Kinect. Default = Enabled If the Kinect Framework fails to load, the Kinect services are disabled.
Disables / Enables the Webcam. Default = Enabled
Gives the path to the image which will be send
Sets the port the Server runs on.
Allows to alter the image loaded from the Image parameter. It will make additions to the pixel so one is able to see wether several frames or just one frame is recieved by the client.
Allow Debuging, which is mainly the sending of the one image loaded by the Image paramter and alternated from the change parameter.