mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.5 pauliceia_database
workon pauliceia_database
pip install -r requirements.txt
workon pauliceia_database
If it is correct, then rename the folder 'streets_pilot_area_new' to 'streets_pilot_area'
Open QGIS and export 'tb_places' table from 'pauliceia_edit' database as a Shapefile called 'places_pilot_area.shp'.
Execute the following SQL command to remove the old 'places_pilot_area' table, if it exists
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS places_pilot_area;
- Import the generated Shapefile above in the database using ogr2ogr using the following instructions.
The following command imports the 'places_pilot_area.shp' file in the 'pauliceia' database, using 'id' as the primary key (i.e. FID). The generated table is called 'places_pilot_area_new_version'.
ogr2ogr -append -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname='pauliceia' host='localhost' port='5432' user='postgres' password='postgres'" places_pilot_area/places_pilot_area.shp -nln places_pilot_area_new_version -a_srs EPSG:4326 -skipfailures -lco FID=id -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geom -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI
- Inside 'pauliceia' database, run the following script to fix the table requirements:
- Remove and create the layer again on Geoserver, if it exists.
Just do these steps if 'streets_pilot_area' Shapefile was updated and it is necessary to import it again into the 'pauliceia_edit' database, in order to replace the old 'tb_street' table.
If you did not fix the Shapefile, then follow the instructions listed in the first section above in order to fix the 'streets_pilot_area' Shapefile.
Import the 'streets_pilot_area' (Shapefile) in the database using ogr2ogr through the following instructions.
The following command imports the 'streets_pilot_area.shp' file in the 'pauliceia_edit' database, using 'id' as the primary key (i.e. FID). The generated table is called 'streets_pilot_area_new_version'.
ogr2ogr -append -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost dbname=pauliceia_edit user=postgres password=postgres" /home/inpe/Documents/dockers/pauliceia-local/applications/database/streets_pilot_area/streets_pilot_area.shp -nln streets_pilot_area_new_version -a_srs EPSG:4326 -skipfailures -lco FID=id -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geom -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI
- Inside 'pauliceia_edit' database, run 'manually' the following script to fix the table requirements. This script renames 'streets_pilot_area_new_version' table to 'tb_street' and fix some problems:
First of all, update the 'places_pilot_area' from 'pauliceia_edit' database into 'pauliceia' database, as described in section 4.1.
If the 'streets_pilot_area' Shapefile was updated, then follow the instructions described in section 4.2.
Backup the 'tb_street' table from 'pauliceia_edit' database and restore it into 'pauliceia' database.
Inside 'pauliceia' database, run 'manually' the following script to fix the table requirements:
- Remove and create the layer again on Geoserver.